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31 Cards in this Set

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What is anxiety?
normal experience in response to percieved threat or danger
When is anxiety pathological?
when it is too intense, frequent and persistent and interferes with ability to function
What is dental anxiety?
An apprehension to visit the dentist due to percieved danger of activity and may prevent attendance of visit
What is dental phobia?
When fear or anxiety of the dentist is out of proportion to the stimulus and avoidance of situation is common
What is the management of Anxiety ?
prevent the condition developing
good patient management
good behavioural management
calm sympathetic approach
clear explanations
Is there any treatment for anxiety?
yes, education, relaxation techniques, desensitisation and anxiolysis
What are obsessions?
Recurrent intrusive distressing thoughts
What are compulsions?
motor response to obsessions
What is OCD?
When the patient resists compulsions but completion results in reduction of anxiety associated with the thought
What is hypochondriasis?
an abnormal preoccupation with ones state of health or bodily function
hypersensitivity to normal bodily function
What is the management of hypochondriasis?
Often difficult to persuade a patient that their symptoms have a pyschological component
Establish a reliable diagnosis, treat each complaint seriously and maybe refer to psych services
What is psychogenic pain?
a physical manifestation of unarticulated psychological distress
How do you suspect psychogenic pain?
inconsistency with anatomical landmarks, does not wake patient but prevents falling asleep, history of repeated negative investigations
What are 4 conditions in which pyschogenic pain exists?
atypical facial pain
TMJ dysfunction
atypical odontalgia
oral dysaethsia
What is anorexia?
refusal to maintain body weight at/above normal min weight to age/heigh
What are some symptoms of anorexia?
lanugo hair
what is the management of anorexia?
restoration of adequate nutriition
treatment of complication
resolution of underlying psychological issues
what is bulimia?
recurrent binge eating and may take compensatory measures to avoid weight gain
what is the management of bulimia?
food behavioural diaries, cbt

ohi needs thorough exam and regular reviews
What is CAGE screening for alcoholism?
c - have you ever felt liek you shoudl CUT down your alcohol?
a - are you annoyed if people comment on your drinking?
g - do you ever feel guilty about your drinking?
e - have you ever had a drink early as an eye opener?
What is schizophrenia?
presentation is variable
abnormal or bizarre thoughts and experiences assoc with a reduction in drive social function and alteration in emotion
What are the positive symptoms of schizophrenia?
delusions hallucinations and passivity phenomenon
What are the negative symptoms of schizophrenia?
social withdrawal emotional blunting apathy and impaired social function
what is the management of schizophrenia?
antipsychotics which block dopamine

typical - antagonise dopamine receptors (effective for positive symptoms)

atypical - action on dopaminergic/sertonergic receptors and effective for both positive and negative symptoms
what is depression?
when a mood is depressed as a normal experinece on in response to a normal difficult situation in life
When does depression become an illness?
when it has abnormal severity, duration and significant impairment of function
management of depression?
adress the psychological biological and social difficulties
antidepressants (ssris, tca, maois)
what do MAOI's interact with?
amino acid tyramine found in food
what is bipolar disorder?
elevated mood sustained with periods of depression
what is mania?
elevated mood lasting a long time, distractable, decreased need for sleep, inflated self esteem etc
what is the management of bipolar disorder?
treatment to decrease the impact or severity of current episode and reduce the likelihood of a further one