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3 Cards in this Set

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How are sprinters to be set up when a sprinter is to be hauled dead?

On the lead sprinter:

The brake selection switch must be placed to the AIR BRAKE position

On the dead sprinter:

Isolate the VC pneumatically.

Isolate both engines at the engine Control Panel.

Ensure all doors are closed and locked.

Check both reversers are in NEUTRAL.

Check both brake controllers are in RELEASE.

Both sprinters:

Isolate the coupling heads electrically before coupling.

Ensure corresponding brake pipe and Main res cocks are open.

Couple the sprinters.

Ensure 500 KPA in brake pipes of both sprinters.

Place an end of train marker on the rear consist.

What are the operating considerations when hauling a dead sprinter?

Whenever possible, keep the brake cylinder pressure below 140 KPA

What is the procedure when uncoupling a dead sprinter?

- brake in EMERGENCY position in leading cab, isolate brake valve and remove key

- apply the spring park brake

- operate the uncouple solenoid button

- ensure both coupling indicators turn to the uncoupled position

- proceed to the leading cab and divide the set

- return the coupling heads electrical isolate levers to their normal position