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20 Cards in this Set

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What is Philocybin?
- the active chemical in Psilocybe mexicana mushrooms.
- which is the most well known physcoactive mushroom.
- it was the first indole to be synthesized by Albert Hoffman.
- also present in psilosybe cubensis which crows on cow dung.
What is DMT?
- dimethyltyptamine
- active ingredient in Cohoba snuff which is used in SA and the Carbbean.
- not widely used in the US
- ineffective when taken orally, has to be snuffed or smoked.
- unique because tolerance does not develop to its psychological effects.
What is Ayahuasca?
- combination of DMT and the Banisteriopsis vine
- the vine breaks down MAO inhibitors which allowed the DMT to be absorbed by the body.
- an indole hallucinogen
What is Ergotism?
- an illness caused by eating an infected grain called Claviceps purpurea which is where LCD was first synthesized from
What are morning glories?-
- a plant with the scientific name rivea corymbosa which contains the seed ololiuqui which contain an active chemical similar to LSD called d-lysergic acid amide.
What is mescaline?
- a chemical active agent derived from the peyote cactus.
- mescal buttons are slices of the cactus and contain mescaline. not the same as mescal beans or mescal liqour.
What is DOM?
- also called STP, is an aphetamine derivative that is more potent then mescaline but less potent than LSD.
What are Phantastica hallucinogens?
- indole and catechol hallucinogens which all have similar effects act act primarily on serotonin 2A receptor.
What are Deliriants?
- the remaining hallucinogens that are no considered indole or catechol hallucinogens.
- tendency to produce mental conustion and a loss of touch with reality.
What are the effects of Phantastic hallucinogens?
- pupil dilation, pulse rate and blood pressure increase and an elevation in body temperatre.
What is PCP?
- a substance developed as an anesthetic.
- alters many neurotransmitter systems
- effects are unpredictable.
- Sernyl is an example, serves as an excellent analgesia but produced unpredictably bad psychological reactions.
- mainly used as a anesthtetic for monkeys.
What is Ketamine?
- considered a deliriant.
- produces more depressant effects than PCP and fewer prolonged effects.
- "Special K"
What are 2 other types of deliriants that are similiar to PCP?
- Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)
- dextromethorphan (OTC cough supressant)
Does PCP have dependance potential?
- some users develop psychological dependance and animal studies have indicated a dependance potential.
- some PCP users have reported being violent.
What are Anticholinergic hallucinogens?
- naturally occuring agents in this group come from the potato family Solanaceae.
What are the two characteristics of Anticholinergic hallucinogens that distinguish them from indole and catechol halls.?
- clouding of consciousness and no memory of the intoxication
- effects similar to the other halls. are present.
What is Belladonna?
- a plant aka deadly nightshade is a poisonous plant which contains the active agent atropine.
- cause dilated pupils which make woman prettier, which is where Belladonna comes from.
- the sensation of flying has also been reported.
What is Mandrake?
- a poisonous plant
- contains all 3 alkaloids.
- most associated with the bible because its close association with love making
- the root resembles a human body.
What is Henbane?
- contains all the active agents except for atropine.
What is amanita muscaria?
- a poisonous mushroom aka "fly agaric"
- effects similar to intoxication