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17 Cards in this Set

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What are the common symptoms of menopause?
Hot flashes, mood changes, irregular menstruation, vaginal dryness.
What is the differentiation of dizziness, tinnitus, malar flush, night-sweating, hot flushes, 5 center heat, sore back, dry mouth, dry hair and skin, itching, constipation?
Kidney yin deficiency
What is the tongue and pulse for kidney yin deficiency menopause symptoms?
floating-empty or fine and rapid or very deep and weak. Tongue is red without coating.
What formulas treat severe hot flashes with sweating, irritability, insomnia, dry mouth, constipation and dark urine, red tongue with no coating, floating and rapid pulse?
In order of severity,
Zhi bai di huang,
Da bu yin wan,
Dang gui liu huang tang,
What herbs can be added for insomnia and restlessness with hot flashes?
Mu li and Suan zao ren
If there is night sweats with fatigue and lethargy with hot flashes add what formulas?
Sheng mai san
What is the differentiation of hot flashes with sweating int he evening, hot sensation in the chest, restlessness at night, insomnia, bad temper, deep red tongue with purple spots on border or surface, dark-purple lips, or dark eyes, hesitant pulse or taut tense pulse?
Yin and blood def with blood stasis. Menopause with heart problems.
What formulas treat hot flashes from yin and blood deficiency causing blood stasis?
Zhi bai di huang wan + Xue fu zhu yu tang
What formula treats Hot flashes, red face, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, tension of eyes, stiffness of limbs, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry slippery and forceful pulse?
Zhen gan zi feng tang,
What herbs can be added for liver yang head ache with hot flashes?
Gou teng, and shi jue ming
What is the differentiation for hot flashes but cold in extremities, sweating, dizziness, tinnitus, frequent urination, soreness and weakness in the low back, pale tongue with thin white coating and floating weak or thin rapid pulse?
kidney yin and yang deficiency with upward floating yang from deficiency
What formula treats hot flashes with kid yin and yang def?
Wang's Jiao tai er xian tang
What formula treats infertility, prolonged cycle, backache, dizziness, feeling cold, depression, frequent urination, tongue pale, swollen and wet, pulse is deep and weak?
This is infertility due to kidney yang deficiency. Yu lin zhu variation.
If the is more cold with infertility what herbs would you add to Yu lin zhu?
yin yang huo, and ba ji tian and bu gu zhi and tao ren, and hang hua
What formula treats long term infertility, period is early and scanty, 5 center heat, night sweats, dizziness, and tinnitus, red tongue little coating, pulse is thready and rapid?
In fertility due to yin deficiency. Yang jing zhong yu tang variation.
What formula treats infertility with irregular periods, pms, painful period, breast distention, irritability, tongue may have red sides or be pale pulse is wiry?
Xiao yao wan
What formula treats infertility with irregular periods, delayed cycle, mid cycle pain, vaginal discharge, long term infertility, adhesions, obesity, feeling of heaviness, sticky tongue coating, and a slippery pulse?
Qi gong wan this is a yue ju wan and er chen tang combination. could also add Tao hong si wu tang.