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13 Cards in this Set

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The self is multi-layered

Sigmuned freudthe

The self is an immortal soul that exists over time


Identity is made possible by self consciousness

John Locke

The self is the way people behave

Gilbert Ryle

The self is embodied in subjectivity

Maurice perleau ponty

The self is a unifying subject, an organizing consciousness that makes intelligible experience possible

Emmanuel kant

The self is the brain

Patricia churchland

The self is the thinking thing, distinct from the body

Rene descartes

There is no self

David hume

Heart is restless until it finds heart in thee

St. Agustine

This is the very perfection of man, to find out his own imperfections

St. Agustine

You are what you do

Gilbert ryle

I think therefore I am

Rene descartes