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18 Cards in this Set

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Powers are defined and limited by law

Constitutional Government

Author of a pamphlet encouraging Americans to declare independence from Britain

Thomas Paine`

Whig party leader often called Britain's first prime minister

Robert Walpole

A government in which the ruling power belongs to a few people


"It is against all reason to supposed that this continent can long remain subject to any external power."

Thomas Paine said that.

Why did Britain become a global power in the 1700's?

1. strong navy

2. favorable business climate

3. union with Scotland

4. island location

Who controlled trade within the colonies of the British empire?

Great Britain (rather obvious, isn't it?)

Who had the right to vote in Britain in the 1700's?

Male property owners

The statement, "No taxation without representation" was partly influenced by who?

John Locke

Which group made up the bulk of the membership in the Tory party?

Landowning artistocrats

Name three new features of British government that emerged in the 1700's.

1. Political parties

2. The Cabinet

3. The Prime Minister

Why did American resentment of British rule increase after 1763?

Britain increased taxes on the colonies without giving them representation in Parliament.

The Declaration of Independence clearly reflects the ideas of what writer?

John Locke

Identify three causes of the American Revolution

1. British taxes on the colonies without representation in Parliament

2. tightening control of colonial trade

3. growing sense of a distinct American identity

4. increased punishments against the colonies for rebellious acts

How did King George III and his advisors help bring about the American Revolution?

The country was in debt due to the Seven Years War, so they decided that English colonists in North America must pay the cost of their own defense and the cost of keeping troops stationed on the frontier in order to help pay down some of that debt. Britain also began to enforce centuries old trade laws that had largely been ignored until after 1763 which increased taxes on traded goods. Additional taxes were also levied against the colonists, on goods like papers, sugars, and tea.

List three Enlightenment ideas that are now identified as American ideals. (in parenthesis is the writer responsible for that idea)

1. freedom of speech (Voltaire)

2. freedom of religion (Voltaire)

3. all people are created equal (all of them)

4. liberty and justice for all (all of them)

5. a government is limited in what it can do by the people (Locke)

6. the people are the sole source of governmental power (Locke)

7. a government is supposed to protect it's citizen's natural rights, if it doesn't, the people can get rid of it and create a new government (Locke)

8. Separation of powers & checks and balances (Montesquieu)

9. The will of the majority in government (Rousseau)

10. Free market economy (Smith)

Explain how John Locke's political ideas could be used to justify the American Revolution.

According to Locke, everyone has natural rights - life, liberty, property. A government is instituted by the people to protect these rights and are it's sole source of power. If it fails to do that, the people can overthrow that government and create a new one. This is the basis for our revolution against Britain and is explained in the Declaration of Independence.

What impact did Enlightenment ideas have on the United States?

You are on your own for this one......