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32 Cards in this Set

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Genus: Bacillus (aerobic) and Clostridium (anaerobic)

~ to differentiate, use 18% Catalase

~ (+) result = bubbling

- BSL III, most notorious bioterrorism agent

- the only encapsulated Bacillus spp

Bacillus anthracis

Non motile forms, the so called:


-Most common Bacilli sp. Isolated in immunocompromised; motile beta-hemolytic on BAP

-Resistant to penicillin

Bacillus cereus/ Fried rice Bacillus

B. cereus produces 2 types of toxin:

1. Diarrheal type - causes abdominal pain

2. Emetic type - person is more prone to nausea/ vomit

BSL I category, common lab contaminant (BSC 1 can be used)

Bacillus subtilis/ Hay Bacillus

• Opportunistic pathogen; motile

• Source of bacitracin

• Beta-hemolytic on BAP

• Cause eye infection in heroin addicts (conjunctivitis)

• Ascoli (-)

Bacillus subtilis/ Hay Bacillus

Biological indicator for sterility of oven

B. subtilis var. Niger

Biological indicator for sterility of Autoclave

Bacillus stearothermophilus, new term/name is Geobacillus stearothermophilus

Insect pathogen; can cause infection to housefly and to a man

Bacillus thurigiensis

3 Types of Clostridium

• Neurotoxic

• Histotoxic

• Enteric

Targets the brain tissue, it can produce toxin that can cause paralysis

Species: C. botulinum and C. tetani


Targets the muscle tissue.

Species: C. perfringens


Targets gastrointestinal tract

Species: C. difficile


Clostridium perfringens' other names are:

Clostridium welchii

Frankel's Bacillus

Gas gangrene bacillus

-Encapsulated; non-motile

-Aerogenic able to produce gas on CHOPPED MEAT MEDIA; broth media= growth+ gas

-Produces double hemolysis/ target hemolysis on BAP

Clostridium perfringens

Other names of Clostridium tetani:

Tack head Bacillus

Tetanus Bacillus

Drumstick/lollipop/Tenni racket Bacillus

2 types of paralysis:

1. Flaccid paralysis - caused by C. botulinum; its toxin blocks the release of acetylcholine; muscle is no longer responsive.

2. Spastic paralysis - caused by C. tetani; little muscle movement may induced/caused "Locked jaw" that can cause Risus sardonicus/ Sardonic smile

Clostridium botulinun may also known as:

Canned good bacillus

Von Ermengen's bacillus

• Not cultured (usually due to its neurotoxins)

• On BAP - alpha hemolytic

• (+) lipase reaction: Egg yolk agar- colonies with mother of pearl or gas on water appearance

Clostridium botulinum

Causes botulinum:

1. Food botulism

2. Wound botulism

3. Infant botulism/ Floppy baby syndrome

Fatal type of food poisoning by just ingesting uncooked (contaminated) canned good

Food botulism

Organisms contaminates the wound

Wound botulism

Blocks acetylcholine of infant. The baby can be infected due to spore via breastfeeding (infected mother) or thru ingested formula milk

Infant botulism

Clostridium difficile causes:

Pseudomembranous colitis/ Antibiotic-associated diarrhea - due to misused of antibiotics

C. difficile diagnosis is usually thru:

Cytotoxin detection

C. difficile media:

CCFA Cycloserine Cefoxitin Fructose Agar (selective agar)

ph indicator: Neutral red

Gram + spore forming bacilli

On gram staining forms, the so called:

"disjointed bamboo/ fishing rod / box car" appearances

Virulence factor: (Bacillus anthracis)

• Delta glutamate capsule and phagocytic in nature

• Exotoxin with 3 components: edema factor, lethal factor and protective antigen

Associated in causing the spoilage of fried rice

Bacillus cereus or Fried rice Bacillus

*Bacillus cereus

Virulence factor:

Exotoxin cholera like toxin, causes food poisoning - associated in eating contaminated rice