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22 Cards in this Set

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CIs to HRT

Hormone dependent cancer e.g. breast, thromoboembolic disease e.g. Afib, Liver disease where LFTs have failed to return to normal

Indications for HRT

Early menopause ( prescribe until 51)

Hysterectomy before menopause if ovaries are conserved

second line treatment of osteoporosis

SE of oestrogen

Fluid retention, breast enlargement and tenderness, nausea and headaches

SEs of progesterone

Headache, weight gain, bloating, depression

Risks of HRT

Breast ca, DVT, Stroke, Gallbladder disease, Ovarian Ca (if oestrogen only preparation)

Short term benefits of HRT

Alleviation of Menopausal symptoms e.g Flushes, sweats, vaginal dryness

reduced incidence of UTIs

Long term benefits of HRT

decreased risk of osteoporosis and Colorectal Ca

Diagnosis of bacterial Vaginosis

Grey/white offensive fishy smelling discharge with no vulval soreness. pH > 4.5

SEs of bacterial vaginosis

increased risk of preterm delivery, development of PID and endometriosis following birth, infection post hysterectomy

Treatment for bacterial vaginosis

Metronidazole 400mg bd for 5 to 7d or 2g single dose or Clindomycin 2% cream nocte PV for one week

Treatment of vaginal Candidiasis

Clotrimazole pessary

Fluconazole 150mg stat, again after 3d if severe (CI if breast feeding or pregnant)

What is required for diagnosis of pcos

2 of the following;

1. Oligomenorrhea and/or anovulation

2. Hyperandrogenism

3. Polycystic ovaries. Defined as >12 follicles in each ovary measuring 2 - 9mm in diameter and or ovarian volume >10cm cubed "string of pearls" sign

of note: 1 in 3 premenopausal women will have PCOS on US and 1 in 3 of these will have PCOS

Management of PCOS

1. weight loss and exercise

2. If oligomenorrhoeic consider progesterones to induce withdrawl bleed every 2 to 3 months. Consider COC pill to regulate menstration. COCs with anti androgen (co-pyrindiol) may decrease Acne/hirsuitism

3. Clomifene can be used to induce ovulation

4. Metformin

When can copper IUD be inserted for contraception

Up to 5 days after sexual intercourse or 5 days after earliest expected date of ovulation irrespective of irrespective of time since sexual intercourse

What is treatment of Menorrhagia

1. mirena coil ( if at least 12monts use is anticipates)

2. transexamic acid or NSAIDs or OCP

3. Norehiterone (15mg) daily from day 5 to 26

What does T score measure

Absolute fracture risk. Less than -2.5 is osteoporosis

whats a Z score

Individuals relative risk for their age compared with reference values of same age

What is Tibilone

Weak agonist to oestrogen/progesterone and Androgens. Used in same way as combined HRT. Used in treatment of post menopausal osteoporosis and endometriosis. Used for menopausal symptoms such as vaginal atrophy, libido, vaginal atrophy

What is continuous combined HRT

has continuous progesterone to induce endometrial atrophy. Has no withdrawl bleed. Should only be given to women who have NOT had a period in last 12 months or who are premenopausal

what reduces hot flushes on Tamoxifen


How is the menopausw diagnosed

usually clinically with amenorrhoea >12/12 and no other cause.

If in doubt confirm with FSH >30iu/L on 2 occasions >2 months apart

When should menopausal women use contraception

>50 use for one year post last period. <50 use for two years post last period