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31 Cards in this Set

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Popular sovereignty

Gov is created by and subject to the will of people

Limited government

How much power the gov can have

Separation of powers

Allows gov to separate into different groups

Checks and balances

Keeps one branch of gov from getting too powerful

Judicial review

Judicial branch can decide on punishments that gov officials deserve


Idea of splitting power between large and small groups

6 principles of gov

1) popular sovereignty

2) limited gov

3) separation of powers

4) checks and balances

5) judicial review

6) federalism

Delegated powers

Powers given to gov by constitution

Reserved powers

Power held by state and not delegated by constitution

Implied powers

Necessary and proper for welfare of nation


Event that is an example to be considered in similar consequences.


Rule maintained by authority


Right to speak freely how and when you want.

Ex. Social media


Right to practice any religion or none

Ex. Praying


Right to publish info and express ideas freely

Ex. Magazines


Right to peacefully gather and discuss/express ideas or issues

Ex. Protest


Right to appeal to gov in issues that affect us

Ex. Collecting signatures

1st amendment

Right to free speech, religion, press, assemble, and petition

2nd amendment

Right to bear arms, shall not be infringed

Elastic clause

Congress ability to do what’s necessary or proper for welfare of nation

4th amendment

Right of people to be secure in unreasonable searches. Warrants.

5th amendment

No person shall be held to answer for crime unless presentment of grand jury

6th amendment

Accused have to right to a speedy and public trial by impartial jury

8th amendment

Excessive bail and fines shall not be required and unusual punishments shall not be inflicted.

Eminent domain

Cannot take property without compensation.

Double jeopardy

Connor be tried for same offense twice

5 responsibilities of citizens


2)be informed

3)take part in gov

4)help community

5)respect and protect others ideas and beliefs.

5 duties of citizens

1) obey laws

2) attend school until 18

3) pay taxes

4) serve in armed forces

5) jury duty

3 ways you can be a US citizen

1) birthright

2) parents become naturalized

3) 1 parent is US citizen

3 ways to lose citizenship

1) renounce it

2) join army or take office in a foreign country

3) treason

Naturalization process

1) eligible

2) complete application

3) finger printed

4) being interviewed and tested

5) take oath of allegiance