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155 Cards in this Set

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The use of terrace farming by the Inca and Japanese cultures is an example of how cultures have adapted to their surrounding geography.
China's geography isolated it from much of the world.
China developed an open trade policy because of its geographical isolation.
FALSE - *closed* trade policy
The sub-Sahara area of Africa has very diverse geography and climate.
The sub-Sahara area of Africa does not have a wide variety of cultures of peoples.
FALSE - it *does* have a wide variety
The problem of limited amounts of resources and how people use their resources is studied by ecologists.
The Jewish religion is influenced by the Torah and Covenant (God's promise).
The Eightfold Path and the Five Pillars of Faith both provide followers with a guide for ways to live.
The introduction of Buddhism to China and Islam into Indonesia are examples of ethnocentrism.
FALSE - examples of *cultural diffusion*
Karma and Dharma are major parts of the Hindu belief system.
The caste system allows for a great deal of social mobility.
FALSE - it *doesn't* allow it
Hindu beliefs helped to establish a set of rules for everyone in Indian Society.
In a caste system a person is a member of the caste which they are born into for their entire life.
The only way to improve your caste level is to be reincarnated into a better caste by obeying your dharma and achieving good karma in your present life.
The major principles of Buddhism include giving up worldly desires and practicing violence.
FALSE - *non* violence
The various religious sites in Israel demonstrates the cultural diversity of the Middle East.
Muhammad explained the five relationships: Ruler to subject, father to son, older brother to younger brother, husband to wife, and friend to friend.
FALSE - *Confucius*
In the 5 relationships listed above the superior set a good example and protect the inferior, and the inferior should be loyal and obey the superior.
Friend to Friend is the only relationship which is equal by nature.
A surplus of food allowed for the development of more complex societies.
The Neolithic Revolution is a direct result of civilizations having a surplus of food.
FALSE - *indirect* result
The development of farming helped to produce a surplus of food.
Many early civilizations began along the mountain valleys.
FALSE - *river* valleys
The Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Huang He, and Indus Rivers all had fertile land because of floods.
The ancient Egyptians Sumerians, Harappians, and ancient Chinese civilizations all developed monotheistic religions.
FALSE - *polytheistic*
Alexander the Great's conquest created the Hellenistic culture.
The Hellenistic culture is the blending of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Roman cultures.
FALSE - (instead of "Roman") *Indian*
The geography of Greece can be described as rocky islands, extensive coastlines, and isolated valleys.
The geography of Greece led to the development of a strong centralized nation.
FALSE - *did not lead*
Ancient Athens developed the concept of a direct democracy.
All citizens of Athens had the right to attend the Assembly, participate in discussions, and cast votes.
Rome developed the Republican form of government.
One of the greatest contributors of the Greeks and Romans were the new types of government they developed.
Principle of Law is one of the Roman Empire"s lasting legacies.
Pax Romana was a time of war and turmoil in Rome.
FALSE - *peace* in Rome.
Constantine decided that the Roman Empire was too large and split it between himself and Diocletian.
FALSE - *The senate* decided
Marcus Aurelius was the closest thing to Plato's concept of a philosopher king.
The Romans created sewers to carry water from the mountains to the cities.
FALSE - they created *aqueducts*
Julius Caesar enacted numerous reforms to help the poor including giving public land to plebeians to farm.
Athens had a golden age under Julius Caesar.
FALSE - under *Pericles*
The Persian war was fought between the Persians and the Greeks.
The Greeks were victorious in the Persian war.
During the Peloponnesian war the Greek city-states divided up between Sparta and their allies and Troy and their allies.
FALSE - (instead of Troy) *Athens*
The Peloponnesian wars greatly weakened Greece.
The Punic Wars were a series of 3 wars fought between Rome and Carthage.
Hannibal brought Elephants over the Alps and onto the Italian peninsula during the second Punic war.
The Romans won all 3 Punic wars, giving them complete control of the Mediterranean Sea.
Diocletian was the emperor who put an end to the persecution of the Christians.
FALSE - *Constantine*
The decline of the Roman Empire was a slow process with numerous contributing factors.
Genghis Khan was the leader of the Huns who were a threat to the Roman Empire.
FALSE - *Attila the Hun*
Otto Von Burgher was the German prince who ousted (forced out) the last Roman Emperor.
FALSE - *Odacier*
The Fall of the Roman Empire led to a time of peace and unity in Western Europe.
FALSE - *chaos*
Clovis and Charlemagne both unite large areas of the former Western Roman Empire.
The Eastern half of the Roman Empire ended when the Western half fell.
FALSE - it *didn't end*
The Eastern half of the Roman Empire became known as Constantinople and then as the Byzantine Empire.
Justinian was an emperor of the Byzantine Empire who preserved Roman law by writing down a code of laws.
Justinian's wife was Theodora, who pleaded with him to flee the country to escape death.
FALSE - *stay in* the country
Clovis and Mansa Musa were both religious converts.
Clovis converted to Christianity.
Clovis gained a very powerful ally in the English King by converting to Christianity.
FALSE - in the *Pope*
Mansa Musa converted to Christianity.
FALSE - *Islam*
Mansa Musa's religious conversion put Axum on the map, and being a cultural exchange between many African kingdoms and Islamic countries.
FALSE - it put *Mali* (or Timbuktu)
The invasion on the vikings led to the development of feudalism.
FALSE - The *Fall of Rome*
In the feudal system, serfs are tied to the manor (lord's land).
Under feudalism, the lord provides protection to the serfs in exchange for the serfs working the lord's land for very little pay.
During Medieval Europe, the knights lived by a code of conduct known as the Bushido.
FALSE - *chivalry*
The three-field system, used by farmers during the middle ages, allowed the peasants to produce more crops.
The Roman Catholic Church during the middle ages in Europe provided a sense of stability, unity, and order.
The Crusades were a series of Holy Wars fought to gain control of the Holy Lands.
The Church had so much power during the middle ages because they were the only ones who could guarantee salvation.
Excommunication is the official accepting of a heretic into a church.
FALSE - the official *banishment*
The church could put pressure on a lord, king, prince or other ruler by threatening to excommunicate them or by placing an interdiction on their town, manor, or lands.
The Crusades resulted in an increased demand for goods and products from the Middle East and Asia by Europeans.
The development of towns was hindered by the Crusades.
FALSE - was *not*
Orthodox Christianity spread from the Byzantine Empire to early Russia.
The Bubonic plague was caused by fleas on brown rats.
The bubonic plague caused 1/3 of the European population to die.
The bubonic plague caused the church to grow in power as they were the ones who put an end to it,
FALSE - they *lost* power because people lost faith in the Church
People blamed the bubonic plague on the Jewish people, mankind's sins, and saw it as a punishment from God.
The Bubonic plague ended when evolution had the brown rat replace the black rat.
FALSE - evolution *helped people to develop immunity to the disease*
The ancient river civilizations of were all able to create a surplus of food.
Civilization began along rivers.
The Egyptian writing system was known as hieroglyphics.
Pyramids were built as burial tombs for Pharoahs.
Egyptians developed a calendar, geometry, and irrigation ditches to try to predict and control the flooding of the Nile River.
Trade prevents the spread of cultural diffusion.
FALSE - *helps*
Early civilizations of the Americas and the Kingdoms of Africa developed complex societies well before their encounters with Europeans.
The Renaissance started in England because they were the home of the Roman culture, and they were in better economic shape than the rest of Europe.
FALSE - it started in *Italy*
The Renaissance was characterized by a spirit of adventure, humanism, and individuality.
The Renaissance was the rebirth of classical Greek and Egyptian ideals.
FALSE - Greek and *Roman*
There were numerous advances in the arts and literature during the Renaissance.
The Protestant Reformation began with a German monk named John Calvin,
FALSE - *Martin Luther*
Martin Luther was angered by the sale of indulgences, so he made a list of arguments against the church abuses called the 95 Theses and then nailed them to the front of the Church's door.
Both Calvinist and Lutherans believe that the faith allow can lead to salvation, the bible is the only source of truth, and that clergy (priests and other church officials) do not have "special powers".
Luther was not only a religious reformer, but he was also a social reformer who helped peasants who were being oppressed by German nobles.
Calvin set up a democracy in Switzerland.
Henry VIII was the Catholic king of England who began his own church (the Church of England) because the Pope wouldn't give him an annulment from Catherine of Aragon.
Queen Mary I of England, the oldest daughter of Henry VIII, was a devout Catholic who attempted to return England to the Catholic church during her reign. She persecuted numerous Protestants and earned the nickname Bloody Mary.
Queen Elizabeth I of England was a Protestant who brought England to a time period of religious tolerance and prosperity.
Oliver Cromwell led England during the period known as the commonwealth.
Philips II of Spain was the king of Spain and the Habsburg Empire.
FALSE - and the *Americas*
Philip II increased royal authority in Spain during his reign.
The goal of the Spanish Inquisition was to get rid of heretics.
The geography of Japan can best be described as a mountainous archipelago.
Korea is known as the welcoming kingdom.
FALSE - the *hermit* kingdom
Japanese civilization adopted and practiced Shintoism.
Japan developed feudalism during the Shogun rule.
The Japanese Bushido can be compared to the concept of Chivalry in Medieval Europe.
Japan was greatly influenced by Russian culture.
FALSE - *Chinese* culture
The Silk Road of China linked Japan and the Middle East.
FALSE - it linked *China and Rome*
The Protestant Reformation caused the end of religious unity in Europe.
Europe was interested in Africa because they believed that they could find workers for its colonies in the Americas.
The need for labor in the colonies of the Americas led to the transatlantic slave trade.
Michelangelo began a global exchange of goods, people, plants, technologies, ideas, and cultures.
FALSE - *Columbus*
The Spanish conquistadors treated the natives which they encountered very well.
FALSE - *not* very well
The Kingdoms of West Africa were heavily influenced by Islam.
The Kingdoms of West Africa relieve heavily on their ability to control the gold and sugar routes.
FALSE - gold and *salt* routes
The Spanish set up a system of balance of power in order to make the natives work for them and pay them taxes.
Cardinal Isaac increases the extent of royal authority in France.
FALSE - Cardinal *Richelieu
Louis XIV made France the center of culture in Europe, but he also leaded their eventual decline by spending much of the treasure fighting wars, throwing parties, and building palaces.
After Elizabeth I of England died, England experienced a time of political and religious turmoil.
While the authority of rulers in Spain, France, Austria, Prussia and Russia was increasing, the authority of the English monarchy was decreasing.
Italy was divided up between Austria, Prussia and Russia in order to maintain the balance of power and prevent fighting.
The thirty years wars had both religious and political motives.
Peter the Great wanted to modernize Russia. He wanted Russia to be more life Western Europe.
Peter the Great gained a warm water port for Russia.
FALSE - *Catherine* the Great
Catherine the Great provided government funded education for both boys and girls.
The founder of Judaism is Moses.
FALSE - *Abraham*
The founder of Christianity is Jesus.
The founder of Islam is Muhammad.
Genghis Khan was the leader of the Mongols.
The Mongols had a very diverse empire.
FALSE - they had a *low-skilled* empire
The Mongols gained control over areas such as China, Russia, Eastern Europe, and India.
An absolute monarchy is a political system in which a country is controlled by a monarch who has total control and authority over their kingdom and subjects.
The collection of moral and social teachings of Confucius is known as the alchemist.
FALSE - the *Analects*
Anti-Semitism is the hatred of the people of Jewish descent.
Ahimsa is the principle of non-vioolence against all living creatures.
Under the belief system of Confucius, China developed filial piety (respect for one's parents).
The 5 pillars of Islam are: give alms to the poor; make a pilgrimage to Mecca; celebrate Ramadan; pray 5 times a day facing toward Mecca; learn to speak Arabic.
FALSE - (last one only) *belief*
The Aztecs were a nomadic group of warriors from Central Asia who migrated into India around 1500 B.C.
FALSE - they migrated into *the Americas*
Galileo Galilei was a Polish astronomer who wrote, "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" and developed the heliocentric model of the Earth's orbit.
FALSE - he was *Italian*
The Holy Reformation was the Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation. Its goal was to end the spread of Protestantism, turn back the tide to the Reformation, and to address corruptions within the church.
The first Islamic religious shrine is located in present day Jerusalem and is known as the Rock on the Dome.
The most important invention of the Renaissance was the printing press. It was made by John Calvin. It helped to spread the ideas of the Renaissance and Reformation more quickly & more easily.
FALSE - It was made by *Johannes Gutenburg*
Galileo was brought before the Inquisition because of his outspoken theory of the Earth rotation around the sun.
The heliocentric view of the Earth's orbit has Earth serving as the center of the solar system.
FALSE - the *geocentric* view
The Old Stone Age is also known as the Neolithic Age. It was characterized by nomadic peoples hunting & gathering for food. They relied heavily on nature.
FALSE - the *Paleolithic* Age
Contributions of the Chinese included the Great Wall, fireworks, the wheelbarrow, and silk.
"The King" was a book written by Niccolo Machiavelli, in which he discusses how to be an effective rule, and if it is better to be loved or feared as a ruler.
FALSE - "The *Prince*"
The process or cycle of rebirth, but in a different form, is known as reincarnation
In the dynastic cycle, an empire can lose its mandate of royalty, if they become an aged dynasty.
The Mandate of Heaven is what gives a Chinese emperor the right or authority to rule.
The world's largest desert is the Sahara; it is located in Southern Africa.
FALSE - *Northern* Africa
The Huang He River was known as the River of Joy because it left behind good soil to farm.
FALSE - River of *Sorrows*
The Peace of Westphalia put an end to the Thirty Years War and brought about a general European peace and an attempt to settle other international problems.