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63 Cards in this Set

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Weimar Republic
established following World War I; lacked legitimacy in the eyes of Germans b/c it had been forced upon Germany; poor control of the economy led to hyperinflation; Nazis took over from Weimar
powerful North German state; captial Berlin; eventually domanted Germany
Third Reich
also known as Nazi Germany, marked by a totalitarian dictatorship headed by Adolph Hitler
German word for Caesar; emperor; set the policy during the Second Reich
Otto Von Bismarck
Germany's chancellor from 1871-1890; formerly Prussia's Prime Minister; leads a unified and consolidated Germany after 3 wars
noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings, and emperors of Prussia, Germany, and Romania; ended with the Weimar Republic
Gerhard Schroeder
Chancellor of Germany from 1998 to 2005. A member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), he led a coalition government of the SPD and the Greens

Policies: phase out nuclear power, fund renewable energies, institute civil unions which enabled same-sex partners to enter into a civil union, and liberalize naturalization law
Social Democrat Part: center-left party; started in 1875 and hated by Bismarck; in 1880s effectively turned Germany into the first welfare state; Germany's oldest political party; used to primarly represent working class, now refocused on middle class
Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union of Bavaria-from Catholic and Protestant

Support- Business, middle class, women, rural; Angela Merkel Party head 2002, now Chancellor
PDS(Party of Democratic Socialism)
Many Social Progressivist policies. For example, they want to legalize same-sex marriage, and they also want the state to grant better conditions for immigrants.

On June 16, 2007, the Left Party.PDS merged with WASG to form a unified party which will simply be called "The Left."
Horst Kohler
current President of Germany; former head of the IMF
Ossi and Wessi
Two terms that have come into popular use to describe someone from East Germany (Ossi)or West Germany (Wessi); distinction more important amongst adults
Basic Law (Grundgesetz)
Established in 1949 as the de facto constitution of West Germany with the idea that it would eventually be replaced upon reunification; few amendments by mostly unchanged since reunification
very strong; voted in every 4 years by the Bundestag, generally the party head of the majority party; responsible for the main lines of gov't policy; chooses cabinent members
somewhat powerful; represented by delegations from individual Lander

Absolute Veto- for bills that affect Lander (60%)
Suspensive veto- matched by Bundestag
lower house of German parliament; around 600 members; majority produces government; bills are created in Bundestag committee sessions and then moved to the floor where they are voted on
the name of state legislatures in Germany
die Grunen (Green)
- will form coalitions with SPD
- wants to phase out nuclear power plants
- institute and eco-tax on gasoline
Free Democratic Party(FDP)
small European liberal party- free market, more individual choice, free society, less government
“two-plus” party system
two big parties and several smaller ones- CDU/CSU and SPD are the two bigger parties with FDP, Green among the smaller ones
German Democratic Republic
also known as East Germany form 1949-1990; under Soviet Occupation; East Berlin was its capital
positive or constructive vote of no confidence
Parliament must vote in a new cabinet when ousting the current one
5% electoral rule(threshold clause)
in order for a party to get seats it needs to win 5% of the vote nationwide; keeps out extremist groups; party still gets single-member constituency seat wins
social market economy (Sozialmarkt)
seeks a middle path between socialism and capitalism (i.e. a mixed economy); first started in Western Germany
Konrad Adenauer
chancellor of the first republic of Germany; chairman of the CDU; set the precedent of the Chancellor being a very strong position
Land pl. Laender
Germany for state; laender is plural
Joschka Fischer
of the Green Party; German Foreign Minister under Schroder's coalition government; supported German participation in the Kosovo War; highly controversial b/c it would be the first time German soldiers actively particpated in combat and went against the Green party stance
means guest worker in English; Germany needed workers and allowed migrants from other countries to come in; migrants have since settled but not been fully integrated into German society
employees have a say in how their company is run; have an equal share in choosing the supervisory board with the shareholders of larger companies
burgerinitiativen (citizen initiatives)
community formed from the population, which organizes due to a concrete cause in its political or social environment self-help and thus possibly exerts influence on the public opinion, on state institutions, parties or other social groupings
Angela Merkel
head of the CDU and current Chancellor of Germany; has had trouble passing reforms (healthcare) w/o CDU/CSU majority in parliament
Edmund Stoiber
head of the CSU and minister-president of the state of Bavaria
Adolf Hitler
used propoganda and charisma to get the backing of lower and middle class on economic needs; led Germany into WW2; sought to create a master race; led the ousting of the Weimar Republic for a dictatorship
The National Diet
Japan's legislature. It consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors; responsible for selecting the Prime Minister
leading figures of such clans, also called "lord"; most powerful feudal rulers from the 10th century to the 19th century in Japan
"supreme general of the samurai"; the head of the government during "Warrior Japan 1185-1868"
Iron Triangle
who has the power in Japan; bureaucracy, political parties, and businesses
zaibJapanese term referring to the "financial cliques," or business conglomerates, whose influence and size allowed for control over significant parts of the Japanese economy throughout the Edo and Meiji periodsatsu; family controlled
aligned companies that worked together; less family control than zaibatsu; a lot of coordination between shipping and banking companies
Multimember constituency
system in which multiple representative are elected from a single constituency
convinced Japanese leaders to submit a surrender; accepted the terms of MacArthur and denounced his divine right to rule
Junichiro Koizumi
member of LDP who served as Prime Minister of Japan from 2001 to 2006; deployed self-defense force to Iraq for non-combat role; led Japan through a banking crisis
Douglas MacArthur
accepted Japanese surrender in WW2; made a lasting impact by instituting sweeping reforms in the mold of America including a new democratic constituion
Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry (METI) formerly MITI
control foreign investment, ownership and participation in business ventures; control Law
gave MITI right to control foreign exchange and to influence corporate decision making
House of Councillors
upper house; serve 6 year terms; can reject a bill but can be overrided by lower house; cannoted be dissolved early
House of Representatives
lower house; has the power to override the House of Councilors; can be dissolved early; 4 year terms
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
stranglehold on Japanese politics; seen as an electoral alignment by many people during election time to share resources
Social Democratic Party of Japan(formerly Socialist Party)
Democratic Party
"half party"; now a very weak third party; formed a coalition with LDP to put a JSP PM in power from '94-'96, unpopular move, seen as a sellout
Democratic Party
second largest party and main opposition party; most centrist Japanese party; gains much of its support from blue-collar workers and also from the liberal middle class
Art 9 of Japan’s Constitution
forbids Japan to have a military force; has been bent to allow for a self-defense force
SCAP (Supreme Commander of Allied Powers)
title for General MacArthur during the American occupation of Japan
Komeito/New Komeito
an offshoot party from the Soka Gakkai Buddhist movements; treat human life with the utmost respect
native religion and once state religion of Japan; worships Kami (spirits)
Akihito, Heisei Emperor
126th in an unbroken line; current emperor of Japan
Dominant Party System
currently in place in Japan with the Liberal Democratic Party has stayed in power for decades; shrugged off a brief scare from the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)
Tokugawa Period (Shogunate)
had a strict caste system in place; the top military leader was the ruler of Japan; protofeudalism developed with estates becoming slightly more independent
Meiji Restoration
clans overthrow shogunate in the name of the young emperor; led to the rapid modernization of japan and the growth of its military prowess
Taisho Democracy
coincides with the reign of Taisho; Taisho's weak health led to power being shifted from the old oligarchic group to the national Diet
Japanese system of administrative subdivisions; has 47 prefectures
developmental state
status after WWII?
Northern Territories Issue
4 islands north of Hokkaido, currently occupied by Russia which Japan views as an illegal occupation
Self-Defense Force
establishment of a force to protect against invasion; takes part in peacekeeping; less than 1% of GDP
Shinzo Abe
current P.M. of Japan; has a hard stance against North Korea; seeks to continue Koizumi's policy