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76 Cards in this Set

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What is the term for the physical and chemical alteration of materials near surface?
What is the term weathered material and organic matter that supports plants?
What is the term sediment or pyroclastics or weathered residue?
What is the term carbon from the decay of organic debris?
What is the term for rock texture made of clasts or fragments?
What is the term for the accumulation of rocks broken off by frost wedging?
What is the term for the process that converts loose sediment to rock?
What is the term for the reduction in volume of sediment as pore spaces close?
What is the term the minerals precipitate in pore spaces and bind grains together?
What is the term for the environment change when shoreline moves inland?
What is the term for the environment change when shoreline moves seaward?
What is the term for the distinctive bodies of sedimentary rock unique to particular depositional environment?
What is the term for the beds or individual layers of sediment?
What is the term for the wearing away and removal of materials by geologic agents?
What is the term for the remains or traces of ancient organisms?
What are the sources for carbon dioxide to carbonic acid include :
1. Air
2. Soil
In which horizon is subsoil found?
Horizon B
What does subsoil gradually accumulate?
Subsoil gradually accumulates soluble minerals as time goes by.
When do secondary sedimentary structures form, before or after, burial?
Secondary sedimentary structures form after burial
What are concretions and geodes examples of?
Secondary sedimentary structures
What are the minerals that form during chemical weathering?
1. Clay
2. Oxides or hydroxides
What are the most common chemical cements:
1. Silica
2. Calcium carbonate
What causes cemented rocks to be red or brown in color?
Iron or Hematite
How is Talus formed?
1. Frost wedging or Frost weathering
What type of weathering is frost wedging or weathering?
What type of weathering is common in mountains?
Why is water an important agent of chemical weathering?
Water molecule is asymmetric
What is the result of water coming into contact with carbon dioxide?
Carbonic acid
T or F
Ferrosmagnesium minerals are iron-rich.
What does oxidation do to iron-rich minerals?
Changes them into:
1. oxides
2. hydroxides
What was the Dust Bowl an example of regarding changes to the soil?
Soil Degradation
What caused the soil to degrade during the Dust Bowl?
1. Drought
2. Erosion
T or F
Detrital sedimentary rocks are made of pieces of pre-existing rocks.
T or F
Detrital sedimentary rocks have a clastic texture.
T or F
Detrital sedimentary rocks are major sources for oil and goundwater.
T or F
Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified by grain size.
How doe all chemical sedimentary rocks form?
From ions carried in solution
What does the Rock Cycle explain?
Sedimentary rocks from from pre-existing rocks
What were the first rocks to form on Earth?
Where is frost wedging most effective?
High mountains
T or F
Oxidation is an important weathering process in calcite.
T or F
Minerals formed by oxidation include clays, calcite, pyroxene, and quartz.
Minerals formed by oxidation do NOT include any of these.
T or F
Minerals formed by oxidation include hematite.
What are the 4 influences that control the rate of weathering?
1. climate
2. particle size
3. parent material
4. amount of silica
Where is chemical weathering the most effective?
The Tropics
Out of the following, which is the most stable during weathering:
Which soil horizon has the least amount of organic material?
Horizon C has the least amount of organic material
Why is soil considered a nonrenewable resource?
Soil forms very slowly
Potential soil degradation can be the result of what 4 causes?
1. physical compaction by machinery or cattle
2. increase in amount of salt
3. pollution
4. Erosion and soil loss
T o F
Lithification may include cementation and compaction.
Based on grain size, which rock was probably transported for the shortest distance?
1. mudstone
2. siltstone
3. sandstone
4. conglomerate
5. sedimentary breccia
Sedimentary breccia
What chemical sedimentary rock is never formed by biological activity?
Rock Gysum
How are chemical sedimentary rocks primarily classified?
By Composition
What are the 4 ways geologists decipher depositional environment?
1. Rock type
2. Rock texture, including soring and rounding
3. Fossil type
4. Geometry of Deposit
T or F
Primary sedimentary structures include strata.
When does marine transgression occur?
When the sea level rises
What are the 4 results of weathering?
1. alters rocks so they are more in sync with the surface environmental conditions
2. Disaggregates rocks
3. Chemically alters susceptible minerals like amphibole
4. Causes rust
Name 4 ways Nature can break rocks apart?
1. Growing ice crystals
2. Growing salt crystals
3. RElease of pressure by removal of overburden
4. Plant roots
T or F
Mechanical weathering tends to form particles with sharp edges
What is the key difference between regolith and soil?
Soil includes organic material
What is the term for soils that are rich in organic materils and aluminum?
How does weathering form valuable ore deposits?
By removing more soluble minerals and leaving behind residues.
What is the most common method of sediment transport?
How does Arkose differ from other sandstones?
It contains at least 25% Feldspar
Where does graded bedding form?
In underwater landslides
What is the term for a widespread unit of rock, that is distinct from the rocks above and below it?
T or F
Pure water is most effective at dissolving calcite.
T or F
Oxidation is responsible for much of the coloration in rocks
T or F
The more surface area exposed to the weather, the faster the rock or mineral will weather.
T or F
Mechanical and chemical weathering work together to alter exposed Earth materials.
T or F
The aluminum ore Bauxite is found in tropical soils.
T or F
Sedimentary rocks are most common at the surface of the EArth.
T or F
Ooids are secondary sedimentary structures.
T or F
Mechanical weathering forms new minerals that are more stable under surface conditions.
T or F
Chemical sediments are transported long distances by wind and ice.
What are the 3 ways round shaped stones are formed
1. Rocks are rounded during transport by water.
2. Spheroidal weathering creates rounded shapes
3. Concretions are often round