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12 Cards in this Set

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Brazil Overview

- 7th largest economy

- Increased GDP

- $4874 in 2007

- $5823 in 2014

Sectors of employment % of GDP

Services: 69%

Industry: 25%

Agriculture: 6%

Migration Patterns Into Brazil

- 500,000 migrants annually (2000-2009)

- Mercosur: Chile / Andean States

- Rise in Labour migrants during 2014 world cup & 2016 Olympics

Migration Patterns Out of Brazil

- Low skilled workers travelling to the USA (Has slowed since)

- Many Brazilians of Japanese descent are travelling back to Japan

- 2000: 980,000 lived abroad

- 2013: 1.7million lived abroad


- Longstanding bilateral relationship due to Portugal once owned Brazil as a colony

- Shared language and similar cultures allowing easy integration of migrants

- Portugal is a gateway to the EU

USA Migrant Workers

- Large numbers of low skilled workers can send back remittances

- Lower numbers of high skilled workers also have opportunities in the US

USA Support To Brazil

- Education, Teacher Training, Agriculture, Finance, and Defence

- USAID Environmental Projects and Preservation

Haiti Reasons for Support

- Humanitarian relationship

- Providing easy Visas for Haitian migrants

- 2010 Earthquake

- 2012 Hurricane Sandy

Number of Haitian migrants in Brazil

2010: 1600

2013: 11,000

Economic Development in Brazil due to migrants

- Factory work and agriculture have growth due to migrant workers

- Remittances being sent back by Brazils migrant workers in other countries

Political Relations

- Brazil is a leading member of the mercosur group of countries

- Trading bloc which increases political relationa between all of the linked countries

Social Equality

- UNESCO has reported on the racism against certain ethnicities

- Housing and access to services has many people living in slums and favelas