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74 Cards in this Set

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African Americans expanded their northern settlement geography (sectoral) by this process

Residential Succession

This port city experienced dramatic growth and became the largest southern port associated with "king cotton"

New Orleans

This established that blacks were chattel (property)

The Virginia Slave Law

This is who Leroy Percy challenged before the Fatal flood occurred


This Chicago cultural landscape was a place of black pride and success after the Great Migration (Video)


Identified by Rose as a new Black American urban system of the 20th century, it is associated with the Great Migration and white avoidance


This region emerged as a part of the Black cultural health in the US after 1790

Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, and Louisianna

This pattern describes the racial geography of Blacks in the southern cities after the 1900


This refers to the regional differences between the North and South prior to the civil war and contributed to that war


These are out-of-schooled and unemployment young people between the ages 16 and 22. In the US they are disproportionally Blacks and Hispanics

Disconnected Youth

Given as an important reason for Latino migration to Allentown?

Tranquillity, and safety in the neighborhood

Generally, how did Latinos feel about their treatment by Anglos in Allentown

Unfairly in the workplace

"They wont let you get close to them." This refers to:

Segmented assimilation

This found social, political & geographic segregation to be legal; ("Separate but equal doctrine")

Social Distancing

Referred to as an overcrowded Black housing unit in Chicago after World War (video)


According to the "Chicago" video, this term refers to the first Blacks moving into an all-White neighborhood.


Following Plessey vs. Ferguson, these broad-based state laws mandated the social and geographic separation of Blacks and Whites.

Jim Crow Laws

This agreement (compromise) created one free (Maine) and one slave state (Missouri) and established the 36" 30" line (northern limit to slavery)

The 1820 Missouri Compromise

This struck down "Separate but equal"

1954 Brown vs. Board of Education

This is where Greenville Blacks were housed and received poor treatment after the Fatal Flood

Levee and Tent City

One of the two largest Black cities in the pre-1910 south


This is a race place connection

Little Havana

These describe Fordism?

-It is simplified work tasks and increased productivity due to the assembly line

-An increase in Consumption patterns based on the doubling of the current wage

These are the reasons why Gabe came to the US illegally and Rosa continued to spend money multiple times to bring her children to the US? (Immigrant nation)

-To create a better life for the family

-To have access to a good education for their children

What were the beliefs of the two white men in Immigrant Nation?

-The illegal immigrants are criminals

-They should be sent home as illegals

-They are destroying neighborhoods and the American culture

Which of the following nations have taken most advantage of the US "Diversity Visa?"

-The African nations of Ghana and Nigeria

-Nations from the caribbean, Including Jamaica and Haiti

What is an example of a Black Cultural landscape?


What happened to the city of Chicago after 1960 (video)

-There were massive losses of industrial jobs

-For a period of time, Blacks continued to migrate from south to the city

-As African Americans became unemployed, their numbers in public housing increased

An historical institutional effort to restrict Black movement and keep blacks isolated.

Local government efforts such as, Restricted deeds

The Pre-19th Century (earliest) primary and secondary Black settlement regions that represent racial geography.

Chesapeake Bay and South Carolina region

How did northern European immigrant ghettos differ from the northern Black ghettos that emerged in the 20th century, including those in Chicago and St. Louis?

-They were transient place, immigrants eventually moved out, whereas Black ghettos became racial geography controlled by the white majority

Ghetto development from 1950-1970.

-New ghetto centers emerged, but the first and second-generation ghettos were the primary centers for the Black migrants during this period

-During this period of time, Southern African Americans also moved to Washington, D.C., New Orleans, and Houston

-Third-generation ghettos were geographically widespread

What describes black suburban ring settlement of the late 20th century North?

Spatial spillover from central cities to adjacent suburbs

What is a trend or theme of the Great Migration?

A very modest increase int he Black populations of Northern industrial cities

What is true based on "Going to Chicago"?

-During the 1st wave of the Great Migration, a range of employment opportunities were open to blacks, including factory and service jobs

-During the 1st wave of the Great Migration, places of Black ethnic pride emerged in communities like Brownsville and other Black ethnic communities like Watts

What is true about US black geographies?

-Prior to 1950, the majority of African Americans lived in the rural south

-By 1970, despite millions of African Americans achieving middle-class status, White avoidance resulted in urban and suburban segregation

-By the 1970's, African Americans were more than 70% urbanized, exceeding the urbanization of the white majority

What operated as "Push" factors for the great Migration?

Mechanization that reduced demand for manual labor

What federal program promoted racial segregation and isolation by promoting the growth of majority-white suburbs and a policy of not suburban loans to African Americans

FIFA (mortgage guarantees)

Why did Leroy and the planters turn against the African Americans in Greenville? (Fatal Flood)

They were afraid of losing their workforce for the plantations

This made Puerto Ricans US citizens and freed them to migrate to the US mainland

1917 Jones Act

This concept suggested that US westward settlement was inevitable and a moral responsibility and was used to justify American territorial expansion

Manifest Destiny

A group constructed identity based on amplified cultural attributes and an attachment to a homeland


This concept explains an immigrant identity that is somewhere "in-between" its new nation and homeland.


Geographic patterns that reflect the power of the host society, to limit the mobility of and to restrict access to resources based on "race"

Racial Geography

This policy resulted from US and Peurto Rican cooperation and was designed to reduce dependence on agriculturally-related employment and increase factory employment in Puerto Rico

Operation Bootstrap

This concept accepts straight-line (spatial assimilation) but agrees that there are multiple paths related to assimilation

Segmented assimilation

This was a spatial strategy of the Spanish that led to settlements along the Rio Grande River and in Southern California


This recently emerged gateway has become an attractive, destination for Puerto Ricans


This is a type of social institution that supported Puerto Rican migrants in NYC

Hometown associations

These two states had Hispanic/Mexican populations and were a part of the Entradas. However, they developed differently prior to statehood

Texas and California

This literally means neighborhood but became a social construction to create a negative image of a Mexican-American place at the time of the Great Migration


This is a place, concept that suggests a sentiment or emotion toward a place


Place in Miami that were upgraded by Cubans and became their ethnic enclave and ethnic economy

Little Havana

Thought to be Castro's effort to empty his jails

Mariel Boatlift

State containing the largest number of persons of Mexican ancestry


A social institution that supported Puerto Rican cultural, social, and political interests in NYC prior to WWII

The Puerto Rican Brotherhood

Period I (Ends with the Gadsten Purchase) of the Hispanic/Latino Diaspora in the US is best characterized as?

-A period of major land acquisition of Mexican territory by the US

-A period that included Entrades

-A period of agricultural expansion into new western territories

This was a guest-worker program that lasted from approximately the 1940's to the early 1960's. It brought thousands of Mexicans to the US legally but later many returned illegally.

Bracero Program

In Period IV(SInce 1940) this type of latino diversity exists in the US




What accurately describes a contemporary US Latino geographic pattern of settlement(Period IV)?

-The majority of those of Mexican ancestry reside in California

-The Majority of Cubans still reside in Florida

-Since 1970, many Puerto Ricans have been attracted to Central Florida, especially to Orlando, and not to nearby states such as Connecticut

-Dominicans are concentrated in NYC

Period III(1920's-1959) of the Hispanic/Latino Diaspora in the US is best characterized as:

-A period of increasing Mexican and Puerto Rican populations residing in different regions

-A period that included the Great Depression and the creations of a negative stereotyping of the Mexican barrio

-A period of new Mexican settlement areas such as those in Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska that were associated with agriculture

-A period where the Bracero Program was created

This provided amnesty for illegals without any punishment

-1986 Immigration Reform Act

Early NYC barrios had important place impacts; including:

-They generated Puerto Rican-owned business and other supporting institutions

-They provided an environment that maintained Puerto Rican identity and ethnicity

The US and Puerto Rican governments worked together in the 1940's to encourage migration to the US maintained by these means:

-The use of local billboard advertising that encourages migration to the US

-Working together to ease the complexity of filling paperwork to migrate to the US

The US attemoted to "americanize" Puerto Rico by:

-Teaching English in Puerto Rican schools

-Operation Bootstrap

What represents a form of American subsidy to bring cubans to America in the 1960's?

-Freedom fights

-Cash Stipends

-Free food such as cheese from American surpluses

What factors contributed to the increased migration of Puerto Ricans to the US mainland after WWII?

-Information from friends and relatives living in the US

-Unemployment rates in Puerto Rico

-The decreased cost of air travel to the US

Mexican Migration to the US has a long history. Historical and current Mexican immigration patterns have been influenced by:

-The US/Mexican Legacy

-Continuous demand for cheap labor

-Geographic proximity and a shared border

-US government policies

What is indicative of Puerto Rican settlement on the US mainland after 1980?

-They have spread to some surrounding suburbs, into Connecticut, an have relocated to small southeastern Pennsylvania cities

What is a current Hispanic/Latino population and/or geographic trend in the US?

-The most rapid increase in Hispanic/Latino population is in the northeastern states of Vermont and New Hampshire

These determined quotas by nation of origin and were designed to favor the northern and western European nations

1920's INA

A transformed, visible pattern that holds cues indicating the presence of a particular ethnic group

Cultural lanscape

This was the name given to the first wave of cuban immigration/refugees entering Florida

Golden exiles

In the hoover years this policy was a social remedy for ridding the US of those of Mexican ancestry, including citizens
