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39 Cards in this Set

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Gram negative, facultative anaerobe, non-motile and highly pleomorphic

Streptobacillus moniliforms

Human infection of Streptobacillus moniliforms is through?

1.) Rat bite or possibly direct contact with rats

2.) Ingestion of contaminated food such as unpasteurized milk or milk products and less frequently water

Streptobacillus moniliforms causes what disease

Rat bite fever

Haver Hill Fever

Forms on broth (Streptobacillus moniliforms)

Fluff balls/Puff balls

Forms in agar (Streptobacillus moniliforms)

Fried egg colonies with dark center and lacy edge

Streptobacillus moniliforms is Biochemically?

Catalase, oxidase, indole & nitrate (negative)

Gram (-), helical, (gram negative spiral appearing with 2-3 coils, strict aerobed)

Spirillum minus

Spirillum minus causes

SODUKO (Rite bite fever causes by minus)

True or false

Spirillum unable to grow on synthetic media?


Summer diarrhea in japan

V. parahaemolyticus

2nd most common vibrio

V. parahaemolyticus

V. parahaemolyticus grows in

WAGATSUMA AGAR -high salt mannitol

Occupational hazard - continuous contact with sea water (fisherman sailor)

V. alginolyticus

Gaspak Jar

80% to 90% Nitrogen, 5% to 10% hydrogen and 5-10% CO2

Branching, beaded, thin, filamentous rods

Actinomyces israelli


All are catalase (+) except

Shigella dysenteriae


All are oxidase (-) except

Plesiomonas shigelloides

Actinomycosis of jaw

Lumpy jaw or periodontitis

Molar tooth appearing colonies

Actinomyces israelii

Intecting soft tissue

A. Israelli

Club-shaped to palisade

P. Acnes

Log-jam arrangement

P. acnes

anaerobic diptheroids

P. acnes

Bone shaped dog biscut


Wings of seagull same with?

Eubacterium alactolyticum

Campilobacter spp.

Sweet, feetud odor

Peptostreptococcus anaerobius: SPS:sensitive

Safety pin

Bacteroides fragilis

Causes aspiration pneumonia

B. Fragilis

Pits and corrodes the agar same with?

Bacteroides uerolyticus

Eikenella corrodens

Requires formate & fumarate for growth in broth cultures

B. Ureolyticus

Fusobacterium nucleatum can develop 3 colony types

1. Smooth

2. Speckled ⭐

3. Irregular "break crumbs" salt grains

Fusiformed rods with 1 pointed and 1 blunted end


Raspberyy like colonies

Leptotrichia spp.

Asaccharolytic; bile sensitive; bile pigment (+) no UV

Prevotella spp

Prophyromonas spp.

Brick Red flourescence under UV

Prevotella spp.

Prophyromonas spo.

Aspiration pneumonia

Bacteroides fragilis

Brick red flourescence under UV

Prevotella spp

Prophyromonas spp.

Red flourescence under UV

Veilonella spp.

Has sulfur granules, filamentous rods

Actinomyces Israelii