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16 Cards in this Set

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What are the two types of cells

Diploid cell - a cell that contains a full set of chromosomes (humans have 46 chromosomes)

Haploid cell - a cell that contains half the number of chromosomes (humans 23/ sperm + egg)

What are the two types of chromosome

Female: XX

Male: XY

What are autosomes and how many do human diploid cells have?

Autosomes are any chromosomes that aren’t sex chromosomes and human diploid cells have 44 chromosomes.

Chromosomes made up of DNA and histones are called what when coiled and uncoiled

Coiled - Proteins

Uncoiled - Chromatin

Chromosomes exist in pairs how many pairs do humans have

Humans have 22 pars and 2 sex chromosomes

What is Binary fusion

A type of cell reproduction for prokaryotic cells (bacteria) DNA is copied and two identical cells are formed (types of asexual reproduction)

What is Mitosis

In eukaryotic cells occurs in organisms undergoing growth, development, repair or asexual reproduction.

What is Meiosis

Cell division that occurs in the egg and sperm (result in half the number of chromosomes: Haploid, which produces gametes/sex cells/sperm + egg)

What is cell cycle

A repeating set of events in the life of a cell (Cell division is one phase of this cycle)

What are the three parts of interphase

1. G1 (cell growth)

2. S1 (DNA is copied which is important for cell growth)

3. G2 (Growth and preparation for cell division)

What are the stages of Mitosis

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase/Cytokinesis

What happens in prophase

Nuclear membrane disappears/centrioles/spindle fibers form. DNA is formed into chromosomes (two identical chromatids) In animal cells, centrosomes will also have centrioles (spindle fibers) which look like barrels. Spindle fibers radiate from the centrioles will attach to the centromere in the chromosome

What happens in metaphase

Chromosomes line up in the middle with spindle fibers attaching to the centromere of each chromosome

What happens in anaphase

Chromatids separate from the centromere taking one copy of the genetic material or chromatid with it

What happens in telophase

Spindle fibers disappear/nuclear membrane forms again and cell gets ready to split


Cell splits into two (Cleavage furrow forms)
