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12 Cards in this Set

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A trait is ________.
During cell division, chromosomes are ____ and then distributed to daughter cells.
____ are passed from parent to offspring in these ____.
At one time, it was believed that traits of parents were ____ in offspring. This isn't accurate at all.
The first clues to understanding inheritance came from ____ ____, an outstanding geneticist in the ____ ____.
He used garden pea plants to study how traits were ________.
After gathering information on more than #____ pea plants, Mendel suggested several hypotheses to explain the inheritance of traits.
any characteristic that can be passed from parents to offspring
Traits, chromosomes
George Mendel, late 1800s
passed from one generation to another
20, 000
The structure of the pea flower allowed Mendel to manipulate ____.
Pea plants contain both ________ within the same flower.
So, he could simply allow them to ____, or alter them so that they had to ____.
If a plant (or any other organism) receives the same genetic traits from both its parents, it is called a ____.
So, the plants the he allowed to self-pollinate produced ____ pea plants.
He altered some of the pea plants by removing the ____ from them, and transferring the ____ by hand (from one flower to another).
Mendel ____ plants, producing ____.
A hybrid is ________.
male and female gametes
self-pollinate, cross-pollinate
anthers, pollen
crossbred, hybrids
any organism that receives different forms of a genetic trait from each parents
Mendel began his experiments using two ____ groups of ____ plants.
He called this generation the ____, or ____, generation.
He named the second generation the ____, or ____ generation.
The offspring of the F1 generation were named the ____, or ____.
Mendel crossed ____ pea and ____ pea parents.
Surprisingly, he found that all of the ____ peas were ____. (According to the blending theory, they would all have been ____)
After allowing the ____ peas, to ____, he found that #____ were ____ and #____ were ____ (no ____)
So, blending was ________
different, purebred
parental, P
First filial, F1
second filial, F2
yellow, green
F1, yellow, yellow-green
F1, self-fertilize, 3/4 were yellow, 1/4 were green
not going on
Mendel repeated these crosses and observed many other traits like height, flower color, pea shape, etc... He continually found the ____ results.
The ____ generation always showed ____ ____ form of each trait.
He defined each form of the trait as either ____ or ____.
A dominant form appeared in the ____ generation.
A recessive form did not appear in the ____ generation.
In the F2 generation, he always found ____ form of each trait.
#____ of the ____ generation showed the dominant trait, and #____ of the ____ showed the recessive trait.
F1, only one
dominant or recessive
3/4, F2, 1/4, F2
After crossing the generations, Mendel hypothesized that each trait is controlled by a distinct "factor" (which we know today is ____)
He decided that for every ____, an organism must carry a ____ of factors-- the offspring receives ____ from each parent.
Genes are ________.
Most organisms have ____ copies of every gene and ____, one from each parent.
The different forms of genes are called ____.
pea color in pea plants is controlled by ____ gene with ____ allele -- ____ and ____.
If an organism has two different alleles for a trait, ____ is expressed, or visible.
A dominant allele is form of a gene that is ________.
A recessive allele is a form of a gene that is ________-- it is ____
trait, pair, one
sections of chromosomes that code for a trait
two, chromosomes
one, two, yellow and green
fully expressed even if another allele is present
not fully expressed when paired with a dominant allele, hidden
By (year)____, ____ ____ had outlined the ____ theory of ____.
This theory states that the ________.
____ genes are located on ____ chromosomes.
As you work with traits and inheritance, ____ will be used to represent alleles.
The allele for yellow peas, the ____ trait, is represented by a capital Y.
The allele for green peas, the ____ trait, is represented by a lowercase y. (Same letter is used since ________)
1903, Walter Sutton, chromosome, heredity
material of inheritance is carried by the genes in chromosomes
specific, specific
both yellow and green are alleles for the same gene
The genetic makeup of an organism is called its ____.
The genotype includes ____ ____ in a homologous pair of chromosomes.
The genotype of a purebred yellow pea plant is YY. A hybrid is written Yy.
The phenotype of an organism is the ____ ____ of the trait.
The genotypes YY and Yy show a ____ phenotype. The genotype yy shows a ____ phenotype.
both genes
outward expression
yellow, green
genotypes can be either ____ or ____.
An organism in which the two alleles in a gene pair are identical is called ____.
An organism in which the two alleles for a particular trait are different is called ____
heterozygous or homozygous
Law of Segregation::
Gene pairs separate when ____ form (during ____).
because of ____, ____ of an organism's gametes contain #____ gene from a ____ ____, and half of the gametes contain the other gene.
gametes, meiosis
segregation, half, one, homologous pair
Law of Independent Assortment::
After Mendel began to study more than one ____ at a time, he noticed that traits are ____ ____.
Gene pairs segregate into gametes ____ and ____ of each other.
(Without independent assortment, you couldn't have your father's eyes and your mother's nose.)
trait, inherited independently
randomly, independently
Law of Dominance::
the ____ allele is always expressed, while the ____ allele can be ____.
In pea plants, heterozygous for flower colors, the ____ purple color controls the ____.
The other allele in the pair, the allele for white flowers ____ ____ affect the phenotype.
A recessive allele is expressed only when ________
dominant, recessive, hidden
dominant, phenotype
does not
the organism has no copy of the corresponding dominant allele
Scientists use ____ to predict the ____ and ____ in breeding experiments.
Scientists use a ____ ____ to make predictions about genetics.
A punnett square is a ________ -- shows ____, not ____ ____.
probability, genotypes, phenotypes
Punnett Square
grid for organizing genetic information, probabilities, actual results