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50 Cards in this Set

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Brick and mortar theory

Around 5th century BCE


Postulated that elements from all parts of body become concentratef in male semen and then formed into a human in the womb


Critizied the brick and mortar theory


2 objection

Mutilated and physically handicapped people can produce normal children

More subtle people can transmit chaeacteristics which they do not show, but develop in a later age e.g. baldness

Blueprint model


Observed animacules

Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1632-1723

Major contribution is the developmeny of cell theort and identification of chromosomes

Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1632-1723

Swedish physician and biologist, classification of biological entities

Carl von Linné/Linnaeus 1707-1778

Published systema naturae, seed for modern biological classification

Carl von Linné/Linnaeus 1707-1778

Formerly named Jean baptiste pierre antoine de monet

Lamarck/Chevalier de Lamarck 1744-1829

Propsed comprehensive theory of evolution

Credited as the first modern evolutionist

Chevalier de Lamarck

Scottish lawyer turned geologist

Charles Lyell 1797-1875

Authored the principlea of geology, influenced young darwin

Charles Lyell

Natural selection

Genetic contribution to individual difference fuel natural selection

Charles Darwin 1809-1882

Motivated Darwin to publish his tome

Championed darwins origin in 1898

Book titled Darwinism

Alfred Wallace 1823-1913

Austrian monk

Studied hybridization by breeding common garden peas (Pisum Sativum)

Gregor Mendelb1822-1884

Study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms


Field of biology that intersects with many other life sciences and is strongly linked w/ the study of information system


Basic physical and functional unit of heredity


Classical genetics, encompasses basic principles of heredity, how traits are passed from one generation the the next

Transmission genetics

Concerns the chemical nature of the gene itself

Molecular genetics

Explores the genetic compoaition groups of individual members of the same species

Population genetics

Chemical basis of genes


Consist of paur of strands of sugar-phosphate backbone attached to a set of pyrimdine and purine bases


Strands are held together by H-bonds bet. adenine and thymine and between cytosine and guanine forming double helix


A triplet of bases in DNA that represents each amino acid


Protein coding sequence-

Intervening sequence -

Unit of 3 nuecleotides, codes specific amini acid-




Threadlike structure of nucleic acid and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells. Carries genetic information in the form of genea

Tightly coiled DNA


One of 2 identical parts of chromosome after S phase


Point where the 2 chromatids touch




Short arm

Long arm

Resting phase where the cell has left the cycle and stopped dividing

Go phase (quiescene)

Refers to both quiescent and senescent cells

Post mitotic

All preparations are done during this phase

Interphase (intermitosis)

Also called preparatory of intermitosis


1st phase w/in interphase from the end of the previous M phase until the beginning of DNA synthesis

G1 phase

Also called growth phase

G1 phase

Starts when dna synthesis commences, when complete all the chromosomes have been replicated

S Phase (DNA replication)

During this phase the amount of dna in the cell has effectively doubled

S Phase

Rates of RNA transcription and protein synthesis are very low during this phase

S phase

Occurs after dna replication and is a period of protein synthesis and rapid cell growth to prepare the cell for mitosis

G2 phase (growth)

During this phase the micro tubules vegin to reorganize to form a spindle

G2 phase

Physical process of cell division which divides the cytoplasm of parental cell into two daughter cells


Occurs concurrently with two types of nuclear division called mitosis and meiosis which occurs in animal cells


Modern chimps and humans orignate from a common ancestor

James Burnett (Lord Monboddo)

Provided hints about evolution in his book Zoömania

Erasmus Darwin

Darwins 2nd cousin, majoe contribution to the social science and genetics

Francis galton

Father of behavioral genetics

Francis galton

Somatic cell division


Sex cell division
