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19 Cards in this Set

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The small differences between offsprings or between the offsprings and their parents in their bodily features.


Any inheritable feature in an organism is called character.

Example-Eye colour


Different or alternative forms of a character are called traits.


Alternative forms of a gene occupying the same position on homologous chromosomes and affecting the same characteristic but in different ways.


When the two alleles or genes representing a character are similar,they are said to be homozygous.

Example -T T or tt


When the two alleles/genes representing a character are dissimilar ,they are said to be heterozygous.

Example-Tt or Rr

Dominant allele

A gene or an allele whose character is expressed both in the homologous and heterozygous condition is called a dominant gene or allele.

Eg-RR or T T

Recessive gene

A gene or an allele whose character remains suppressed in the presence of dominant gene and is able to express itself only in the homologous condition is called a recessive gene represented by a small letter.

Eg-rr or tt


The set of genes present in the cells of an organism or its genetic constitution is called the genotype.

Eg-T T ,Tt or tt


The observable characteristic which are genetically controlled.

Eg: Tallness,Dwarfness

Sex linked inheritance

It is the appearance of a trait due to the presence of an allele exclusively on the X and Y chromosome.

Monohybrid cross

A cross between two pure bred parents taking into consideration contrasting traits of one single character is called monohybrid cross.

Dihybrid cross

A cross between two pure bred parents taking into consideration contrasting traits of two characters.


The sudden change in one or more genes,or in the structure of chromosomes which is not inherited but can be transferred to the next generation.

Law of Dominance

Out of a pair of contrasting characters present together ,only one is able to express itself while the other remains suppressed.

F1 of monohybrid cross

Law of segregation OR Law of purity of gametes

The two members of a pair of factors seperate during the formation of gametes.

F2 of monohybrid cross

Law of Independent Assortment

When there are two pairs of characters,the distribution of the alleles of one character into the gametes is independent of the distribution of the alleles of the alleles of the other character.

Dihybrid cross


Genetics is the study of transmission of body features(both similarities and differences) from parents to offspring and the laws relating to such transmission.


It is defined as transmission of genetically based characters from parents to offspring.