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67 Cards in this Set

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Sensory reception

The CNS interprets the nature of sensory information entirely on the basis of the area of the brain stimulated.

The conscious awareness of a sensation is called


The fading of a dominant odor some time after one enters a room is an example of experiencing

sensory adaptation


sensitive to pain; have large receptive fields

The perception of pain coming from parts of the body that are not actually stimulated is called

referred pain

Temperature sensations are relayed

along the same pathways that carry sensations of pain.

Mechanoreceptors respond

mechanical pressure or distortion

Baroreceptors respond to

changes in blood pressure

Baroreceptors are found

major blood vessels, lungs, digestive, and urinary tracts

Proprioceptors respond to

position, tension in tendons and ligaments, state of muscle contraction

Proprioceptors examples

Sensory receptors that monitor the position of joints; the Golgi tendon organs

proprioceptors ----------to constant stimulation

do not adapt

Chemoreceptors respond to

chemical stimuli

Chemoreceptors example

Olfactory receptors

Neurons in the respiratory centers of the brain that respond to pH are examples of


Within the olfactory epithelium, which of the following are regenerative stem cells

Olfactory epithelium

Olfactory glands-

produce a pigmented mucus that covers the olfactory epithelium

Olfactory receptor cells

highly modified neurons; with chemical receptors called odorant-binding proteins on the cilia

------------ is the only sense that is NOT routed through the thalamus.


Olfaction is routed through

the limbic system and the hypothalamus

taste receptors are

specialized epithelial cells

Primary taste sensations 4 main (2 minor)

Sweet, sour, bitter, salty, Minor are umami and water.

Humans are most sensitive to ------- taste


Taste buds are monitored by cranial nerves

VII, IX, and X

The mechanism of gustatory reception vs. that of olfactory receptors?

seems to parallel

lacrimal caruncle

A soft mass that is located at the medial canthus and contains glands that produce thick secretions

sebaceous glands in the eye that can become



lacrimal gland amount and function

have a dozen or more ducts

secretes the tears and is superior and lateral to

the eyeball

Inferior rectus

is responsible for the eye looking down

Medial rectus

moves the eye toward the nose

Superior rectus

moves the eye upward

Lateral rectus

abducens nerve innervates the lateral rectus

function is to bring the pupil away from the midline of the body

Inferior oblique

responsible for enabling the eye to roll, look up, and look laterally

Superior oblique

makes the eye look down and laterally

The fibrous layer of the eye consists of the ------ and the -----.

sclera and the cornea


white of the eye


transparent anterior portion of the fibrous layer of the eye

Vascular Layer

intermediate; structure of the eye contains blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.


portion of the eye that contains blood vessels, pigment cells, loose connective tissue, and intrinsic muscle fibers is the iris

The photoreceptors of the retina are called

rods and cones

fovea centralis

small, central pit composed of closely packed cones. It is located in the center of the macula lutea of the retina

The highest concentration of cones is in

fovea centralis

There are three different types of cones, each one sensitive to a different color wavelength of light

red, blue, and green

blind spot in the retina occurs at the

optic disc (where the nerve cells exit the eye)

where there are no photoreceptors on the retina

blind spot

anterior chamber of the eye

space between the iris and the cornea

posterior chamber of the eye

pace between the suspensory ligaments and the iris ---vitreous humor is found here

vitreous humor

helps to stabilize the eye shape

focuses the visual image on the photoreceptors by changing shape


shape of the lens is controlled by the

suspensory ligaments

When viewing an object in close distance, the lens should be ----------

more rounded

---------- helps to pull the lens into a more rounded shape

ciliary muscle


farsightedness ---

can see distant objects more clearly than those that are close



can see close objects more clearly than those that are far

most common form of color blindness


Photoreceptors made of compound

rhodopsin that contains opsin and retinal (derived from vitamin A)

In the visual pathway, each cerebral hemisphere receives visual information from

the lateral half of the retina on the same side, and from the medial half of the retina on the opposite side

Sound energy is converted into mechanical movements by

tympanic membrane

cavity is filled with air in the ear

tympanic cavity

smallest bones in the ear

malleus, incus, stapes

connect the tympanic membrane

to the oval window

auditory ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes)

The branch of the cranial nerve that is responsible for monitoring changes in equilibrium

vestibular branch


frequency of a sound is indicated to the nervous system by the region of the basilar membrane of the spiral organ that is stimulated

spiral organ of corti located in

cochlear duct on basilar membrane

Hair cell stereocilia project into tectorial membrane, attached to wall of cochlear duct

spiral organ of corti

Conduction deafness results from

conditions in the middle ear that block the normal transfer of vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the oval window

Bipolar cells connect photoreceptors to

ganglion cells