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8 Cards in this Set

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How do InDel mutations form?

slipped mispairing of repeated sequences

what is a splice site mutation?

mutation that occurs during the processing of pre-mRNA that affects the way the pre-mRNA splices - specific intron splicing sites

what effects on mRNA processing can occur due to mRNA mutations?

the activity of the spliceosome is altered - it's binding site recognition may become inaccurate:

*exonic deletion (skipping)

*intronic inclusion

*cryptic splice site activation (partially cut exons)

describe fwd and rvrs mutations

forward mutations: wild type -> mutant

reverse mutations-> exact reversion (true genotypic)/

equivalent reversion (diff sequence, but producing wild type AA seq.)

Describe how base ionisation leads to mutations

*base analogue can be incorporated into seq. (e.g. bromine instead of methyl) with normal function

*when changing ionisation state, analogue will imitate a transition mutation, pairing with different NT (ionisation usually due to mutagenic activity)

what is the basis behind wobble base pairing?

the third position on the anticodon is more relaxed than the first and second. the mRNA / tRNA pairing is less strict allowing for higher degeneracy in the code: amino acids may be specified by more than one codon. within an open reading frame, the resulting AA is likely to be synonymous

What mutation do the mutagens ethylmethylsulfonate (EMS) and nitrosoguanadine (NG) induce and how?

*EMS adds ethyl group to Guanadine, which makes it bind to Thymine - GC to AT transitions

*NG adds methyl group to Guanadine or Thymine, causing GC to AT transitions

What is the mutation caused by Hydroxylamine?

adds OH group - hydroxylation - to Cytosine, making it base pair with Adenine, causing CG to AT transitions