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32 Cards in this Set

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What need to know from the sacrum?
The sacral crest, the sacral hiatus, the sacral cornu, the dorsal sacral foramen, the ventral sacral foramen the median sacral crest (6)
What need to know from the rib?
The head, the neck, the tubercle, the costal groove, the angle and the body. (6)
What need to know from the sternum?
the sternum (1)
What need to know from the clavicle?
The clavicle (1)
What need to know from the pelvic girdle?
The ilium, the iliac crest and the posterior superior iliac spine (3)
What need to know from all long bones?
The epiphysis and the epiphyseal plate (2)
What need to know from the skull?
The mastoid process, the occipital bone, the external occipital protuberance, the occipital condyle and the foramen magnum (5)
What do we need to know from the Metacarpals?
the head and the base (2)
What do we need to know from the phalanx?
The proximal, intermediate and distal parts. The base and the head (5).
What do we need to know from the vertebra?
The body the vertebral arch
the vertebral foramen
the spinous process
the transverse process
the superior articulating process
the inferior articulating process
the superior vertebral notch
the inferior vertebral notch
the intervertebral foramen
What do we need to know for the cervical vertebra?
the uncinate process, the transverse process, the transverse foramen, the anterior tubercle and the posterior tubercle and groove
What do we need to know for the C1?
the posterior arch, the posterior tubercle, the groove for
the vertebral artery, the anterior arch, the articular facet, the lateral mass,
the superior articular facet and the inferior articular facet
What do we need to know for the C2?
The dens, the superior articular facet and the inferior articular process
What do we need to know for the thoracic vertebra?
the costal facet (hemifacet) and the costotransverse facet (plus normal 12 for vertebra)
What do we need to know for the lumbar vertebra?
The mamillary process, the accessory process and the 12 normal for the vertebra
What do we need to know for the scapula?
(16)The superior border, the suprascapular notch, the lateral border, the medial border,
the superior angle, the inferior angle, the spine, the acromion process,
the coracoid process, the supraglenoid tubercle, the infraglenoid
tubercle, the supraspinous fossa, the subscapular neck and the neck
What do we need to know for the humerus?
The head, the anatomical neck, the surgical neck, the radial groove, the humerus
the greater tubercle, the lesser tubercle, the intertubercular groove, the
medial lip, the lateral lip, the shaft, the deltoid tuberosity, the medial epicondyle,
the lateral epicondyle, the medial supracondylar ridge, the lateral supracondylar ridge,
the trochlea, the capitulum and the olecranon fossa. (19)
What do we need to know for the radius?
The head, the neck, the radial tuberosity, the interosseous(not intra) border, the ulnar notch and the styloid process
What do we need to konw for the ulna?
The olecranon process, the radial notch, the trochlear notch, the coronoid process,
the ulnar tuberosity, the interosseous border, the posterior border, the head
and the syloid process (9).
What do we need to know for the carpal bones?
12 The scapoid, the tubercle of the scaphoid, the lunate, the triquetrum (try lube), the pisiform, the trapezium (um by thumb), the tubercle of the trapezium (both tubercles stick together), the trapezoid, the capitate, the head of the capitate (captains have heads),
the hamate and the head of the hamate
(hamlet's father's head poisoned).
What three nerves seen when deep skinning can be seen?
The greater occipital nerve and the posterior cutaneous nerve
What two veins can be seen when deep skinning?
the poserior cutaneous vein and the occipital vein
what arteries can be seen when skinning?
The occipital artery and the posterior cutaneous artery
What is this?
Greater occipital n.
What are 1 and 5?
5 is the lesser occipital nerve
1 is the greater occipital nerve (goes through semispinalis, which is easy to confuse with the spinalis which swerves to avoid the triange
Where is the occipital vein?
What is this?
Occipital artery