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19 Cards in this Set

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What is a 'walk'?

- A route through a graph, passing through nodes and along arcs

- A single node can be visited multiple times

What is a 'path'?

- Similar to a walk

- A single vertex can only be visited once

What is a 'trail'?

- Similar to a walk

- A single arc can only be visited once

What is an Eulerian circuit?

A trail that visits every arc and ends on the same vertex that it started on.

What is a cycle?

- Similar to a path

- Starts and ends on the same vertex

What is a Hamiltonian cycle?

A cycle that visits all nodes

What does it mean if nodes are 'connected'?

The two nodes are connected directly or indirectly by arcs.

What is connected graph?

A graph where all nodes are connected. You can create a path between any two nodes.

What is a loop?

A arc that leads directly back to the node it started on

What makes a graph simple?

If there are no loops, and there is only one arc connecting any two nodes.

What do you call a graph that has direction to it's arcs?

A digraph

What is the relation between:

1. The sum of the degrees of all nodes

2. The total number of arcs?

Sum of degrees = (No. of arcs * 2)

What is the degree of a node?

The total number of arcs coming out of the node.

Note: A loop counts as two arcs coming out of the node

What is a tree?

A connected graph with no cycles

What is a spanning tree?

A subgraph that is a tree and connects to all nodes.

What is a subgraph?

A section of a graph.

What is a complete graph?

A graph in which every node is connected to every other node.

The total number of arcs can be written as 0.5n^(2)-0.5n, where n is the number of nodes.

What is an isomorphic graph?

Isomorphic graphs showing the same information, but are arranged differently.

What is a planar graph?

A graph that can be drawn without any arcs crossing overs is planar.