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51 Cards in this Set

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Le réconfort


La soute

Store, hold (gare, aéroports)

Adultère (nmf)

Adultery: chuyện ngoại tình/

Adulterer: người ngoại tình

Attentat (nm)

Assassination attempt/ attack

Aviation civile

Civil aviation: hàng không dân dụng

Demi-siècle (nm)


En famille (adv)

With family/ feel at hone

Expérimenter (v)

To test, try out, to experiment

La magie


Afficher (v)

To post, to stick up/

To show off, to display

S'effondrer (v)

To fall apart, to collapse

Durablement (adv)

/ enduringly, for a long time

Affronter (v)

To face up to, to confront

Sans précédent (adj)

Without precedent, unprecedented

Dans un premier temps

(At) first, to start with, to begin with

Base aéroportuaire (nf)

Air base

Surtout (adv)

Above all/ especially, particularly

Amérique du Nord

North America

Sommer qu de faire qqch

Command/ order sb to so sth

Prendre le relais (de qn/ qch)

To take over (from sb/ sth)

Frais de fonctionnement (n, pl)

Running costs

D'autant plus ... que

Particularly, all the more reason that...

Sensiblement (adv)

Appreciably, noticeably, markedly/

About, approximately, roughly, more or less

Supprimer (v)

Abolish/ cut down/ stop

Tenter de faire qch

To attempt, to try to do sth

Relancer (v)

To revive/ to start again

Se désengager (v)

To give up/ to back out of one's (political) commitment

Externaliser (v)

To outsource

Confier à

To confide, entrust to/

To consign to: chuyển giao cho

Confier à

To confide, entrust to/

To consign to: chuyển giao cho

Mixte (adj)



(N) administrator/

(Adj) administrative

Centre d'affaires (nm)

Business centre

Ensemble (nm)

Set, group, collection/ unity

Le montant

The sum, amount, total

Le choc

Shock/ crash, collision, impact/ conflict

Un pantin


Manipuler (v)

To manipulate/ to handle

Acheminer (v)

To convey, forward/

To route

À cette intention (adv)

With this purpose, with that intention

La caverne

Cave, cavern

Scintiller (v)

To sparkle, glitter

Parallèlement (adv)

In a parallel to/ at the same time

S'opposer à

To object, to oppose/ to be against

Fouiller (v)

To search (through)

Tâter (v)

To feel

Dépouiller (v)

To strip/ to dispossess

To scrutinize

Menaçant (adj)

Menacing, threatening

À la fois (adv)

Together, at a time, at the same time

Rentabiliser (v)

To make profit

Au mieux (adv)

For the best/ at the best price