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8 Cards in this Set

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-used for acute and long term relief of angina

-a coronary artery vasodilater

S/S: look for orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, flushing, headaches

-administer sublingual or aerosol spray, topical paste (wear gloves)


-narcotic used for moderate to severe pain

S/S: N/v, decreased heart rate, decreased bp, diaphoresis, constipation and flushing

-Needs to assess respiratory rate of a client before administration. Respirations need 12-20. Less than 12, hold medication and consult physician.

-monitor heart rate, BP, check for adequate urination

-implement deep breathing exercises


-mild to moderate pain relief, fever reducer

-used for platelet aggregation inhibitor

-used for people who has had an MI, having an MI, or close to having MI (not used for pain relief for a heart attack)

-use lowest oxygen level needed to accomplish

-increase contractibility in clients with heart failure and afib

-assess apical pulse for 1 minute. If pulse is 60 or less, withhold medication and contact HCP

-monitor client for dig toxicity. Early signs NV, loss of appetite, fatigue, headache, depression, weakness, drowsiness, confusion, nightmares, facial pain, personality changes, sensitivity to light, sinus bradycardia, AV block, V arrhythmia

-Check blood tests for dig level


in relation to cardiac, used to treat edema in heart failure and HTN

-loop diuretic, works on loop o henle in kidneys

-frequent urination expected. Assess patients lifestyle upon discharge. If works at night, swtich time of dosage to nighttime instead of daytime so sleeping patterns will not be interrupted

-assess vital signs and K electrolyte levels. Loop diuretic, K++ loss can cause hypokalemia

S/S of hypokalemia: muscle weakness, tremors, cramps, altered mental status and cardiac arrhythmias

-check hydration status(skin tugor), intake/outtake fluid

-weigh is taken same time every day, same outfit, etc

Antihypertensive Meds

used to decrease BP

each classification does it in different way

monitor clients BP and HEart rate

orthostatic hypertension



-use to prevent DVT

-given SQ abdomen

-Has air bubble in pre filled syringe, don't expel before injection because that air bubble seals medication into tissue to avoid leakage

-before giving, make sure CBC and platelet count done as baseline. and monitored periodically.

-watch for unusual bleeding (gum bleeding, nose bleeds) or bruising