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23 Cards in this Set

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4 requirements to have a complete flower

1. Calyx of sepals

2. Corolla of petals

3. Pistils

4. Stamens

Combined calyx and corolla is called...


When petals and sepals are indistinguishable they are called


Name the top, middle & blue parts of the flower above.

1) Top: stigma

2) Middle: style

3) Bottom: ovary


Name the orange & red parts of the flower

Orange: anther

Yellow: filament

Anther + filament = stamen

Male - androecium

This represents which kind of symmetry?

Radial symmetry

This represents which kind of symmetry?

Bilateral (zygomorphic) symmetry

This represents which kind of symmetry?


Contains both staminate and pistillate structures


Gamopetalous vs. Polypetalous

Gamopetalous = corolla looks like a tube, no distinguishable petals. (ex: trumpet creeper)

Polypetalous = corolla is composed of distinct, individual petals (ex: rudibeckia, also polypetal = many petals)

Name this flower shape


Name this flower shape


Name this flower shape


Name this flower shape



Name this flower shape


Name this flower shape


2 abiotic pollination syndromes

1. Hydrophily: water pollination

2. Anemophily: wind pollination

Name 3 rewards pollinators receive for visiting flowers

1. Pollen

2. Nectar

3. Temperature/heat

Definition of pollination

Transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a plant.

What is a selective pressure, and an example of a selective pressure?

Selective pressure: structure created by the flower in order to attract/deter specific pollinators.

Ex: Hollyhocks are funnel shaped, which attracts a specific type of pollinator (hummingbirds) and deters others.

Gynoecium is a (male/female) part, and is made of: ____, ____, & ______.

Female part. Stigma, style & ovary

Gynoecium is a (male/female) part, and is made of: ____, ____, & ______. The entire structure is known as _____.

Female part. Stigma, style & ovary. Known as a pistil/carpel.

Androecium are (male/female) parts and are composed of a ____ and ____, also known as a _____.

Androecium = male parts.

Anther (pollen collecting) & filament. This entire structure is known as the stamen.