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55 Cards in this Set

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Muscular fitness
Ability of musculoskeletal system to perform daily and recreational activities without undue fatigue and injury
Muscular strength
Ability of muscles to contract with maximal force
Muscular endurance
Ability of muscle to contract repeatedly over extended period of time
Resistance training
Done with weights, body weight, or other resistive equipment
How is muscular strength measured
One repetition max
Development of large muscle fibers
Plyometric exercise
Explosive type
Type of muscle that is voluntary
Slow twitch muscle fibers utilizes ______ to contract
what is the most common exercise?
isotonic muscle contraction
two types of contraction
concentric and eccentric
eccentric contraction occurs when the muscle ______
what takes place as a result of resistance training
physiological changes
effets of weight training on women
prevention of osteoporosis
reduced body fat
improved stamina
decreased fatigue
better slleep
increased self-confidence and body image
loss of muscle mass and strength with aging
stability balls for resistance work work what muscle group
you should increase frequence, intensity, and time at what percentage
formula for developing muscle endurance
low weight, high reps
calisthenic exercises
actin and myosin
two kinds of protein filaments that are arranged in alternating bands that give the whole cell a striped appearance
group of repetitions
ability of joings to move through a full range of motion
benefits of regular stretching
improved mobility, posture, and balance
greater freedom of movement
proper joint alignment and posture
static flexibility
measure of the limits of a joint's overall range of motion
dynamic flexibility
measure of overall joing stiffnes during movement
things that affect flexibility
age, gender, activity level, joints, muslces, tendons, nervous system, genetics
range of motion is limited by
muscles, tendons, and connective tissues around joints
strong, smooth tissue that cushions the end of bones, preventing them from rubbing against each other
fibrous, connective tissues that connect bone to bone
how many seconds should you hold each stretch for
15 secons
some physiological changes from resistance training
muscle mass, bone mineral, metabolic rate, fuel stores, coordination, insulin sensitvity, lower body fat, low blood pressure and cholesterol
voluntary skeletal muscle
allows movement of the skeleton and generates body heat
involuntary cardiac muscle
exists only in the heart and facilitates the pumping of blood
involuntary smooth muscle
lines some internal organs and moves food through the stomach intestines
make up of muscle breakdown
muscle > muscle fibers > protein filaments > actin and myosin
slow-twitch muscle fibers
oxygen dependent and contract slowly but can contract for longer periods of time
fast-twitch muscle fibers
not oxygen dependent and contract faster but tire relatively quickly
source of power for slow-twitch fibers
oxygen, breakdown of fat
sources of power for fast-twitch fibers
glycogen reserves, glucose
formula for developing muscle strength
low reps, high weight
isotonic exercises
weight training, calisthenics, pully weights, resistance machine exercises; concentric and eccentric
shortening of muscle
lengthening of muscle
isometric exercises
non-moving or static contractions
isokinetic exercises
isotonic-kinetic; performed on machines that keep velocity and resistance constant; no eccentric contraction
overall joint structure accounts for ___% of the resistance to movement around a joint
soft tissue account for ___% of resistance to movement around a joint
regular activity does what to connective tissues; disuse and age does what to connective tissues; temperature does what to connective tissues
remain supple and easy to lengthen; become stiffer and shorter; as it rises, they become softer and eacier to lengthen
nervous system triggers
muscle contractions and muscle relaxation
golgi tendon organs
trigger muscle to relax
stretch receptors (stretch reflex)
trigger muscle to contract
static stretching
holding stretch for amount of time
dynamic stretching
stretching through movement
ballistic stretching
bouncing, jerky movements
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNE)
uses voluntary contraction of muscle groups to help facilitate relaxation and stretching in target muscles