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58 Cards in this Set

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Latent Inhibitors

needs to broken down to 'oxon' form

Pesticides pre-WWII

- naturally derived or occurring

- strychnine

- thallium

- aresenic

- mercury

- pyrethrum

- lead shot


used prior to WWII"nux vomica" plant. animal control.


used prior to WWII

rare metal


used prior to WWII

herbicide and insecticide

copper sulfate--mantarays


used prior to WWII

seed treatment


used prior to WWII


"Silent Spring" Rachel Carson

- pesticides were being overused but shouldn't be banned

- man needs to work with nature: integrated pest management (use ecological and chemical tools)

Ghosts of Shrimp Past

- ghost shrimp -> mud shrimp -> natives

- caused bioturbation which caused young oysters to sink and suffocate

- permit issued to use aniicloprid on shrimp but was quickly withdrawn

- no public relations prior to release and lack of unity among growers contributed to its withdraw


bring sediments to the surface making it a soft surface layer

Willipa Bay History

- Used herbicides to control spartina which raised the elevation and caused lost of mudflats

- Pesticides for control of burrowing shrimp gave rise to use of carbamates which cause worry for cutthroat trout and crabbing

- Use of imidacloprid (NNI) as an alternative


OCs -> parathion -> latent -> metabolized-> oxonhigh dermal absorbtion -> used on petscontrols domestic birds (Rid-A-Perch)


- AChs Inhibitor

- Plasma Cholinerase: inhibits other chloinestarases (looking at blood samples)

- ACh is not broken down -> tetany -> paralysis -> death


- emulates ACh, binds -> tetany -> paraylsis -> death

- high affinity to nicotinic receptor in invertebrates w. low sensitivity in vertebrates

- poor efficacy, cannot apply enough for it to be effective

direct inhibitor

already in potent form

1960s (The Beginning)

- "Silent Spring"

- Usage of organochlorides

- DDT & its metabolites (DDE, DDD) caused eggshell thinning and mortality

FOCUS: Field studies and laboratory confirmation of standardized toxicology tests

Dereck Ratacliff

discovered eggshell thinning and mortality of birds. weighed egg specimens in museums prior and post WWII.

showed interspecies effects. was tested on chickens who are not effected by DDT

1970s (The Legislative Years)

- FIFRA: Gave guidelines for pesticide registration and re-registration

FOCUS: Restrictions in use of OCs and development of standardized toxicology tests

1970-1992 (Old Paradigm)

- lots of money and research

- lab tests -> field studies (manufacturer) -> regulatory decision (regulation lags science)

1980s (The Golden Years)

- OPs and CBs: acute toxicology, low persistance, no biomagnification

FOCUS: Indicators of exposure, documentation of mortality (plasma, not brains) & reproductive effects

Spontaneous Reactivation

heat can reverse effects of CBs meaning samples need to be handled with care

1990s (The Decline)

- change in presidents

- synthetic pyrethroids

- ALAD: blood enzyme, hemoglobin exposure to led biomarker: acute toxicology, persistent, low biomagnification

- EPAs New Paradigm

- OC: Estrogenic Effect

FOCUS: Sublethal & indirect effects and biomarkers

1992 -> (New Paradigm)

- Linda Fisher memo (EPA didn't feel comfortable w. studies): no field studies = loss of funding

- Lab toxicology -> Exposure Risk Mitigation -> Regulatory Decision -> Targeted Post Regulatory Monitoring

2000s (New Directions & Some Old Issues)

- Bio-engineering pathogens and resistant crops

- Ecological risk assessment

2000s (Litigation Years)

- Return of DDT: mosquitos (developing countries) become resistant

- Flame retardants (PBDEs): The Next PCD's

- Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)

- Nanoparticles

- Pharmaceuticals/PPCPs in surface waters

- Sublethal effects: "Leaps of Faith" and Pious Hopes

- Putting "risk" in risk assessment

FOCUS: Legislative Wars: ESA vs FIFRA vs CWA (Pesticides and Salmon in PNW)

2010s (Neonictinoids: The New DDT?)

- Legislative Wars continue: pesticides & T&E species, sub-lethal effects, "precautionary principal"

- Phase-out ChE-inhibitors

- Neonicotinoids: Honey-bee 'colony collapse'

- GMOs

- Nanoparticles

- Pharmaceuticals/PPCP's in surface water

FOCUS: neonicotinoids


biggest toxicology law: pesticides are guilty until proven otherwise


created from FIFRA: shifted focus from labeling etc., to health & environment

registrant must refute presumption of risk

had the greatest impact on fish & wildlife toxicology

cancellation & suspension

Agent Orange

- herbicide.

- dioxin: persistent and toxic

- tank mix was never tested (usually only active ingredients) which proved deadly


1958 Delancey Cause: Zero tolerance for carcinogens in processed foods

1) Over time, carcinogens were more easily detected

2) Used for food additives

repeal tolerances in raw & processed food but do public health benefits outweigh risks in distribution of food supply


- regulatory counterpart of FIFRA

- all chemicals except pesticides active ingredients (looks at surfactants)

- requires tests on those chemicals that may pose a significant risk or are produced in substantial quantity leading to human or environmental exposure



- super fund: legislative appropriated $ through chemical tax to deal w. toxic waste sites

- congressional appropriation & tax on chemical producers

- reactive to an existing condition (responsible party is not present)

- increase in hazardous sites and increase in backlog

Super Fund

legislative appropriated $ through chemical tax to deal w. toxic waste sites


- proactive

- "cradle to grave"

- generation, transport, storage, and disposal

- prevents hazardous waste sites


- ammended by Flannery Decree

FOCUS: Restore & maintain the chemical, physical, & biological integrity of the nations waters


- conflicts with FIFRA
- Headwaters (needed NPDES permit&label) vs. Talent Irrigation District (if application isn't intended for surface water) Acrolein



- 'magna carta of the environmental movement'

- most significant legislative for environmental movement

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

- ensure environmental effects are considered in publicly or privately funding projects


- state equivalent

- Council n Environmental Quality lasting effectiveness because it requires PUBLIC COMMENT


- sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, lead, ozone, particulates, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide

- burning fossil fuels & auto exhaust = smog & acid rain

- international ban on chloroflurocarbons


- precautionary principal

- prevent unlawful take of listed species or damage to their critical habitats

- "Section 7" EPA must consult w. USFWS & NMFS concerns associated with chemical use

NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service)

- deals with anadramous salmon & marine mamals (except sea otters & manatees)

UFWS (US Fish & Wildlife Service)

- deals with others not including anadramous salmon and marine mammals


- US, Canada, Mexico, and Japan prohibts the take of migration birds except as allowed by each country (USDI & FWS)

- Containment induced mortallity = unlawful take if not permitted

Quotient Rule

Used by EPA to compare toxicity & environmental exposure

Estimated Environmental Concentration (EEC)

estimated or measured maximum concentration

Toxicology Level of Concern (LCC)

Fraction of the LD50 or LC50

Birds and Mammals Fraction

- non-listed: 1/5

- listed: 1/10

Aquatic Inverts & Fish

- non-listed: 1/10

- listed: 1/20

Weakness of Quotient

1) minimal data to predict field effects

2) no formal post registration monitoring

3) does not account for repeated or incremented exposure

4) may not account for differences among species

5) lab tests designed to rank chemicals based on relative toxicity NOT to predict environmental safety


OPs applied as cattle dip, killing magpies and then red-tailed hawks who fed on magpies


- used as mosquito control

- no effect on blackbirds but on Wilsons phalaropes (because of their long legs)

- is absorbed through skin

Old Paradigm (>1992)

Lab tox. tests (ID concerns) -> field studies (evaluate data) -> regulatory decision (failure to make decisions)

New Paradigm

Lab tox. tests (ID concerns) -> Exposure Risk Mitigation (Minimize exposure) -> (if acceptable) Regulatory Decision

Anatomy of an Oil Spill

Multiple failures led to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

Oil Prevention Act (OPA)

- Response to Exxon Valdez Spill

- Federal government manages oil spills

Eugene Kenaga

- Founder for environmental toxicology chemistry

- Created kenaga nomogram


Kenaga Nomogram

Used to measure potential pesticide residue levels on the food-chain

(left-side: application rate)