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12 Cards in this Set

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In case of amber loop light on EWD...

Pilots turn off the faulty loop (to recover fire detection)

An amber DISCH light indicates...

Extinguisher bottle is discharged

To extinguish an engine fire...

Pilots must pull the fire handle before using the extinguisher

The white SQUIB light indicates...

Squib is armed

How many engine fire extinguisher bottles are there?

Two common for both engines

Each engine is equipped with with:

Two fire detection loops mounted in parallel

After discharging agent 1 into the left engine the indication you should see it:

Agent 1 DISCH left engine and agent 2 DISCH right engine

When does the fuel shut off light in the CL illuminate?

When the fire detection system operates, provided the CL isn't at FUEL SO

The illumination of the DISCH amber light indicates:

The fire bottle has discharged (is empty)

What aural warning is given in case of a fire or smoke warning?

Continuous repetitive chime

After an engine fire, when does the red fire handle light extinguish?

Only when the temperature detected by the loops drops below the warning threshold

Which engine nacelles are equipped with a nacelle overheat system?

Right hand only