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69 Cards in this Set

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Central tendency

An evaluation that occurs when a firefighter is rated in the middle of the range for all dimensions of work performance

Contrast effect

An evaluation error in which a firefighter is rated on the basis of performance of another firefighter and not on the classified job standards


A reduction in rank with a corresponding reduction in pay


A moral mental and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the leader

Employee assistance program

Employee benefit that covers all or parts of the cost for employees to receive counseling, referrals, and advice in dealing with stressful issues in their lives. These problems may include substance abuse, bereavement, marital problems, weight issues, or General Wellness issues

Formal written reprimand

An official negative supervisory action at the lowest level of the progressive disciplinary process

Frame of reference

An evaluation error in which the firefighter is evaluated on the basis of the fire officers personal standards instead of classified job description standards

Halo and horn effect

Evaluation error which the Fire officer takes one aspect of a firefighter's job tasks and applies it to all aspects of work performance

Involuntary transfer or detail

A disciplinary action in which a firefighter is transferred or assigned to a less desirable or different work location or assignment

Loundermill hearing

A disciplinary conference that occurs before a suspension, demotion, or involuntary termination is issued. The term loundermill refers to a US Supreme Court decision

Oral reprimand, warning or admonishment

The first level of negative discipline. Considered informal, this discipline remains with the Fire officer and is not part of the firefighters official record

Performance log

An informal record maintained by the fire officer that list firefighter activities by date and includes a brief description: it is used to provide documentation for annual evaluations and special recognition

Personal bias

An evaluation error that occurs when the evaluators perspective skews the evaluation such that the classified job knowledge, skills, and abilities are not appropriately evaluated

Pre termination hearing

Initial check to determine if there are reasonable grounds to believe that charges against an employee are true and support the proposed termination

Progressive negative discipline

The process for dealing with job-related behavior that does not meet expected and communicated performance standards. The level of discipline increases from mild to more severe punishment if the problem is not corrected


An evaluation error which the firefighter is evaluated only on incidents that occurred over the past few weeks rather than the entire evaluation period

Restricted Duty

A temporary work assignment during an administrative investigation that isolates the firefighter from the public and usually is Administrative assignment away from the fire station

Special evaluation period

A designated period Of time when an employee is provided additional training to resolve a work performance behavioral issue. The supervisor issues an evaluation at the end of the special evaluation period.


A negative disciplinary action that removes a firefighter from the work location: he or she is generally not allowed to perform any fire department duties

T account

A documentation system similar to an accounting balance sheet listing credits and debits, in which a single sheet form is used to list the employees assets on the left side and liabilities on the right side so the result resembles the letter t


The situation in which the organization ends individuals employment against his or her will

Work Improvement plan

A written document that is part of a special evaluation period. The plan identifies performance deficiencies and list the improvements in a performance or changes in Behavior required to obtain a satisfactory evaluation

Why does a fire officer conduct regular evaluations

To provide feedback on job performance, on-duty behavior, and problem resolution

The annual performance evaluation is

A formal written documentation of the firefighters performance in the rating period. Evaluations should be an ongoing process throughout the year

What must the Fire officer determine of each new firefighter

Their skills, knowledge, attitude, strength, and weaknesses and then set specific expectations for each new firefighter

How should fire officers keep firefighters aware of how they are doing

They should provide regular feedback especially after incidents or activities that presented special challenge

How does a fire officer build discipline

Buy training to meet performance standards

Explain positive discipline

Directed toward motivating individuals and groups to meet or exceed expectations

In a municipal system where should personnel records be stored

Secured Central Repository

When should employees receive annual written evaluations

After their initial probationary period annually

Why should fire officers provide evaluation and feedback to Firefighters throughout the year

So that the information that goes into their annual evaluation does not come as a surprise

Evaluations are largely subjective process that are vulnerable to what

Unintentional biases and errors

What is negative display aimed at

Discouraging unacceptable behavior and poor performance

What is EAP designed to deal with

Issues such as substance abuse, emotional or mental health issues, marital and family difficulties, or other difficulties that affect job performance

Regular evaluations provide what

Feedback for on-the-job performance, on-duty behavior, and problem resolution

Positive discipline

Intended to help the employee recognize problems and make corrections to improve performance or behavior.

Negative discipline

Intended as punishment for unsatisfactory performance, unacceptable Behavior, or failure to respond appropriately to positive discipline

Process for Progressive discipline

Might begin with verbal counseling, then move on to verbal reprimand with a written note to be put in the employee's file, then to a formal written reprimand, and finally to suspension, reductions in pay, or demotion

What is the ultimate form of negative discipline

Dismissal or termination

When are most evaluation performed


When is feedback on an individual's performance most effective

As soon as possible after an action or incident.

Although negative feedback should be issued to an individual in private, when should unsafe actions be counseled

Unsafe conditions should be counseled as soon as they are noticed

Should an on-site counseling be left at that

No, once the incident is under control the officer needs to follow up with a private face-to-face meeting with a firefighter or firefighters who created or ignored an unsafe condition

How does the officer build discipline

Buy training to meet performance standards using rewards and punishments judiciously instilling confidence in and building trust among team leaders and creating a knowledgeable Collective will

Positive discipline is based on

Encouraging and reinforcing appropriate behavior and desirable performance

Negative discipline is based on

Punishing inappropriate behavior or unacceptable performance

Can some actions or behaviors be so unacceptable that they result in immediate negative discipline


When should you use positive and negative discipline

Positive discipline should be used before negative discipline.

Progressive discipline

Refers to starting out to correct the problem with positive discipline and then increasing the intensity of the discipline if the individual fails to respond to the positive form. Negative discipline might have to be used as an increasingly greater extent in a situation in which the individual fails to respond in an appropriate manner to correct the problem

Direction of positive discipline

Directed toward motivating individuals and groups to meet or exceed expectations

What is the starting point for positive discipline

Identifying weaknesses, setting goals, and objectives, and providing the capability to meet those targets. Positive discipline is to establish a set of expectations for behavior and performance

How is positive discipline reinforced

By rewarding excellent performance

Key to success for fire companies


How does an officer set the stage for positive discipline

Walk the walk. The officer sets the stage by setting clear expectations. The supervisor will directly participate in firefighting activities and Performing non-emergency activities they should demonstrate a personal commitment to the Department's goals and objectives.

What is a good stimulus for positive discipline



One of the most effective strategies within the realm of positive discipline

Big thing of informal discipline

Informal discipline action stays with the Fire officer and does not become part of the employees or official record

How quickly do skills diminish

Skills have been shown to deteriorate if not used within 90 days of training

Informal written reprimands

Use a standard form when issuing an informal oral reprimand, warning, or admonishment. This record is valued by the personnel office if it should become a grievance or results in a civil service hearing

What might be in a personnel file

Hiring packet, tax withholdings, personal actions, evaluations, grievances, formal disciplines.

4 steps of annual evaluation processes

Supervisor fills out a standardized evaluation form, subordinate is allowed to review and comment on the evaluation, face-to-face feedback interview between supervisor and subordinate, establish goals for the subordinate to accomplish during the next evaluation period

Benefit of a mid-year review

Have the employees write a self-evaluation in preparation for the yearly review

When should an employee no there's a problem with his performance

Firefighter who's not meeting expectations should know there's a problem long before the annual evaluation.

Leniency in annual reviews

Some officers tend to rank all firefighters either higher or lower than their actual work performance. this reduces conflict because a positive evaluation is likely to make the evaluation a more pleasant experience and avoid confrontation.

Leniency in the negative Direction for an evaluation

some officers lean in the opposite direction and rate all firefighters with needs Improvement or unsatisfactory. They think that low ratings will cause a firefighter to be motivated to work harder.

What is a stronger Force: negative discipline or positive discipline

Negative discipline

Progressive negative discipline

If an individual does not respond to positive efforts to correct the problem, the next logical step is to punish continuing unsatisfactory performance. Sometimes it's necessary to terminate employee who is an ineffective and unwilling to improve

Typical steps in Progressive negative discipline

Counsel, verbal reprimand, issue a written reprimand, suspended, terminate

Although upper management usually issues reprimand, why is it sometimes important for the officer to be involved

Fire officers the closest person to the issue and will be involved in remediation efforts