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39 Cards in this Set

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Naval accounting activities are divided into what 2 categories?

Shore activites and operating forces

Who authorizes an appropriation to incur obligations?


Most appropriations last how long

1 year

What type of work is supported by continuing appropriations?

Construction of a building

Appropriations are place in what order?

Current, expired and lapsed

At the end of the unavailability period, unliquidated obligations of appropriations are transferred to which govnt agencies?


The third digit in the appropriation symbol shows what?

Fiscal year

X in 17x1832 shows what?

No fiscal year limitations

Which represents the last 2 digits of major claimants uic?

First 2 digits of the appropriation number subhead.

What type of fund is reimbursed in an amount equal to each expenditure.


What fund is used to bn procure stocks of common supply item in NSA?


Who is admin of NWCF


Which symbol represents DBOF?

17X49 11

What is the inv. Account title for material purchased by DBOF and held until needed by navy customer?


What is a revolving fund used to finance commercial type activities like a shipyard?

Navy Industrial Fund

What fund is used for British runway is charged with?

Naval Working Fund

Navy ships store profits fund is what fund?


Object class codes are used in what transactions?

Only optar that affect internal balance of payments

What previously assigned code is always used as operating budget number?


UIC codes are assigned by who

Comptroller of the navy

Responsibility for assigning accurate UIC on requisition rests with which organization?

Prepping activities

Which following operating budget is for fuel transferred from Pacific fleet oiler?


For aviation funds accounting purposes, squadrons are referred?

Aviation Operating Forces

In OPTAR transactions should an object class code be indicated on each document.

When the transaction affected the international balance of payments

Cost code consists of what?

00 julian date s/n and fund code

For aviation funds accounting, squadrons are referred to as?

Aviation operating forces

What is budgeting amnt within operating budget approved in fixed amnt for incurring obligations or unfilled orders?

Obligation authority

Program provides responsible CDR with budget that includes all cost incurred instead of allotments to cover limited portion of costs


RMS procedure used first


Development of resource requirements, admin of available funds and continuous analysis of status of optar is responsibility of

TYCOM officer

Optar are in what pub

NAVSO P3013-2

NWCF is reimbursed when material is requisitioned for use by charging customers


What is OPTAR threshold amount?


What OPTAR is exempt from threshold?


A mag Budget OPTAR reports submitted to DFAS no later than what day?

1st day of the month following the month being reported.

SFOEDLs are received how often?


All differences on SFOEDL are listed by what code?

Fund code

Differences of what min dollar amount are manually researched by DFAS before being reported to OPTAR


Unfilled orders that havnt been matched will appear on UOL in how many days?