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92 Cards in this Set

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Origin of Supraspinatus

supraspinous fossa of scapula

Insertion of supraspinatus

greater tubercle of humerus

action of supraspinatus

abduction at shoulder

origin of infraspinatus

infraspinous fossa of scapula

insertion of infraspinatus

greater trubercle of humerus

action of infraspinatus

lateral rotation at shoulder

origin of tres minor

lateral border of scapula

insertion of teres minor

passes laterally to reach the greater tubercle of the humerus

action of teres minor

lateral rotation at shoulder

origin of pectoralis minor

anterior and superior surfaces of ribs 3-5

insertion of pectoralis minor

coracoid process of scapula

action of pectoralis minor

elevates ribs, depresses and protracts shoulder

Origin of rhomboid major

spinous processes of superior thoracic vertebrae

insertion of rhomboid major

vertebral border of scapula from spine to inferior angle

action of rhomboid major

abducts scapula and performs downward rotation

origin of rhomboid minor

spinous process of vertebrae C7-T1

insertion of rhomboid minor

vertebral border of scapula

action of rhomboid minor

abducts scapula and performs downward rotation

origin of levator scapula

transverse process of first four cervical vertebrae

insertion of levator scapula

vertebral border of scapula near superior angle

action of levator scapula

elevates scapula

origin of supinator

lateral epicondyle of humerus, annular ligament, ridge near radial notch of ulna

insertion of supinator

anterior lateral surface of radius distal to the radial tuberosity

action of supinator


origin of pronator teres

medial epicondyle of humerus and coronoid process of ulna

insertion of pronator teres

mid lateral surface of radius

action of pronator teres


insertion of triceps brachii

olecranon of ulna

action of triceps brachii

extension at elbow

origin of brachialis

anterior distal surface of humerus

insertion of brachialis

tuberosity of ulna

action of brachialis

flexion at elbow

origin of biceps brachii

shortened-from coracoid process

long head- from the supraglenoid tubercle

insertion of biceps brachii

tuberosity of ulna

action of biceps brachii

flexion at elvow

origin of deltoid

clavicle and scapula (acromion and adjacent scapula spine)

insertion of deltoid

deltoid tuberosity of humerus

action of deltoid

whole muscle: abduction at shoulder

external oblique origin

external and inferior borders of ribs 5-12

insertion of external oblique

linealba and iliac crest

action of external oblique

compresses abdomen, depresses ribs, flexes or bends spine

Latissimus Dorsi origin

spinous processes of inferior thoracic and all lumbar vertebra, ribs 8-12 and thoracolumbar fascia

Latissimus Dorsi insertion

floor of intertubercular groove of humerus

action of latissimus dorsi

extension, adduction and medial rotation at shoulder

origin of pectoralis major

cartilages of ribs 2-6, body of sternum, and inferior medial portion of clavicle

insertion of pectoralis major

crest of greater tubercle and lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus

action of pectoralis major

flexion, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder

Origin of trapezius

occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, and spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae

insertion of trapezius

clavicle and scapula (acromion and scapula spine)

action of trapezius

1: elevate, retract, depress or rotate scapula upward

2: elevate clavicle

3: extend neck

origin of iliacus

iliac fossa of ilium

insertion of iliacus

femur distal to lesser trochanter; tendon fused with that of psoas major

action of iliacus

flexion at hip

origin of psoas major

anterior surface and transverse processes of vertebrae

insertion of psoas major

lesser trochanter in company with iliacus

action of psoas major

flexion at hip or lumbar intervertebral joints

origin of adductor longus

inferior ramus of pubis anterior to adductor brevis

insertion of adductor longus

linea aspera of femur

action of adductor longus

adduction, flexion, and medial rotation of hip

origin of fibularis longus

lateral condyle of tibia, head and proximal shaft of fibula

insertion of fibularis longus

base of fifth metatarsal bone and medial cuniform bone

action of febularis longus

eversion of foot and extension (plantar flexion) at ankle; supports longitudinal arch

soleus origin

head and proximal shaft of fibula and adjacent posteromedial shaft of tibia

insertion of soleus

calcaneus via calcaneal tendon with gastrochemius)

action of soleus

extension (plantar flexion) at ankle

origin of gastrocnemius

femoral condyles

insertion of gastrocnemius

calcaneus via calcaneal tendon

action of gastrocnemius

extension at ankle, inversion of foot, and flexion at knee

origin of tibialis anterior

lateral condyle and proximal shaft of tibia

insertion of tibialis anterior

base of first metatarsal bone and medial cuneiform bone

action of tibialis anterior

flexion at ankle; inversion of foot

origin of vastus lateralis

anteior and inferior to greater trochanter of femur along linea aspera

insertion of vastus lateralis

tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament

action of vastus lateralis

extension at knee

origin of vastus medialis

entire length of linea aspera

insertion of vastus medialis

tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament

action of vastus medialis

extension at knee

origin of rectus femoris

anterior inferior iliac spine and superior acetabular rim of ilium

insertion of rectus femoris

tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament

action of rectus femoris

extension at knee, flexion at hip

origin of sartorius

anterior superior iliac spine

insertion of sartorius

medial surface of tibia near tibial tuberosity

action of sartorius

flexion at knee, flexion and lateral rotation at hip

origin of gluteus medius

amterior iliac crest of ilium, lateral surface between posterior and anterior gluteal lines

insertion of gluteus medius

greater trochanter of femur

action of gluteus medius

abduction and medial rotation at hip

origin of biceps femoris

ischial tuberosity and linea aspera of femur

insertion of biceps femoris

head of fibula, lateral condyle of tibia

action of biceps femoris

flexion at knee; extension and lateral rotation at hip

origin of gluteus maximus

iliac crest, posterior gluteal line, lateral surface of ilium; sacrum, coccyx and thoracolumbar

insertion of gluteus maximus

iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of femur

action of gluteus maximus

extension and lateral rotation at hip