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241 Cards in this Set

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Maximum force exerted in the least amount of time

Work =

Force x distance/time

Origin of plyometrics

- Early publications in Russia (later 60s/eearly 70s)
- shock training was translated to plyometrics by Micheal Yessis and Fred Wilt in 1980s (America)

Plyometrics definition

- Latin origin

- Plio (more) + metric (measures) = plyometrics (measurable increases)

Plyometrics and muscle activity

- max amount of tension in a muscle in the shortest amount of time

- muscles possess ability to impart dynamic activity to the body (store and release energy to allow for powerful movement)

Stretch shortening cycle (SSC)

- employs both the energy storage of the series elastic component (mechanical) and stimulation of the stretch reflex (neurophysiological) to facilitate maximal increase in muscle recruitment over a minimal amount of time.

3 phases of stretch shortening cycle

- Eccentric

- Amorization
- Contraction

__________ is vital to muscle recruitment and activity resulting from the SSC

A fast rate of musculotendinous

A - Eccentric
B - Amorization
C - Concentric

Mechanical Model

- Elastic energy in musculotendinous units are increased with a rapid stretch (eccentric muscle action) and then briefly stored
- If a concentric muscle action follows immediately, the stored energy is released, contributing to the total force production

What happens if a concentric muscle action does not immediately follow the eccentric muscle action?

- The stored energy is released as heat

Series elastic component (SEC)

- When stretched, stores elastic energy that increases the force produced

Contractile component (CC) [i.e., actin, myosin, and crossbridges]

- The primary source of muscle force during concentric muscle action

Parallel elastic component (PEC) [i.e., epimysium, perimysium, endomysium, and sarcolemma)

- Exerts a passive force with unstimulated muscle stretch

Mechanical model diagram

Neurophysiological model

- Potentiation of the concentric muscle action by use of the stretch reflex


- Change in force-velocity characteristics of the muscle's contractile components caused by stretch

Stretch reflex

- The body's involuntary response to an external stimulus that stretches the muscle

How is the stretch reflex stimulated?

- Due to muscle spindles being stimulated

What happens when the stretch reflex is stimulated?

- Sends input to the spinal cord via Type Ia afferent nerve fibres

What causes a reflexive muscle action?

- Type Ia afferent nerve fibres synapse with the alpha motor neurons in the spinal cord
- Impulses travel to agonist extrafusal fibres

How does the neurophysiological model dampen GTO inhibition?

- Spindles are faster than the GTO in response

Neurophysiological model diagram

Stretch shortening cycle summary table

Phases of plyometrics

Where does plyometrics fall on the strength/speed continuum?

- Speed-strength

2 planes of plyometrics

- Horizontal (Jumps for distance)

- Vertical (Jumps for height)

2 types of response jumps

- Jumps one at a time (SRJ); single response jumps

- Jumps in a series (MRJ); multiple response jumps

3 speeds during plyometrics

- Short response jumps: quick ground contact time (short duration)
- Moderate response jumps: moderate ground contact time (moderate duration)

- Long response jumps: long ground contact time (long duration)

Surfaces to use (low to high intensity)

- Water, sand, grass, field turf, synthetic track, wood sprung floors

Surfaces to avoid

- Hard unforgiving surfaces (concrete) or too soft (mats) or uneven ground

FITT principle of plyometrics (Frequency)

- 1-3 sessions per week
- should be incorporated into warmup/complex sets instead of having dedicated session

FITT principle of plyometrics (Intensity)

FITT principle of plyometrics (Type)

- Complex training (Strength/Power)
- Metabolic conditioning (Fitness)

FITT principle of plyometrics (Time)

- Work:rest = 1:10-12
- 2-4 minutes between set (ATP-PC recovery)
- 5-10 seconds between maximal plyometrics
- 48-72 hours between sessions

What is required before higher levels of plyometrics?

- Strength base (eccentrically focused)
- Plyo is strength specific

Problem for males and females with plyometrics?

- lack of foot/knee/hip stability leading to valgus force on knee joints
- Needs to be corrected before velocity is introduced

Problem for females with plyometrics?

- Delayed co-contraction of hamstring
- Causes anterior shift of tibia causing risk of ACL injury

Why is plyo dangerous for young kids?

- It can cause growth plates closing early leading to limb imbalances

Adolescents (8+ years)

- Run, jump, double dutch, hopscotch

Master athletes (30+ years)

- Need to be aware of history of injury and pre-existing orthopedic conditions

- Reduced amplitude/intensity when dealing with osteo-arthritis/joint degradation

Early European writing stated what should be achieved before commencing a plyometric program?

- Should be able to squat 1.5-2.5x your body weight

Pre-training screening for plyometrics (environment)

- Footwear

- Landing surface

- Training area

- Equipment

Pre-training screening for plyometrics (athlete)

- Technique

- Strength: Squat (1.5-2.5x BW)/Bench (1.0-1.5x BW)

- Speed: 60% RM in less than 5 seconds (Squat/Bench)

- ROM / flexibility

- Stability / balance

Contraindications to plyometrics

- Strength deficit

- Lower / upper limb injury

- Valgus mechanics

- Questionable surface

- Fatigue is present

- Age

- Overtraining
- Intensity / weight of MB is too high

- Less than 1-2 days prior to competition

- # of foot contract to high for phase / training age

Progressions for plyometrics

- Increase volume (endurance) OR intensity (power)

- Increase distance, height, load, reps, complexity
- Decrease # of limbs

Base position for plyometrics

- Feet shoulder width apart, hips low, knees slight bent, credit card under heels, shoulder blades down and back, torso engaged
- Arms straight back for maximum loading
- On toes (heels do not touch unless a horizontal landing)
- Big pop/little time

Effort for plyometrics

- 80% when learning skill

- 110% to enhance power

- All or none (especially females)

Determine max jump height

1. The athlete is measured as accurately as possible for astanding jump-and-reach

2. The athlete performs a depth jump from an 18-inch boxheight, trying to attain the same standing jump-and-reachscore.

3. If the athlete successfully executes this task, he or shemay move to a higher box. The box height should beincreased in 6-inch increments. Step 2 is repeated untilthe athlete fails to reach the standing jump-and-reachheight. This then becomes the athlete’s maximum heightfor depth jumps.

4. If the athlete cannot reach the standing jump-andreachheight from an 18-inch box, either the height of thebox should be lowered

Power =

- (force x distance)/time = force x velocity = strength x speed

How fast must plyometric activity be performed in order for the spindles to be quicker than the GTO?

- .25 seconds for males

- .37 seconds for females

Formula for SSC potentiation / elasticity

- Counter movement jump height / squat jump height

General rule of thumb for SSC potentiation

- <1.1 then athlete needs to train plyometrics

- >1.1 then athlete needs to increase strength

Complex training: Russia(Verkochansky),EasternBloc,USA(Chu)

- Alternating between a slow speed strength exercise and a high speed strength exercise

Example of complex training

- Exercise 1: Backsquat 3­‐5 reps with a load of 85-­95% of 1 RM

- Rest 3­‐4 minutes

- Exercise 2: Jumpsquat 10 reps with a load of 15-­20% of the backsquat 1RM

- Rest 3­‐4 minutes

Bulgarian complex training

- Extended version of the Russian complex

- Use a complex of four to five exercises, going from the heaviest one to the lightest one.

Example of Bulgarian complex training

- Exercise 1: Backsquat 3­-5 reps with a load of 85-­95% of 1RM

- Rest 3-­4 minutes

- Exercise 2: Depth jumps 10 reps from 0.5m

- Rest 3­‐4 minutes

- Exercise 3: Jumpsquats 6 reps with a load of 15­‐20% of the backsquat 1RM

- Rest 3-­4 minutes

- Exercise 4: Vertical jumps as many jumps as possible in 8 seconds


Ballistic measurement systems

- Tendo unit

- Pasco / AMTI / Kistler force plates

ResearchArticle: Determining variables of plyometric training for improving vertical jump height performance (Results)

- Improve vertical jump height by 4.7-15%

- Optimum depth jump height <60cm

- Higher enhancements after plyometrics training for international level athletes vs. regional level

- Combo of SJs, CMJs and DJs shows higher ES vs single type of exercise

- Plyometrics produce some what greater positive effects in the fast SSC jumps (i.e.,DJ) than in the concentric only jumps (i.e.,SJ)

- Training for 10 weeks (20 sessions) with >50 jumps/session most beneficial

Short-term program with moderate frequency / volume vs. high frequency

- A short-­term plyometric training program with a moderate training frequency and volume of jumps (2dwk,840jumps) produced similar enhancements in jumping performance but greater training efficiency compared with high training frequency (4dwk,1680jumps)

Take home message from study

- Effective plyometric training programs depend on various factors such as training level, gender, age, sport activity, or familiarity with plyometric training as well as the delicate balance in the volume / intensity relationship

All aspects of SAQ

- Mobility

- Dynamic balance

- Biomechanics

- Coordination

- Stabilization

- Speed

- Strength


- Elasticity

- Power


- Ability to produce force in a brief amount of time


- Ability to produce maximal force


- The skills and abilities needed to achieve high movement velocities


- The skills and abilities needed to explosively change of direction/speed (CODS) or movement velocities


- How well joints handle the muscular firing patterns between or among them


- Reaction time and movement time in response to a stimulus


- Ability to move joint in a required range of motion for a specific task

Aerobic and anaerobic power and capacity

- Development of a minimum level of fitness required for sport specific demands

Innate skills

- Movements rehearsed over and over again until they feel effortless when performed


- Some athletes benefit or suffer from the DNA and hard-wiring recieved via genetics from parents and relatives


- Some athletes benefit or suffer from the environment to which they are exposed during optimal windows of development

Fast twitch fibres (Phasic)

- High force, high fatigue OR moderate force, fatigue resistant

Slow twitch fibres (Tonic)

- Low tension, fatigue resistant

Movement techniques

- Task specific applications of forces that are manifested in terms of acceleration, time or rate of application, and velocity

- Heavy resistance trained has same rate of force development up to 150ms as untrained

- Explosive ballistic trained have greater rate of force development

- Heavy resistance trained have greater maximal strength

- Takes 0.6-0.8 seconds for maximum force development

- Training causes a shift to the left


- The change in momentum resulting from a force, measured as the product of force and time

- Goal: > rate of force development / increase impulse (shift force time curve up and to the left)


- Rate of doing work, measured as the product of force and velocity

- High power outputs are required to rapidly accelerate, decelerate, or achieve high velocities


- Speed is the produce of stride length x stride rate (frequency)

Stride frequency

- More trainable than stride length

Subtasks of linear sprinting

- Start/acceleration/maximum velocity

At max speed ________

- Frequency changes > length, therefore stride frequency more important in determining max velocity

Novice vs elite sprinter

Order of effectiveness with training

- Stride frequency, max stride length, max velocity, max stride frequency

Start: Important considerations (A's)

- Load hips low and back

- R hand low / L hand 90 degrees at hip

- Explode out for a long first stride with triple extension at hip, knee and ankle (35-45 degree angle + full arm swing)

- Head and eyes down, positive shin angles and weight on balls of feet (toes up)

Max velocity: Important considerations (B's)

1. Early flight

2. Mid flight
3. Late flight

4. Early support

5. Late support

B's during sprint

Sprinting Errors (Start and acceleration)

Sprinting errors (Maximum velocity)

Resisted speed training

- Gravity resisted running (stairs/hills/chutes)

- Improves explosive strength and stride length

Assisted speed training

- Gravity assisted running (downhill/bungee)

- Improves stride rate

Why must training be done at less than 10% of max velocity?

- Avoids breaking to protect

- Avoids messing up running form

Agility coordination abilities

- Adaptive ability

- Balance

- Combinatory ability

- Differentiation

- Orientation
- Reactiveness

- Rhythm

Adaptive ability

- Modification of action sequence upon observation or anticipation of novel or changing condition and situations


- Static and dynamic equilibrium

Combinatory ability

- Coordination of body movements into a given action


- Accurate, economical adjustment of body movements and mechanics


- Spatial and temporal control of body movements


- Quick, well directed response to a stimulus


- Observation and implementation of dynamic motion pattern, timing and variations

General skills

- Develop one of more basic coordination abilities

Special skills

- Unify coordination abilities in a skill specific manner

Window of trainability

- Coordination abilities best trained during preadolescence

Reaction time

- Stimulus awareness and processing

Movement time or motor response

- Initiation and completion of movement

Simple Reaction / closed agility

- One possible stimulus and response

Complex reaction / open agility

- Signal distinction and response selection

Continuous tasks

- No apparent start / finish

- Low or moderate speeds

- Cyclic / on going

Discrete tasks

- Definite start / finish

- acyclical / brief

- high speeds

Serial skills

- Discrete skills in sequence (most athletic skills)

3 directional types of agility

- Horizontal (faking / avoiding)

- Vertical (jumping)

- Body parts (dangle in hockey)

Temporal anticipation

- Person has to make a motor response coincident with some external event

Spatial anticipation

- Person is asked to predict as fast as possible the direction or the landing point of a moving object

Universal anticipation

- Temporal and spatial uncertainty

Vision on agility

- Eye-hand coordination

- Dynamic visual acuity

- Rapid visual processing

- Binocular vision

- Peripheral awareness


- Interpretation of presented information


- Intellectual skills that require thought processes


- Movement and muscle control

Agility involves _____ only

- Open skills

Deterministic model of agility performance

Leg muscle qualities

- Eccentric strength to decelerate

- Isometric strength to stop / start

- Concentric strength the accelerate

Comment types of current assessment

- 4 square

- 5 dot

- Hexagon

- Pro agility

- T test

Body position

- Base position

- Base of support (under hips)

- Lower COG

- Torso engaged

- Dorsiflexion of feet

How to accelerate

- Forward lean

- Torso engaged

- Arm drive

- Proper shin angles

- Hold breathe

- Fluid motion

How to decelerate

- Lower COG over wide BOS

- Use arms

- Torso engaged

- Proper shin angles

How to reaccelerate

- Angle you come in = angle you go out

- Shin angles

- Torso engaged

- Arm drive

- Hold breathe

- Lateral crossover

How to teach SAQ

- Linear to lateral to change of direction skills

- One main component per training session

- Slow to fast

- General to specific

- Simple to complex

- Closed to open

- Teach through motor mimic*

Progressions for SAQ

- Increase volume OR intensity, distance traveled, speed, complexity, reps, number of stimuli

- Decrease rest to tax capacity of phosphagen system

Programming volume / intensity

- Sets: 1-4

- Reps: Need to be fast (time or number)

- Rest: 1:12 (power), 1:5 (capacity)

- Active rest such as torso / balance / AIS stretching is appropriate

Key and rule of programming volume / intensity

- Key: Volume / intensity relationship

- Rule: Train fast to play fast

Agility programming

- 1-3 sessions per week (early in week)

- Train power for performance

- Train capacity for ESD of phosphagen system

- Dependent on season / fitness level

- Incorporate into warm up as neural prep instead of dedicated sessions


- Greater emphasis on strength development while maintaining SAQ


- Greater emphasis on SAQ development while maintaining strength

What constitutes the torso?

- Spine, hips, and shoulders as a single unit (trunk and branches)

Body responds as a whole via _______

- Fascial meridians and neuromuscular adaptations

Cranial and cervical movement initiate ______

- Rolling / extension / crawling / quadruped / squatting / standing / walking / running

Ground reactive forces are transferred through levels via _______

- The torso and back out

Torso anatomy

- Lumbar spine / pelvis / T spine / C spine / levers (arms / legs)

The muscles of the abdominal wall

- Rectus abdominus / Internal & external oblique / Pelvic floor (ischiococcygeus & pubococcygeus)

The back extensors

- Iliocostalis / longissimus / spinalis / quadratus lumborum

Multijoint muscles

- Latissimus dorsi / psoas (pass through the core, linking it to the pelvis) / legs / shoulders / arms / gluteal muscles

Torso function

- Muscles cocontract, stiffening the torso

- Torso transmits and creates forces

- Functions to prevent motion rather than initiating it

Sport and ADL tasks demand __________

- That power be generated at the hips and transmitted through a stiffened core

Joint by joint approach review

- Each joint or series of joints has a specific function

- Dysfunctions at one joint usually show up as pain in the joint above or below

Joints and primary needs

- Mobility (Ankle, hip, thoracic spine, GH joint)

- Stability (Knee, lumbar spine, scapula)


- Stable base for movement and forces transfer through (sprinting, skating, swimming)


- Mover that allows COG and BOS to change in order to overcome inertia and rapidly alter change of position or direction (trampoline, diving, deceleration)

Upper cross syndrome

- Facilitated (Upper trap / levator scapula / sternocleidomastoid / pectoralis)

- Inhibited (Deep cervical flexors / lower trap / serratus anterior)

Lower cross syndrome

- Facilitated (Rectus femoris / iliopsoas / thoraco-lumbar extensors)

- Inhibited (Abdominals / glutes)

Low threshold MU recruitment

- Maintain postural positions

- Adapt to changes in posture

- Normal functional movement of limbs

- Slow MU dominant

- Slow / static / sustained

- Low load

- Non fatiguing

High threshold MU recruitment

- Accelerated movement

- Large / sudden shift in COG

- High force / loads

- Conscious max contraction

- Fast MU dominant

- Fast / fatiguing

- High load

Torso training (first level)

- Functional movement / foundation: mobility and stability

Torso training (second level)

- Functional performance / efficient movements / adequate strength / power / gross athleticism (high threshold)

Torso training (third level)

- Functional / specific skills / ability to perform efficient gross movements free of energy leaks

Torso training pyramid

Prone bridge with unweighting

- Neutral spine

- Anti extension control

- Anti rotation control

Suprine bridge with unweighting

- Neutral spine (limited lumbar extension)

- Glute function and limited hamstring

- Anti rotation control

Quadruped (opposite arm & leg)

- Neutral spine

- Anti extension control

- Anti rotation control

Rolling tests

- Supine to prone

- Prone to supine

- Lower extremities

- Upper extremities

Drawing in

- Bringing the rectus abdominus towards the spinal column 1-2cm by contracting TVA and internal obliques


- Same as drawing in action with a decrease in waist circumference


- Coactivation of TVA, internal / external obliques, rectus abdominus and paraspinals

Rules to torso training based on clinical evidence

- Train from neutral (supine, prone, quadruped, kneeling, standing)

- Move from neutral to required position for sport / ADLs

- Teach draw in for motor reeducation exercise (same positions as first point)

- Teach bracing / coactivation to healthy individuals (must be trigger point free in external oblique / paraspinals)

Torso training

- Teach bracing or drawing in with movement occurring from trunk to branches

Torso training (Training)

- Teach bracing and sequencing from trunk to branches

- Integrate different types of torso training within a workout session or do all the same types in separate sessions

Torso training (frequency)

- Teach bracing daily

- 3-5 sessions per week (5=rehab, 3-4=performance)

- Depends on fitness level and season

- Incorporate training into warmup

Torso training (general guidelines)

- Sets: 1-5 (need to build endurance)

- Reps: Time or # of reps (needs to be perfect)

- Build stability, strength, endurance, power

- Rest: 30s (AIS stretching / balance is appropriate)

Torso training categories

- Anti extensions

- Anti rotation

- Rolling / flexion / extension / rotation

- Shoulder

- Hip

- Stability / strength / power

- Mcgill

Anti Extension

- Facedown

- Quadruped

- Kneeling

- Standing

- Sitting

Anti rotation

- Facedown

- Quadruped

- Half knee

- Tall kneel

- Base



- Serratus

- Rhomboid

- Low trap


- Flexors

- Extension

- Abductors

- Adductors


- Push

- Pull

- Lift

- Carry

- Torsional buttressing

Function of the anterior torso?

- Prevention of extension

- Creation of flexion

Function of the rotators?

- Prevention of rotation to effect optimal rotation the opposite way

PNF patterns created in 1950's support?

- Diagonal patterns (flexion / extensions combined with rotation)

Primary role of the abdominal muscles?

- Provide isometric support and limit the degree of rotation in the trunk

Role of thoracolumbar fascia joining glutes to opposite side lat

- Allows force to move from ground through torso to extremities

Key in torso training?

- Train hip extension with little to no lumbar extensions

- Begin prone, progress to quadruped then supine and finally standing

Crossed pelvis syndrome

- Main culprit

- Psoas restriction and glute amnesia

- Anterior hip pain

- Causes hamstring to be primary hip extensor over the glutes

Poor glute function related to _____

- Low back dysfunction

- Hamstring strains

- Anterior hip / knee pain

* Should perform glute activation during warmup

When to perform strength / power torso training

- Once you can resist motion, learn to create it with resistance and velocity

- Ensure load and velocity does not compromise technique

Types of strength / power torso training

- Leverage (further from COG = harder)

- Landmine

- Cable series

- External load

- Medicine ball

2 areas in the body that require stability as a primary need for optimal function are?

- Hips: Glute min / med / max

- Shoulders: Scapula thoracic

How to train shoulder stability

- IWTLY (bench to SB to 45 degree)

- 1/2 turkish get up

Core training: evidence translating to better performance and injury prevention

- Rectus abdominus and abdominal wall often used to brace while stopping motion

- Drawing the abs inwards reduces stability

- Activation disturbances occurs in some with back disorders

- Transverse abdominus and internal oblique designed to activate for athletic tasks

- Quadratus lumborum (most important) assists in pelvis elevation to allow swing leg to take a step when carrying load unilaterally

- Standing press performance was governed by core strength especially single arm presses

- Core prevents motion rather than initiating it

- People with troubled back use there back more (more motion in back, less motion and load in the hips)

- True spine stability is achieved with balanced stiffening from the entire musculature

- Impossible to train transverse abdominus or multifidus in isolation

- Asymmetric carries for cutting

- Use torso muscles as antimotion controllers not motion generators

- Eliminate spine flexion (especially in the morning due to discs being swollen from osmotic superhydration from bed rest)

- The spine discs only have so many number of bends before the are damaged

- Patients with low capacity benefit most from 3 short sessions per day

- Those who actively flex torso have higher spine damage and pain (gymnasts)

- Chronic back pain tends to inhibit the gluteal muscles as hip extensors (hamstring substitutes)

- Back extensions overactivating the spine extensors creates crushing load

- Keep isometric exercises under 10 seconds

- Build endurance with reps not duration

Stages of progressive exercise design (torso)

1. Corrective and therapeutic exercise

2. Groove appropriate and perfect motion and motor patterns

3. Build whole body and joint stability

4. Increase endurance

5. Build strength

6. Develop speed, power and agility

Big 3 stabalization exercises

- Modified curl up

- Side bridge

- Quadruped birddog

Considerations when performing the big 3

- Ensure sufficient spine stability and optimal motor patterns

- They spare the spine of many injury mechanisms

Russian descending pyramid

- Used to design sets and reps to make bigger initial gains in progress towards a pain-free back

- Lower the reps over the course of your sets and terminate every set before the onset of fatigue, you’ll perform nothing but proper repetitions.

Energy systems

- ATP-PC (Anaerobic alactic / immediate / phosphagen)

- Anaerobic glycolytic (anaerobic lactic / non-oxidative)

- Aerobic (oxidative, mitochondrial respiration)

Energy system interaction

- Do not work independently of one another

- Interact as a function of exercise duration and intensity

Energy system relative contribution

Maximal aerobic power

- VO2 max

- Longer the duration the more energy must be supplied by aerobic metabolism

- High correlation between VO2 max and performance in aerobic endurance events

Performance in aerobic endurance events also depends on

- High lactate threshold

- Good exercise economy

- High ability to use fat as fuel

- High number of type 1 fibres

Lactate threshold

- Point at which blood lactate concentration begins to increase above resting levels (1.0 mmol)

- Better indicator of aerobic endurance power than VO2 max

Max lactate steady state

- Exercise intensity where max lactate production = max lactate clearance

- Best indicator of aerobic endurance performance

Exercise / movement economy

- A measure of the energy cost of activity at a given exercise velocity

- Improvement in movement economy can enhance VO2 max and lactate threshold

Examples of exercise / movement economy

- Endurance runner with shorter stride length and faster stride frequency

- Cyclist with optimal body weight, velocity and efficient aerodynamic body position

ESD program design 5 principles

- Exercise mode

- Training frequency

- Training intensity

- Exercise duration

- Exercise Progression

Training intensity is controlled by

- Heart rate (% of max)

- Velocity (% of velocity at VO2max or peak velocity)


- Blood lactate levels (aerobic and anaerobic thresholds)

- Work:rest ratio

HR calculation terms

- APMHR (age predicted max heart rate) = 220-age

- HRR (heart rate reserve) = APMHR - RHR

- Ex Int (exercise intensity) = % of VO2 max

HR calculations (Karvonen method)

THR (target heart rate) = (HRR x Ex Int) + RHR

HR calculations (% of max HR method)

THR = APMHR x Ex Int

Relationship between VO2 max, HRR and MHR

RPE scale

Types of aerobic endurance training

Long, slow distance training

- Training is longer than race distance at 70% VO2max

Adaptations from long, slow distance training

- Enhances the body's ability to clear lactate

- Chronic use of this training causes type IIx fibres to become type I

- Intensity is lower than that of competition (bad if used too much)

Pace / tempo training

- Intensity at or slightly above that of competition (at lactate threshold)

Steady pace / tempo training

- 20-30 minutes of continuous training at lactate threshold

Intermittent pace / tempo training

- Series of shorter intervals with brief recovery periods

Adaptations from pace / tempo training

- Develop a sense of race pace and enhance the body's ability to sustain exercise at that pace

- Improve running economy and increase lactate threshold

Interval training

- Training near VO2 max for 3-5 minute intervals

- Work:rest = 1:1

Adaptations of interval training

- Allows athlete to train close to VO2max for a greater amount of time

- Increases VO2 max and enhances anaerobic metabolism

- Use method sparingly and only for athlete with firm aerobic endurance training base

Repetition training

- Intensity greater than VO2 max

- Work interval lasts 30-90s

- Work:rest = 1:5

Adaptations from repetition training

- Improve running speed and economy

- Increased capacity and tolerance for anaerobic metabolism

Resting heart rate

- Determined by genetics and fitness level

- Indicator of aerobic fitness

- Marker of overtraining

- Can be elevated due to anxiety, dehydration, high ambient temperature, altitude, sickness or digestion

Aerobic threshold heart rate

- The HR at which anaerobic metabolism begins to increase

- 60-65% of max HR

- Blood lactate: 1-2 mmol

- RPE: 9-10

Lactate threshold heart rate

- The HR at which lactate production exceeds lactate removal

- 80-85% of max HR

- Blood lactate: 4 mmol

- RPE: 14

Maximum heart rate

- Primarily determined by genetics, age and gender

- Can vary up to 6-8 beats/min due to training

- Must be assessed through fitness testing

- 220-age (variability of 12+ beats/min_

- MHR's differ based on activity performed (running, cycling, swimming)

Energy system development guidelines

Lactate threshold training

VO2max training

Lactate tolerance training

Lactate production training

Fall sports offseason (3 days/week)

Fall sports offseason (4 days/week)

Spring sports offseason (3 days/week)

Spring sports offseason (4 days/week)

Metabolic adaptations to short term high intensity interval training: a little pain for a lot of gain?

- In young healthy persons HIT is a time efficient strategy to stimulate a physiological response similar to traditional endurance training

Aerobic conditioning for team sports athletics

- Sport specific conditioning can increase both aerobic fitness and game skills, potentially being the most valuable method of training.

- However it is dependent on a minimum skill level required to maintain a sufficient intensity

- If intensity cannot be maintained, simplify the task while maintaining the intensity

Rules of design

- Specificity

- Overload

- Progression


- Train athlete in a specific manner to produce specific adaptation

- SAID principle

- Mimic the movement patterns / velocity / intensity of sport


- Training stimulus at a greater intensity than the athlete is used to

- Increase sessions, exercises or sets

- Decrease rest

- Stress the body


- Training intensity must become progressively greater

- Continually promotes long term development

- Increase intensity / velocity / load / volume


- 0-15s

- 1:4 - 1:120 Work:Rest

- Ladders, 10-120m sprints, 5 dot

Anaerobic lactic

- 15-45s

- 1:3 - 1:5 Work:Rest

- Wingates, 150-300m sprints, <300m shuttles

Anaerobic alactic

- 45-120s

- 1:3 - 1:5 Work:Rest

- 300m shuttles, 400-800m sprints


- 120s-continous

- 1:1 - 1:3

- Distant runs, 3 mins on / 5 mins off intervals