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80 Cards in this Set

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Regarding neurons, which is not true?

e. bipolar neurons are distributed widely throughout the CNS
Regarding organization of nervous system, which is not true?

d. interneurons connect sensory receptors to the CNS
Regarding the neuroglia, the ___cell myelinates axons in nerves, the ___cell is found only in the CNS and the ___ produces CSF

d. Schwann..microglial..ependymal
Regarding ion channels, whch is true?

b. channels allow only certain specific types of ions to cross the cell membrane
Regarding myelin, which is true?

d. in cross section, the myelin sheath microscopically looks like many concentric layers of lipidic membranes
Regarding graded potentials, which is true?

b. if the membrane potential goes from -70mV to -80mV, that is termed hyperpolarizing
Regarding action potentials, which is not true?

d. both action potentials and graded potentials propogate as an all-or-none principle
Regarding transmission of an action potential, which is true?

b. "A" fibers conduct faster than "C" fibers
Regarding chemical synapses, which is true?

d. a&b are correct- voltage gated Ca++ channels are involved in the transmission of a signal AND a (slight) delay is introduced in the circuit.
Old Mother Hubbard just suffered a laceration of the median nerve...What refers to change that takes place in cell body?

a. chromatolysis
Which type of neurglial cell forms the myelin sheath around axons in cranial nerves?

c. Schwann cells
As we go thru life, new dendrites and axon terminals sprout...What term is used for this capacity of the CNS to change?

b. plasticity
What kind of neural circuit consists of a single pre-synaptic neuron synapsing with several post-synaptic neurons?

c. diverging
If neurotransmitters depolarizes a post-synaptic neuron, it is referred to as?

a. excitatory
On which part of the neuron do graded potentials occur?

d. a & b are both correct (a. dendrite and b. cell body)
Of the types of neuroglia, which is phagocytic?

d. microglia
The outermost layer of a Schwann cell contain the cell's cytoplasm and nucleus. What is the name of this layer?

a. neurilemma
Regarding blood flow to the brain, which is not true?

d. the middle cerebral A. branch of the circle of Willis supplies the brain stem and cerebellum
CSF surrounds brain in subarachnoid space. How does it get there?

c. CSF is produced in the ventricular system and it flows out of the ventricles into the SAS at the 4th ventricle
The___relays sensory input to th cerebral cortex, the___connects the right cerebral cortex with the left and the ___carry descending motor fibers.

b. thalamus..corpus callosum..pyramids
Regarding the cerebrum, which is not true?

c. a central sulcus separates the right cerebral hemisphere from the left
Of what significance is the decussation of the pyramids?

d. it means the right cerebrum controls movements of the left side of the body and vice versa
In what part of the brain are the cardiovascular center, respiratory center and centers for swallowing & vomiting?

a. medulla
What part of brain are red nucleus, substantia nigra....?

a. midbrain
Which is associated with blood-brain barrier?

a. astrocytes
What part of brain has a role in voluntary movement?

a. basal ganglia
a. lateral ventricles and b. 3rd ventricle
To which region of the cerebrum does visual input project, i.e. where is the primary area for vision?

b. occipital pole
Scrooge McDuck just suffered a large hemmorrhage....which function will he have trouble with?

c. balance and posture
What anatomic structure does the hypoglossal nerve (N. 9) innervate?

Name innermost layer of meninges?

Name of cranial nerve that innervates the muscles of facial expression?

Region of intestine indicated by arrow?

Sigmoid colon
Name of cranial nerve that supplies the heart, lungs, and most of GI tract?

Regarding hypothalamus, which is not true?

a. the hypothalamus is also known as the pineal gland
number of cranial nerve that innervates four of the muscles that move the eye as well as the eyelid and pupil?

Where are cell bodies of neurons that bring sensory input to the spinal cord from the skin?

Dorsal root ganglion
Name of cranial nerve that carries sensory info from face?

Name of hormone that increases cellular metabolism and is calorgenic?

T3, T4
Name innermost layer of meninges, covering that is closely adherent to the surface of the cerebrum?

Why don't we aspirate food into our trachea when we swallow?

the glottis is closed by epiglottis
Where in the nervous system are interneurons?

a. in brain and spinal cord
If a normal 80kg male produces 400ml of CSF, how much?

400 ml
Regarding hypothalamus, which is not true?

a. the hypothalamus is also known as the pineal gland
Regarding the anatomy of the spinal cord, which is not true?

c. the spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum to the sacrum
In the spinal cord, the___ carry only sensory info cephalad, and the ___is where cell bodies for lower motor neurons are located

d. dorsal columns...ventral horns
Regarding spinal cord and its nerves, which is not true

e. the perineurium is the outermost layer or covering of a spinal nerve
The__is a motor tract, but the __ is a sensory tract b/c it__?

b. reticulospinal..spinothalamic..ascends
Dr. H.E. Hurtzem is doing a lumbar puncture. Where does the needle tip have to be for CSF to flow?

d. in the subarachnoid space
Why is there a "cauda equina" in the spinal cord?

b. the spinal nerves continue w/in the spinal cord to where they exit the spine
What's the orgin of the nerve that innervates the diaphragm?

c. the phrenic nerve, coming from the cervical plexus
Which is correct regarding the spinal nerve roots?

c. ventral roots carry motor axons
Simultaneous contraction of one muscle and relaxation of its antagonist is termed?

b. reciprocal innervation
Humpty Dumpty fell and hit his head. What disability does he have?

d. disability? He's dead because he is not breathing
Which is a motor pathway?

b. tectospinal
Daffy Duck has a wrist drop...which nerve isn't functioning?

c. radial
What region of the spinal cord controls bowel, bladder and sexual function?

b. conus medullaris
Name the plexus that give rise to the sciatic nerve?

d. sacral
Which plexus gives rise to the ulnar nerve?

b. brachial
Describe the reflex arc:

Old King Cole is in misery? What must be affected?

b. the cauda equina
Name muscle innervated by axillary nerve?

Number of cranial nerve that innervates 4 of muscles that move eye as well as eyelid and pupil?

Name of nerve that innervates the quadriceps muscle?

Describe this arc reflex?

d. monosynaptic
Nerve that supplies the gastrocnemius-soleus muscle group as well as tibialis anterior and posterior?

Name structure indicated by arrow?

cystic duct
when I first walke into a crowded room with a band playing, I can hardly hear people talking
spinothalamic, trigeminothalamic, dorsal column/medial lemniscus, and both anterior and lateral corticospinals
receptors transduce the energy of a stimulus into generator potentials
they monitor the length of a muscle, sending feedback to the CNS
Regarding the sensory and motor pathways, which is true?

c. the lateral corticospinal tract conveys impulses for fine, precise control of the fingers
What's an alpha motor neuron?

a. the LMN that innervates extrafusal skeletal M. fibers
How is the trigeminothalamic pathway similar to the spinothalamic pathway?

b. in both pathways, the second order neuron's cell body is found more or less at the level of the incoming nerve
First order neurons are found?

c. in the PNS, bringing sensory data to the CNS
Where is trigger zone for unipolar neurons

b. at the junction of dendrite with axon
What kind of receptor is used to sense pain?

a. free nerve ending
Which conveys proprioceptions?

a. the spinocerebellar tract
The nuclei of which cranial Ns receive impulses from th corticobulbar tract?

d. a& b (a. N's 3, 4, 5 AND b. N's 7, 12)
a. in cranials nerves AND b. in spinal nerves
How would you classify receptors found in large blood vessels?

b. interoceptors
The axons of which kind of neurons constitute the medial lemniscus?

b. 2nd order
What term refers to the conscious awareness and interpretation of sensory data at corticol level?

d. perception
Which receptor doesn't belong with the others?

d. Pacinian corpuscle
Which of the following structures monitor all voluntary movements...

c. cerebellum
Regarding the ANS, which is not true?

b. the parasympathetic division extends to all tissues and regions of the body
What kind of fibers leave the paraverterbral ganglia by way of the gray rami communicans?

c. unmyelinated "C" fibers
The adrenal medulla is innervated by?

d. a myelinated "B" fiber and not anything else
How does the urinary bladder receive parasym. innervation?

c. by the pelvic splanchic N. from the spinal cord
In the ANS, the cranial Ns are part of the _____ division and the rami communicantes are part of the ___ division

b. the parasympathetic and the sympathetic
Which makes heart beat rapidly and forcefully?

a. the sympathetic division
Comparing ANS to somatic NS, which is not true

a. the ANS is under cerebral cortical control, as is the somatic NS.
Regarding the ANS, which is true?

b. sympathetic fibers can reach their effectors by means of named nerves or by following blood vessels
Cell bodies of motor neurons of the ANS occur inside ganglia. What kind of neurons have cell bodies in ganglia?

b. postganglionics
The preganglionic neuron of the symp. division can do all EXCEPT:

c. it can go out with one cranial Ns to a ganglion and the post-ganglionic fiber then could innervate structures of the face (salivary gland, lacrimal gland, pupil)
Which is response of sympathetic division?

a. increased heartrate
Which of the following is a response of the parasym division?

c. increased GI motility
What part of the brain controls, regulates or integrates the function of the ANS?

c. hypothalamus
Which would be observed in an animal given this substance?

d. the animal would die
If all sympathetic fibers ascending to the right side of the face are transected, the pupil will be?

b. constricted
Which has dual innervation?

c. heart
The ANS has an efffect on all EXCEPT

c. pectoralis major M
Which of the following organs is innervated by the vagus N?

e. lungs
What is the main concern of the sympathetic division?

a. fight or flight
Which are muscarinic receptors?

b. parasympathetic division
Tommy Tittlemouse what thrown from motorcycle...What results from his injury

d. low BP
Which has nicotinic receptors?

d. all of these (a. skeletal m, b. adrenal medulla, c. terminal ganglia)
Because of a brain tumor, Little Jack Horner...What is his urine like?

b. it is large volume and the solute it contains is very dilute- almost like water
b. the BP rises and the blood volume increases
d. follicle...chromaffin..beta
How do neurotransmitters compare to hormones?
e. all of above are true
Regarding differences between exocrine and endocrine glands, which is true?

b. the pancreas uniquely can be classifed as both exocrine and endocrine gland
Regarding hormone affects, one is not true?

c. water-soluble hormones circulate in the aqueous fraction of the plasma of blood bound to transport proteins
What is primary stimulus for release of glucagon?

b. decreased blood glucose
Regarding hormones, which is true?

b. when sodium is excreted in urine, water goes out with it
H2 is a

c. paracrine
Gastrin is a

c. hormone
a. T3
hormone synthesized by hypothalamus?
c. TRH
Hormone synth. by anterior pit. gland?

a. FSH
Ovarian follicle dev. requires both estrogen and FSH. If only one is present it is?

c. synergistic
Which hormone is lipid soluble?
a. cortisol
why person with cushings has thin arms?
c. cortisol
hormone raises BP?

d. all of these (epinephrine, ADH, angiostensin II)
Hormone that raises body temp?

T3, T4
Hormone that raises blood calcium level?

A certain negative feedback situation involves gland A, its hormone AH, gland b.....what is true?

a. AH stimulates gland B to secrete BH
Outermost zone of adrenal cortex, the zona glomerulosa secretes a hormone that is not regulated by the anterior pit. Which hormone?

Why is gastric mucosa not burned by gastric juice?

mucus lines stomach lining
Two hypothetical hormones, hormone A and hormone B arrive at a certain cell...Why not?

c. the cell has receptors for Hormone A but not for Hormone B
What kind of epithelium lines the mucosa of the esophagus?

b. non-keratinized stratified squamous
What is the uvula?

a. a soft, mucosa-lined structure hangs down from the soft palate
Gastrin is___that is secreted into the ___but pepsin is____

c. a hormone...blood stream...an enzyme
Secretin___, whereas CCK is active on___and both

a. stimulates pancreatic juice...the GB and sphincter of Oddi...derive from small intestine
Regarding digestion and absorption of food, which is true?

c. bile salts are needed for the digestion and absorption of fats.
Regarding anatomy of GI tract, which is not true?

a. the ampulla of Vater opens into the stomach
Chief cells secrete pepsin, ___ cells secrete mucus,___ cells secrete bile, and ___cells secrete acid

a. goblet...hepatocytes..parietal
How is water absorbed from the GI tract?

c. by osmosis
Which part of the PNS increases secretion and motility of GI tract

e. both a&B (enteric NS, parasymp. NS)
Regarding cellular metabolism, which statment is true?

e. all of above
How are lipids absorbed into body?

c. by way of lacteals and then the blood stream, as chylomicrons
Regarding body temp homeostasis, which is not true

c. we conserve heat by cutaneous vasodilation
Regarding digeston of food which are true?

d. all of these are true
Which term describes form of mechanical digestion?

b. mastication
Little Tommy Tittlemouse swallowed a button battery...Layer of GI tract it comes in contact with?

b. mucosa
What is the number of the posterior most tooth in lower jaw on right?

d. #32
Peristalsis is a function of which layer of the wall of GI tract?

a. musclaris
Which term refers to series of reactions that break down glucose to CO2 in process of yielding ATP?

a. catabolism
Which reflex slows down gastric emptying?

c. enterogastric
Which would not occur during post-absorptive or fasting state?

c. glycogenesis
Ammonia results from the deammination of?

b. amino acids
which of following structures increases absorptive surface of small intestine?
d. all of these
b. pylorus
What is energy currency of cell?

d. ATP
Which breaks down proteins?

e. trypsin