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40 Cards in this Set

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Types of faucets

Standard/two handle

Single lever

Frost free



What are faucets manufactured from?

Most common is yellow brass.

Frost free faucets are what kind of valve?

Stem type

Cross connection protection common in?

Frost free valves

What faucet would be used for small volumes of water?

Metering faucet, think washing your hands

How do metering faucets operate?

With a spring operated cartridge

Electronic faucets are found where and how are they typically powered?

Commercial washrooms

Powered by batteries or 24V supply from a transformer

Styles of faucets?


Washer less



Washer style faucet?

Most maintenance

Relies on compression of a faucet or Bibb washer on a fixed or replaceable seat

Washerless style faucets

Two handle faucets that use cartridges that are sealed with seats and springs

Ball style faucets

Single handle

Lower maintenance costs as there is less ware and tear

What is a crowfoot?

Metal washer that may be flat and secures a two handle faucet

4 water supply connections?

Chromed brass, pex, flex, swivel adapter

Washer style faucet components

Spline, stem, bonnet seal, bib washer, brass seat

Types of Bibb washers

Beveled or flat made from neoprene

How do you know if you can replace a brass seat?

The hexagonal or square opening permits the seat to be removed

What is wire draw?

A stream of water that causes erosion to brass seat. Indication: dripping faucet

How can you correct wire draw on a brass seat that cannot be removed?

Known as dressing the face of the seat is grinder down until smooth again. If this cannot be achieved it will need to be replaced completely.

Ceramic disk faucets are relatively trouble free until foreign material enters supply system…

Sand from well water can cause damage to ceramic discs

O-rings require____?

Lubrication- they tend to leak on kitchen faucets due to the wear and tear

Smooth wrench for flush meters and finished surfaces?

Spud ya dud

All shower valves must be?

Pressure balancing or thermostatic mixing type

Water temp?

49C (120F)

F=A x P

A= PieR2


Flush valve types?

WC or Urinals- Piston and Diaphragm

Urinals ONLY- metering

Operating pressure ranges for flush valves

Min 15 psi

Max 85 psi

Electronic flush valves use what type of sensors?


Flush valves for urinals outlet size?


Water supply piping size for metering valves (urinals) ?

Min 1/2”

Water supply sizing for diaphragm and piston valves (urinal)

Min 3/4”

Flush valves for WC?

Piston and diaphragm

Water supply sizing for flush valves (WC)


Outlet tube size for wc


WC volume of flush?

Min 6L

Vacuum breaker

Vacuum breaker

What causes a flush meter to continuously flush on a WC?

Plugged bypass

Flush tanks drain with what?


Min turning radius for barber free stall?

1.5 M

Toilet height for barber free

460 mm

What has an internal or external trap?
