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12 Cards in this Set

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risk factors for cataracts 

DM, corticosteroid use, smoking

Visual acuity should reach 20/25 by what age? 

5 yo

Bruckner test evaluates: 

congenital cataracts

A 65 yo woman presents w co a firm non tender discrete swelling near the center of  L lower eye lid. there is no erythema or drainage. 

dx: chalazion

Jason, a 20 yo student presents w severe photophobia, blurred vision. and throbbing pain in his L eye. on exam you see a dull red halo around iris w some peripheral redness. dx?

iritis. the halo is called: ciliary flush

tx for jason includes: urgen referral to ophthalmology. if this isn’t tx quickly = loss of vision

55yo w hx of DM II and myopia presents w halos around lights, frequent HA, and visual disturbances. she has not has an eye exam for 2 years and her glasses don’t seem to be correct rx. on exam, see optic cup w displacement of vessels towers nose. pulse 88. BP 148/90

primary closed angle glaucoma

color blindness can be acquired by 3 things:

optic neuritis, toxin exposure, DM

for a pt presenting w menieres sx would you expect the weber text to lateralize to the

 unaffected ear bc its sensory 

vestibular neuritis is often accompanied by complaints of 


otosclerosis involves which type of hearing loss:

 conductive bc changes in the bone so it is conductive. 

which of the following organisms is the cause of acute sinusitis in all age groups? 

strep pneumoniae

acute bronchitis caused by and tx

influenza A and B, tx symptomatic (nsaids, decongestant, antitussive)