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36 Cards in this Set

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what do courts look at when determining if a statement is a term of a contract or a mere pre contractual statement

the importance/timing/expertise/ special knowledge of the statement

what are express terms

a promise by one party to another as regards to the truth of the statement

what form can express terms come in

written or verbal

whats the 4 kinds of issues that can arise with express terms

not a complete record of the parties’ agreement

doesnt represent true intention

written terms that also form part of the contract

disagreement to the meaning of the express terms

when might the parol evidence rule be disapplied

if the intention of the parties was to enter into two related agreements (principal and the collateral)

in which case is the parol evidence rule disapplied

City and Westminster Properties Ltd v Mudd and Esso Petroleum

what case is the L’Estrange rule based on

Peekay Intermark Ltd v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd

vending machine case

what was stated by Moore Bick LJ in Peekay Intermark Ltd

contract may be rescinded if one party has been induced to enter into it by fraud or misrepresentation

what case shows a limitation to the l’estrange rule

Curtis v Chemical Cleaning and Dyeing Co

what happened in Cutis v Chemical Cleaning and Dyeing Co

C wasnt bound by a single receipt because she was misled by D as to the terms and conditions of the contract

what are examples of statutory limitations to the l’estrange principle

Unfair Contract Terms Act

Consumer Rights Act

what are the four examples of express terms of oral contracts

Incorporation by signature

incorporation by reasonable notice

incorporation on the grounds of a consistent course of dealing

incorporation on the grounds of common understanding

what are the 3 ways the court may assess the reasonabless of the notice

the nature of the document

the extent of the notice

the timing of the notice

what case shows the nature of the document being important when considering the reasonableness of a notice

Chapelton v Barry Urban District Council

injured deck chair

was a receipt not a notice

ticket could be obtained after the deckchair was used

contractual terms that are very eroneous/ limiting then more of an effort needs to be made

what is the parole evidence rule

if the contract is written then that writing is the whole contract and the parties cannot add to, vary or contradict that writing

what case did the parole evidence rule originate from

Shogun Finance Ltd v Hudson

what kind of terms does the parole evidence rule apply to

only to express terms, not implied terms

on what grounds must the party dispute the validity of a contract for the court to consider oral and other evidence




under what circumstances will the court accept parol evidence

if the contract was intended to be partly written and partly verbal

what case says the court will consider parol evidence if the contract was intended to be partly written and verbal

J Evans & Son Ltd v Andrea Merzario

what can parol evidence be used for

explaining the meaning of words that are very ambiguous or do not make any sense

what case says that if parties make a mistake when transcribing the oral agreement into a written one, then parol evidence can be admitted and rectification is allowed

Webster v Cecil

what kind of remedy is rectification of a contract

equitable remedy

when might the parol evidence rule be disapplies and which case says this

if the intentions of the parties was to enter into two related agreements

City and Westminster Properties Ltd v Mudd and Esso Petroleum

what was said in Esso Petroleum

estimates given were a collateral warranty

what case examines the extent of the notice when assessing the reasonableness of a notice

Parker v South Eastern Railway

what happened in Parker v South Eastern Railway

P receives ticket for depositing bag in a cloakroom

his bag was stolen

ticket said ‘see back’ which had an exclusion clause

CA asked whether the company did enough to draw attention to this clause

which case introduced the red hand rule

Lord Denning in Spurling v Bradshaw

what does the red hand rule mean

some clauses are so eroneous and restrictive that you have to have something really noticeable

what case shows how the courts look at the timing of the notice when assessing the reasonableness of the notice

Olley v Marlborough Court

the Olley’s introduced to t’s&c’s when they entered the hotel room after they paid and entered the contract

what are the 2 express terms of oral contracts

incorporation on the grounds of consistent course of dealing

incorporation on the grounds of common understanding

which case shows incorporation on the grounds of a consistent course of dealing

Spurling v Bradshaw

damaged orange juice

if parties contract on a regular basis then the terms may be effectively incorporated on the basis of this consistent practice and a notice is not required

what do the parties need to prove in order to rely on incorporation

that the course of dealing was sufficiently consistent

which case shows incorporation on the grounds of common understanding

British Crane Hire Corporation Ltd v Ipswich Plant Hire Ltd

what happened in British Crane Hire Corporation Ltd v Ipswich Plant Hire Ltd

had a written contract

made second oral contract on the phone

P sent printed form later with t’s and c’s

D failed to sign the form

Crane sank P filed claim against C

CA said terms were still properly incorporated because if the parties trading practices and common understanding of who bears responsibility in these matters

how likely is it that the court will consider terms to be incorporated properly on the grounds of ‘common understanding’

quite unlikely

if it is allowed it tends to just be for standard terms and conditions