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9 Cards in this Set

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repeated measures design

uses same people in each condition of the IV and compares ‘like for like’

uses counterbalancing - ensures that any order effects are distributed between the conditions so they are equally effected (ABBA)

advantages of rmd

PARTICIPANT VARIABLES are controlled because the same participants take place in both conditions, so there are no individual differences in factors like age. This means the dependent variable isnt affected by PV.

Disadvantages of rmd

1. Demand characteristics are likely to occur because ppts become aware of what is being manipulated which means they will likely affect the DV

2. Order effects are likely to occur because ppts take place in both conditions so will have practice and improved. This means DV will be affected by this and not the IV

Independent groups design

uses different people in each condition of the IV and compares each groups performance

Advantages of IGD

1. Less chance of demand characteristics because ppts only do one condition so are unaware of what is manipulated. This mean any difference between conditions is likely to be due to IV

2. Less chance of order effects because ppts only take place in one condition which means the DV is unlikely to be effected by boredom/tiredness/practice, so any differences is likely to be due to IV

Disadvantages of IGD

PVs arent controlled because ppts take place in one condition so there will be ‘participant variability’. This means DV is likely to be effected by pv

Matched pairs designs

uses different ppts in each condition, but ppts in one condition are matched with ppts in the other condition on important key variables that are relevant to the investigation

Advantages of MPD

Less chance of DCs, PVs and OEs because they only take part in one condition which means that the DV is unlikely to be affected by factors other than the IV

Disadvantages of MPD

Extremely difficult to achieve because of the long process to match ppts which can become expensive and time consuming. This means MPD is rarely used in psychological research as it is less practical.