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49 Cards in this Set

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Information gained from VO2max test:
-The maximum measurement of respiratory gases exchanged during exercise. This test lets you know the maximal aerobic capacity which is the amount of oxygen an individual can take in and utilize to produce ATP aerobically while breathing air during heavy exercise.
Aerobic Capacity:
-The amount of oxygen an individual can take in and utilize to produce ATP aerobically while breathing air during heavy exercise.
RER (Respiratory Exchange Ratio):
-The ratio of the volume of CO2 produced divided by the volume of O2 consumed on the total body level.
VO2 (Oxygen Consumption):
-The amount of oxygen an individual can take in and utilize to produce ATP aerobically while breathing air during heavy exercise.
VCO2 (Carbon Dioxide Produced):
The amount of carbon dioxide generated during metabolism.
VO2 Peak (Peak oxygen consumption):
The term used for children and elderly when finding out their VO2.
What factors indicate a true maximal oxygen uptake test vs. a peak oxygen uptake test:
-Lactate levels are about 8
-Heart rate is consistent at Max level
Know how to interconvert VO2 in L/min and VO2 in ml/kg/min.
- VO2 ml /kg/min in to VO2 in L/min
- 21 ml/kg/min(given) then multiply by body weight in kg
-Take that number and divide it by 1000.
Example: 21 ml/kg/min x 68.2 kg = 1431.8 ml/kg/min
1431.8 ml/kg/min DIVIDED BY 1000 = 1.431 L/min
Low BMD more than 1 SD below but not more than 2.5 SD below normal.
Low BMD, more than 2.5 below normal.
How is bone mineral density most commonly measured?
DEXA is the criterion measure to assess BMD.
Know the factors that influence BMD (i.e. hormones, nutrition, physical activity, etc.)
-Physical Activity and Gravity are necessary mechanical factors in childhood to ensure adequate bone growth.
-Calcium can seem to help the growth of BMD during young adulthood.
-Bone loss is reduced with estrogen replacement after menopause
-Weight baring exercise is likely to stimulate an increase in BMD.
Contrast weight-bearing and non-weight bearing exercise and how each may impact BMD.
-Non-weight baring exercise refers to movement in which the body is supported or suspended and not working again the pull of gravity.
-Weight baring exercise is likely to stimulate an increase in BMD.
Be familiar with risk factors associated with osteoporosis.
-Increases risk of fracture especially in wrist, hip and spine.
-Often times when fractures are diagnosed, bed rest is prescribed, and extended bed rest is linked to mortality.
Be familiar with the causes of amenorrhea (esp. in athletes) and how amenorrhea can influence BMD.
-Amenorrhea is the absence of menses in athletes, is often associated with high-intensity training and low body fat levels.
-The effect of low estrogen levels on BMD in an amenorrhea female athlete is NOT offset by their participated in weight-bearing physical activity.
Know the approximate ages at which peak BMD is reached and when BMD starts to decrease
*Peak bone density is reached in mid-30s and bone density decreases at age 35.
Know the basic structure of a muscle fiber
-Outer layer of muscle fiber
-Organelles that carry the electrical signal from the sarcolemma into the interior of the cell.
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
specialized muscle cell organelle that stores calcium
Sarcoplasm is the cytoplasm of a muscle fibre. It is a water solution containing ATP and phosphagens, as well as the enzymes and intermediate and product molecules involved in many metabolic reactions.
Myofibril *basic structure of muscle fiber
Contractile structures composed of myofilaments
Know the sliding filament theory (basic structure and function of myosin, troponin, tropomyosin; what are cross-bridges and what is the power stroke)
-Myosin: Protein that forms thick filaments with CB head.
-Tropomyosin: Covers binding sites for myosin on the actin.
-Troponin: Moves tropomyosin from binding sites by combining with Ca+.
1.) Calcium combines with troponin to expose binding sites.
2.) Myosin binds to actin (cross-bridging)
3.) Myosin powerstroke causes sliding (energized by ATP)
4.) ATP binds to myosin making it release from actin.
5.) Release of myosin from actin causing hydrolysis of ATP.
6.) Calcium is transported back to SR through calcium ion pumps that are energized by ATP which recloses the binding sites with tropomyosin.
Slow Oxidative
(SO, ST, Type I)
-Slow-twitch muscle fibers that rely primarily on oxidative metabolism to produce energy.
-Contain more fats, myoglobin, and mitochondria. They are aerobic.
Fast Oxidative Glycolytic
(FOG, FTa, Type IIa)
-Fast-Twitch muscle fibers that have the ability to work under oxidative and glycolytic conditions.
Fast Glycolytic
(FG, FTb, Typle IIb)
-Fast-twitch muscle fibers that performs primarily under glycolytic conditions.
Know what type of motor nerves (alpha 1, alpha 2) innervate ST and FT fibers
-Fast-twitch = Alpha 1
-Slow-twitch = Alpha 2
Know what a motor unit is and how it works
A Motor Unit is the motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates. A bigger motor unit can produce more force than a smaller motor unit could. This means the most muscle fibers you can activate the more force you and get.
Know how FT motor units differ from ST motor units
-The speed depends on the ATPase action(responsible for splitting ATP)
-ST fibers rely on oxidative metabolism to produce energy (aerobic)
-ST fibers are recruited most often during low intensity endurance activity and daily activities.
-ST fibers are used A LOT.
-FOG can work under both oxidative and glycolytic conditions.
-FOG are recruited most often in short, high intensity endurance events (most recruited FT fibers)
-FG are recruited more in explosive high-intensity bouts of exercise (POWER)
Know the order of recruitment of the fiber types (depending on needed level of force production, for instance)
Slow oxidative is used first, when intensity goes up fast oxidative glycolytic fibers are use, and if needed for very high intensity explosive bouts of exercise fast glycolytic is used
Know general ACSM exercise recommendations for the resistance exercise training.
-one set, all major muscle groups (8-10 exercised), 8-12 reps, at least 2 days a week
Know concepts associated with specificity for resistance training (i.e. recommended order of exercises, general lifting guidelines for strength or muscular endurance development)
-must train specific muscle groups in order to make them stronger, higher reps with a lower load is better for muscular endurance, high load with low reps is better for muscular strength.
Know how to promote overload in the components of resistance exercise program design
-must increase the reps, sets, or weight each time you exercise in order to strengthen the muscle
Define muscular strength, power and endurance and know how these might be assessed
-muscular strength- the maximum amount of force a muscle or group of muscles can generate
-assessment- dynamic- one rep max (1RM), static- maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)

-muscular endurance- ability of your muscles to sustain repeated muscle actions or a single static action
-assessment- dynamic- # of reps at % of 1 RM, static- length of time at % MVC

-muscular power- the product of strength and the speed of the movement (force x distance/time)
- if 2 people have the same strength, if one of them can move the load faster than the other then he would have more muscular power
Know how the results of resistance training differ from those of aerobic training
-muscles strength, power, fiber size, and motor unit recruitment increases, but there is no change in vo2 max, mitochondria density descreases
Know the expected adaptations associated with resistance exercise training. Also know the timeline for these changes.
-muscle hypertrophy occurs from repeated resistance training and reflects actual structural changes in the muscle
- individual fibers get bigger, resulting in an increase in the whole muscle size
-hypertrophy is associated with increased strength
Know how the whole muscle hypertrophy is related to single fiber hypertrophy- know what structures change as single fiber hypertrophy occurs
Differ for every individual, changes in strength and endurance may be found in 2-3 weeks, whereas hypertrophy may take up to 6 weeks to show change, hypertrophy in one single muscle fiber flows throughout all fibers to make an overall increase in total fiber hypertrophy.
Know how women and men compare in their responses to resistance exercise training
-men have a greater change in the percentage of muscular strength
Know the differences between sensory and motor divisions of the peripheral nervous system
-motor neurons (efferent)- carry information from the cns to the muscle
-sensory neurons (afferent)- relay information from muscle back to the cns, receive input from receptors in the muscle, also responsible for reflexes
Know how the nerve interacts with a muscle fiber to cause an action potential at the muscular fiber (neuromuscular junction)
-the motor neurons send the message from the cell body down thru the axon to the nerve endings which are located in the muscle fibers and cause a reaction
Know the action of the sensory receptors involved in reflexive muscle action (GTO, muscle spindle)- understand the myotatic (stretch) reflex, the inverse myotatic reflex, autogenic inhibition, reciprocal inhibition
-GTO- sensitive to tension, activation of GTO results in inverse myotatic reflex
-Muscle spindle- sensitive to stretch
-inverse myotatic reflex-reflexive activation of the antagonist
-myotatic reflex-reflexive contraction of agonist (stretch muscle)
-autogenic inhibition- reflexive relaxation of the agonist
-reciprocal inhibition –reflexive relaxation of the antagonist, inhibition of antagonist muscle
Know how sensory-motor integration brings about reflexive movement
-sensory receptors receive a stimulus
-sensory receptors transmit sensory impulse to cns
-cns interprets and determines appropriate response
-response is transmitted to motor neurons, which transmit response to muscle fibers
-muscle response to the original stimulus occurs
Know the differences between reflexive and voluntary movement
-voluntary movement
-initiated in the brain
-transmitted from brain to motor neuron
-motor neuron carries impulse to muscle
-muscle contracts, providing information on length, tension, and position
-this information is transmitted back to the brain through sensory neurons
-brain compares this information with past experience and modifies the original message, which is then sent back to the muscle
Agonist, antagonist, synergist
-agonist- prime movers
-antagonist- opponents or resistors
-synergist- assistants
Dynamic vs static muscle action (isotonic, isometric, isokinetic)
-isotonic- dynamic
-concentric- force production while shortening (produces tension)
- eccentric- produces tension while lengthening
-isometric- static
-the muscle produces tension but the joint angle remains unchanged
-isokinetic- dynamic
-rate of shortening is constant
Eccentric vs concentric
-concentric- force production while shortening (produces tension)
- eccentric- produces tension while lengthening
Know neural and mechanical factors that influence force generation- how to produce the most force based on number/type of fibers recruited, length-tension-angle relationship, force-velocity relationships, elasticity- force relationship.
-length-tension-angle relationships
-all muscles have an optimal angle at which the cross joints of muscle fibers create the most force
-force-velocity relationships
-speed of the movement, speed at which you move can influence the force you generate
-velocity of the muscle action needs to be slow to generate greater force
-elasticity force relationships
-stretch of the muscle (the more you stretch the more they bounce back)
-when a fiber a stretched and then contracted, the contraction is stronger than with no pre-stretching
Generally understand the chain of events associated with muscle action and how fatigue may occur within the chain
-during muscle action, the forces pull the muscles ends toward one another if not prevented by an external force
-contraction= shortening
-not all muscle actions result in contraction
-fatigue can cause malfunction of neurons, inhibition of voluntary effort, inability to release ca++, and depletion of ATP
Know the theories associated with DOMS and the possible treatments for DOMS
-doms causes muscle soreness 24-48 hours after exercise because the muscle has been broken down

-treatment includes antiflammatory drugs, acute exercise, stretching, and ice
Know the action of the sensory receptors involved in reflexive muscle action (GTO, muscle spindle)- understand the myotatic (stretch) reflex, the inverse myotatic reflex, autogenic inhibition, reciprocal inhibition
-Golgi Tendon Organs: Sensitive to tension, cause inverse myotatic reflex- relaxation of agonist (autogenic inhibition) caused by excess tension from lifting an extremely heavy object.

-Muscle Spindle: Sensitive to stretch, cause myotatic reflex- reflexive contraction of agonist and reflexive relaxation of antagonist (a.k.a. reciprocal inhibition).