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49 Cards in this Set

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Two organisms live together for mutual benefit

Specimens sectioned into thin slices and coated with metal for

Transmission electron microscopy

Which descriptor indicates important difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

Cell wall size

Campylobacter pylori

Causes majority of foodborne infections in US

Plasmids role in genetic engineering

Used in cloning to ensure DNA will have sticky ends

Agar-agar solidifying advantage

It’s melting/solidifying temp range


Process which bacteria generate energy and utilize it (catabolism and anabolism)


Produces lactate

E. colicl

Shortest doubling time in a complex culture medium such as glucose

Clostridium genus (anaerobe) culture

Thioglycollate (absorbs o2) is added to medium

Studies of which subject have been most important in providing info about gene linkage and chromosome mapping

Phage transduction

Nonsense mutation

Changes normal codon to stop codon (stops synthesis)

Virus particles are quantitated one bacteriophage suspension

By counting the number of plaques formed in agar

A frame shift mutation would occur and the gene would no longer code for functional protein

If organism were exposed to a chemical or physical agent that causes a base deletion of DNA

Cell wall

Allows bacteria to live in a hypnotic solution without bursting

Process that involves reactions in the Plasma membrane of a prokaryotic cell

Electron transport

Inert endospores

Protect against chemical disinfectants

Bacteria move in a forward direction

By rotation of polar flagella

Aerotolerant anaerobe

Doesn’t use o2 but can survive in its presence

What is the 1st product of synthesis during replication of retrovirus


Peptidoglycan layer

Common to gram positive and negative and acid fast microbes

Pyruvic acid

End product of glycolysis

Gene therapy

Insertion of a missing gene into defective human cell to combat disease


Cannot have 2 different nucleic acids


Inhibits the replication of a virus

Binary fission

How bacteria reproduce

Molecule containing anticodons


Neissera gonorrhoeae penicillin resistant by

Producing enzymes that degrade penicillin when it enters the cell

Chemical growth control

Kills bacteria on in animate objects

AZT (azidothtmidine) anti-HIV drug

Inhibits the synthesis of viral DNA by blocking reverse transcriptase activity

Etheylene oxide

Used for commercial sterilization of plastic apparatus

Zephiran (quaternary amine compound)

Kills microorganisms by surfactant ability to dissolve membranes

Non ionizing UV light

Effective against microorganisms

Antibiotics disrupt normal functioning of ribosomes

By inhibiting protein synthesis

Gas chlorine

Halogen used to disinfect water


Chemical attraction that phagocytes have for microorganisms

O + has antibodies to A-

Will cause hemolytic reaction


Present antigenic components in primary humoral and cell-mediated immune response

Type of hypersensitivity in agammaglobulinemia

Type IV cell-mediated

Fungi characteristics

Eukaryotes, multicellular, reproduce asexually or sexually, chemoheterotrophic


Predominate a local inflammatory response


Uses HIV antigens to coat micro titer wells

Strep pyogenes

Can cause immune reaction on heat valves

Antigenic shift of influenza A

Caused by a segmented RNA genome

Sulfate reducing bacteria

Use sulfates as electron receptors


Contain nitrogenase


Nitrogen forming bacterium in free living soil

Nitrogen fixation

Conversion of nitrogen gas into ammonia

Carbon dioxide

End product of microbial metabolism in secondary fermentation