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41 Cards in this Set

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Marshall Plan
Secretary of State. George C. Marshall
Build up economy of Wester Europe after WWII, prevent from going communist.
"Iron Curtain"
Churchill speech, divides Eastern Europe and Western Europe.
Korean Conflict
75,00 using soviet made tanks and invade Korea republic in south Korea.
Truman Doctrine
Containment Policy, support Greece and Turkey economically and militarily to prevent their falling under Soviet control
Southern democrats
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. European Defence Act.
George F. Kennan
Idea of containment. Wrote letter and known as "Mr. X"
Warsaw Pact
Eastern European Communist Act. direct response to West Germany joining the NATO
postwar (WWII) housing boom. Massed produced look a like homes
Brown V.s Board Of Education
by declaring that state laws that established separate public schools for black and white students denied black children equal educational opportunities
little rock nine
initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school by Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus, and then attended
G.I. Bill
Gives generious benefits to U.S soldiers, college education and possibly a home
Atomic Bomb
Manhatten Project. Scientist race to see who completes the first atomic bomb
Election of 1961-1963
John F. Kennedy V.s Richard Nixon
Kennedy wins
Bay of Pigs
Aborted invasion, United States CIA-backed invasion which was directed by President John F. Kennedy in an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro, 2nd airstrike cancelled.
Cuban Missle Crisis
Crisis of Nuclear age, soviets planned missle in cuba. Kennedy ordered air force put to nuclear bombs in air. last momnet Svoiets surned ships around.
JFK assassination
November 22, 1963
Shot and killed
M.L.K jr. Assassination
April 4th, 1968
Shot and killed in Memphis, 2 months after Kennedy.
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
gave U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson authorization, for the use of military force in Southeast Asia. Blank Check for support of SOuth Vietnam
Tet Offensive
Military campaign by the forces of the Veit cong against the forces of South Vietnam, United States and their allies during the Vietnam war. purpose of the offensive was to strike military and civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnam
My Lai Massacre
the mass murder of 347 to 504 unarmed citizens in South Vietnam, entirely civilians and some of them women and children, conducted by U.S. Army forces, during the Vietnam War
Kent St.
Campus protest. R.O.T.C. building fire bombed. 4 college students dead.
Nixon Visits China
America deeming with communists, work foreign policy game. China would pressure Vietnam to stop the war
End of Vietnam War
April 1975
North Vietnam took control of Siagon which was an allie of the U.S. and fell to communisn. Victory for the North Vietnamese.
Election of 1977-81
President Jimmy Carter
Election of 1953-61
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Election of 1961-1963
John F. Kennedy
Election of 1963-1969
Lyndon B. Johnson
Election of 1968-1974
Richard Nixon
Election of 1974-1977
Geral Ford
Election of 1977-1981
Jimmy Carter
Elestion of 1981-1989
Ronald Reagan
served two terms
Election 1989-1993
George H.W. Bush
Roe V.s Wade
regards abortion, violated a constitutional right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Camp David Accords
Egypt Anwar Sadat and Isreali Prime minister Menechem Begin. provided the framework for peace in the Middle East
Six Day War 1967
was fought between Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. At the war's end, Israel had gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.
Three Mile Island
the worst civilian nuclear accident in United States history when in 1979 TMI-2 suffered a partial meltdown
Berlin Wall Comes Down
Reagan Est. relationship with Gorbechev to take down the Berlin Wall.
Fall Of Communism
Military Spending bankrupts Soviets, cannot keep up with U.S.
World Trade Organization
designed to supervise and liberalize international trade.
North America Free Trade Agreement
Trilateral block b/w the United States, Canada and Mexico