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58 Cards in this Set

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What are the distinct regions of the skin?

Epidermis and dermis

What is the name of the subcutaneous tissue just below the skin?


What types of cells are found in the skin?

Keratinocytes, melanocytes, langerhans, Merkel

What type of skin is found only in the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and the fingertips?

Thick skin

Which layer of the skin is usually not considered part of the thin skin?

Stratum lucidum

What name is given to the outermost layer of the epidermis?

Stratum corneum

What is the name given to an area of areolar tissue in which collagen fibers and elastin fibers are Loosely woven together in a mat?

Papillary layer

What are the pigments found in the skin?

Melanin, carotene, hemoglobin

Which of the pigments range in color from yellow to Black, and its pigments variations that caused the yellowish tinge of an Asian people skin?


What is the name of the skin coloration, that is a sign of Addison's disease, which is caused by a hypo functioning adrenal cortex?


What are the appendages or accessory gland of the skin?

Nails, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles and hair

What sweat gland type is not considered a specialized gland?

Eccrine sweat glands, apocrine sweat glands

Why is it advantageous for hair to be made up of layers of dead, hard keratin cells?

Tougher and more durable, individual cells do not flake off

If I told you that my hair and its natural state contain a decreased melanin, with much of the Lost melanin being replaced by air bubbles in the shaft, what color would my hair be?

Gray or white

Which part of the hair projects from the skin?


What is the name given to a Downy coat of delicate hairs that appears in the 5th and 6 months of gestation?

Lanugo coat

What are protections offered by the skin?

Chemical barriers, physical barriers, biological barriers

When a person is sitting under a shade tree at approximately what temperature does sweat begin to show up on the body?

88 degrees

What are the functions of the skin?

Protection, body temperature regulation, metabolic functions, blood Reservoir, excretion

Of the types of skin cancer discuss, by far what is the most serious? It is resistant to chemotherapy, accounts for only about 5% of cancers, and it generally forms from pre-existing moles.


Using the rule of Nine's, if a person was burned over his entire chest and abdomen area, along with the front of both legs, and his entire right arm, what would be the amount of skin surface injured in the fire be?


Partial thickness Burns involving the epidermis and the upper regions of the dermis are what type of burns?

2nd degree burns

How thick is human skin?

It's as thick is a paper towel

The bones of the skull fall into what category of bone?

Cranium and facial bones

Name the cranial sutures

Coronal suture, sagittal suture, lamboid suture, squamous suture

What is the largest and strongest bone in the face?

Mandible, lower jaw

What is the most always broken when someone is strangled?

Hyoid bone

What group of bones or features of the skull lighten the skull so we can more easily hold our heads up straight?

Paranasal sinuses

There are 206 bones in the adult skeleton, how many are there in a fetal skeleton?


Which type of vertebrae is characterized by a transverse foramen into specialized vertebrae that have their own names?

Cervical vertebrae

Which type of vertebrae articulate with the ribs?

Thoracic vertebrae, T1 through T12

Which type of vertebrae is characterized by a hatchet shaped spinosus process?

The lumbar vertebrae, L1 through L5

What are the three parts of the sternum

The manubrium, the body, and the xiphoid process

How many pairs of ribs does the adult human male have?


How many pairs of floating ribs does the adult human female have?


What's the largest bone in the forearm?


What bones are found in the wrist?


Scaphoid, lunar, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoidal, capitate, hamate

Sally left the party to take Cathy home

What is the technical name of the thumb?


What constitutes the appendicular skeleton?

The pectoral and pelvic girdles and upper and lower limbs

Which bone of the pelvis contains acetabulum?

The hip bone

What is the technical name of the great toe?


What is the name of the soft spots in the skulls of infants and fetuses?


What type of movement is characterized by the lessening of the angle between articulating bones?


What type of movement is characterized by movement away from the midline of the body?


What name is given to a muscle that assist a specific movement?

Prime mover or Agonist

What muscle plantar flexes the foot when the knee is extended? It originates on the femur and inserts at the calcaneal tendon.


What muscle stabilizes the scapula? It originates on the occipital bone and inserts on the scapula


What muscle is most involved in chewing? It originates on the zygomatic Arch and inserts on the mandible


What muscle is known as the prayer muscle? It is the prime mover of the head flexion and it originates at the sternum and clavicle, and inserts on the temporal and occipital bone


What muscle rotates the thigh? It originates on the pubis bone, and inserts on the Linea Aspera

Adductor longus

Which muscle protect the eyes from intense light? It originates from the frontal and maxillary bones and then starts on the tissue of the eyelids

Orbicularis oculi

What muscle of the abdominal compresses the abdominal contents? It originates from the inguinal ligament and inserts on the Linea Alba and pubic crest

Transverse abdominis

What muscle is a powerful forearm extensor? It originates from the humerus and scapula, and inserts on the ulna

Triceps brachii

What muscle is the prime mover of the arm abduction? It originates from the clavicle and scapula, and inserts on the humerus


What four muscles make up the group known as the quads?

Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, rectus femoris

What is the longest muscle in the body?

Sartorius muscle

What is the most prominent muscle in the anterior region of the arm? It flexes the elbow joint

Biceps brachii

What muscles make up the hamstring muscles?

Semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris