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27 Cards in this Set

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Specificity of metabolic capacity and exercise performance

A high VO2max in one activity does not ensure a high VO2 in another

Generality of metabolic capacity and exercise performance

Some individual s with a high VO2 in one activity possess above average VO2max in another dissimilar activity

Specificity vs generality

High degree of specificity

E.g. training aerobic power doesn't contribute to anaerobic power

Immediate energy system used for

First 10s

Short term energy used for

30sec to 2min

Immediate energy system (measured by)

(Anerobic alatate)

Measured by

1. Size of intramuscular ATP-PCr pool

2. Depletion rate if that pool in all out exercise

3. Alactate portion of EPOC

Short term energy system

1. After a few seconds of work. Anerobic glycolysis (lactate) generates ATP

2. Measured by lactate levels

Example of performance test to evaluate short term energy

E.g. all out run/bike/shuttle test

Factors that effect short term energy system

1. Age

2. Gender

3. Motivation

4. Skill

5. Body size

Creates difficultly in selecting suitable criterion for test

Wingate test

30sec submacinal effort on cycle ergometer

Measures: peak power, average and relative power, anaerobic fatigue & capacity & depletion

Physiologic test to evaluate. Short term energy

1. Measure blood lactate

2. Measure glycogen depletion. (take muscle sample)

Factors that affect anerobic energy transport capacity

1. Training(anaerobic): greater lactate generation, greater depletion of muscle glycogen

2. Capacity to buffer acid metabolites

3. Motivation (increase pain tolerance)

4. Nutrition

Aerobic energy: long term energy system

VO2 max (large part of endurance performance)

- increases with increase CV performance

Determinate of endurance performance

1. VO2 max

2. Capillary density

3. Level of aerobic enzymes

4. Mitochondrial size and number

5. Muscle fiber type

VO2 peak

Highest value of O2 consumption measured durning graded exercising see test

- respiratory exchange ratio >1.15 (above 1 means your above max VO2/max heart rate!)

Factors that affect max VO2

1. Mode of exercise (muscle mass and skill required)

2. Heredity (up to 93% depends on genetics)

3. State of training

4. Gender (women lower due to less muscle mass)

5. Body size and composition

6. Age

Advantages to submacinal aerobic capacity test

1. Decrease cost

2. Decrease time

3. Decrease risk

Disadvantages in submacinal aerobic capacity predication test

1. Error in estimate

2. Individual variability

Assumptions required for HR predictions

1. Linearity of HR and O2 consumption throughout all intesitys

2. Similar max HR for all subjects (varies!)

3. Constant economy and mechanical efficiency throughout exercise

4. Limit daily variations in HR

Dalton's law

Total pressure = sum of partial pressures of all gases in mixture

Barometric pressure at sea level


PO2 at sea level

760 x 0.21 = 159mmHg

O2 dissociation curve has what type of relationship


PO2 in alveolar and arterial blood



PO2 of capillary


O2 delivery depends on

1. Gas exchange (mouth to blood)

2. Gas transport (dissolved in plasma and bound to Hb)

What is PO2 at humidified air
