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260 Cards in this Set

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what law mandates DQP's?
The Horse Protection Act (HPA)
Health Research Extension Act. 1985 Amendments to the Awa
what is the difference between vivisection and surgery?
surgery uses anesthesia, vivisection doesn't.
what % of animals experience pain in research?
What does PRCA stand for?
Profession Rodeo Cowboys Association.
What did the PRCA do?
the 1st org. to develop code for ethics on how to treat animals
what is the % of animals that get injured or die from research?
what animal was tested for legionaries?
guinea pigs
American Humane Association
What did the AHA do?
they started off taking care of abandoned children. and they sign the thing that says "no animals were harmed in the production of this movie".
having a conscious mind
who researched SIDS?
John Orem
how many dogs and cats are killed on the road each year?
6.2 million
what animal welfare group regulates the media's use of animals in movies?
The American Humane Association (AHA)
Acceptable daily intake
"permitted" arabic
how long do you transport cattle for?
48 hrs
what are downer animals?
they cant get up, and they are not allowed to be slaughter for human consumption.
what do you need to become scientifically valid?
- has to be replicated with similar results.
- has to have a control.
who enforces the AWA?
how often do you check the water when you are shipping the dogs?
how often do you inspect?
-12 hrs
- 4 hrs
-what % of animals are used for food?
-how many are used in research?
how many cats and dogs are killed on the road/yr?
6.2 million
what month are horses breed? born?
feburary, january
when are the PMU horses breed? Born?
breed june, may
how do you reduce the # of animals used in research?
refinement, cloning, inbreeding, looking at 1 thing at a time, repeated sampling.
what country added octopus to the list of protected lab animals?
we know most about the ____ brains.
the genome we know most about is the _____.
What makes the PCRA so unique?
they were the first to develope code of ethics for animals used and the purpose of spurs when riding horse, as well as the strap to make the animals buck.
What book is accepted by hitler?
how many asian elephants are in left in the wild in 2004?
only ___ surgeries are allowed on an animals in their lifetime in lab animal research.
The ___ determines the frequency, method and duration of exercise required for dogs in research facilities, for dealers and for exhibitors.
the only country that collected systematic date on animal pain and distress is ____.
only animal that allows the human sperm penetration of its eggs is the ___.
federal law prohibits more than ___ survival type surgery on an experimental animal.
how many calf roping injuries have there been?
12 injuries
Category B in pain classification
none at all, holding, breeding, etc.
category c in pain classification
no more than a momentary or slight pain with no use of pain relieving drugs. like euthanasia, injections, and blood sampling.
category D in pain classifications
pain or distress appropriately relieved with anesthetics, analgesics, and or tranquilizer drugs or other methods for relieving pain.
category e!
pain or distress or potential, NOT relieved with any kind of pain reliever.
what was significant about 1984 with diptheria?
well the first did research of diptheria on a dog. but in 984 they came out with an anti-toxin.
1st pancreatectomized animals used to develop diabetes help thing.
dr john orem did what kinda research?
sleep apnea and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
what is heterotopic transplant?
transplantation of tissue to a place it is not normally found.
grafting of tissue from one species to another.
first animal to get bio artificial liver used on him.
L.A. county kills _______ dogs and cats/yr in its lbs.
% of money that is spent on healthcare in the U.S that is used for biomedical research
___ is the humane killing of an animal by a method which produces rapid unconsciousness and subsequent death, without evidence of pain or distress.
___ is the philosophy in which the individual believes using animals for the betterment of people is acceptable, as long as the animal is treated with compassion.
utilitarian philosophy
___ means one's place or relative position, or one's rank in the community.
____ are people who believe that individuals can do whatever they want to animals, and that humans are the only species with any rights.
what does the animals welfare concept imply?
that humankind has dominion over animals, and as such has responsibility for animal well-being.
what does animals right oppose?
opposed to biomedical research using animals, sporting event, using animals for clothing, entertainment, product testing, and eating animals.
The _____ sets standards including provisions for housing, feeding, watering, sanitation, ventilation, the use of anesthesia for painful procedures, and the availability of veterinary medical and post- operative care at the federal level.
The Animal Welfare Act
The _____ of 1985 requires the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to create guidelines for animal use and to develop a research plan for alternatives to the use of animals.
HREA stands for?
Health Research Extension Act
____ means cutting into a live animal (originally meant "without anesthesia", because it had not been developed yet).
what is the % of rats and mice that are used in research?
___ is the view that a person should pursue his or her own self- interests, even at the expense of others.
___ philosophies embrace the idea that people are equal to other life forms.
____ philosophies teach that man dominates God's creations.
the ___ religion forbids the eating of all meat and animal products.
animals have been used in experiments for more than ____ year.
___ used animals in experiments, helping him to create the sciences of zoology and comparative anatomy.
___ used animals experimentation to demonstrate that veins carried blood.
the first known blood transfusions by Dr. Lower in 1665 were performed on ____.
_____ was the first law in the modern-day world to protect farm animals from cruel treatment.
The Body of Liberties
____ is the largest American animal rights organizations-boasting a $40 million a year budget.
The number of animals shelters supported by this organization in the United States: ______
number of companion animals taken in by american animal shelters annually; _____
15 million
number of companion animals euthanized annually in the U.S.: ____
11-13 million
The ____ is the legislation that included the humane handling of animals prior to and during slaughter.
Humane Slaughter Act
what year was the american animals transportation act passed?
The ____ prohibits the showing, sale, auction, exhibition, or transport of sored horses.
Horse Protection Act
____ was the year the Animal Welfare Act first became law in the U.S
What is a DQP?
Designated Qualified Person. Its a person who inspects horses make sure no horses are sored.
The _____ Act makes it a felony and imposes a fine of up to $10,000 and a jail sentence of up to a year for individuals who injure a person during an attack on an animal enterprise.
Animal Enterprise Protection Act
The ____ requires animal shelter to hold and care for dogs and cats for at least five days before providing them to a dealer.
The Federal Register
In 1959, ______ , written by Russel and Burch, described a method of minimizing unncessary suffering and use of animals in laboratiories.
The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique
____ means (whole animal) research.
in vivo
____ was the year the AWA was initially passed by congress.
In 1985, the U.S Congress passed two laws that required facilities conducting Biomedical research on animals to establish IACUCs. These law were?
what does ISLA stand for?
improved standards for laboratory animals act
IACUC stands for?
institutional animals care and use committees
The ____ has an obligation to review all research projects proposed for PHS support prior to their receiving funding.
____ must prepare reports of animal facility inspections and submit them to the institutional official.
In most institutions, the ___ is responsible for training and instruction to institutional personnel on humane methods of animals maintenance and experimentation.
Humane methods of animals maintenance and experimentation would include the following:
a. basic needs of each species of animal
b. proper handling and care for various species of animals used by facility.
c. proper pre & post procedural care of animals.
d. aseptic surgical methods & procedures.
The ____ was prepared specifically toward farm animal research activities with special consideration given to current practices and issues in commercial agriculture
Agri Guide
____ refers to substitution, either wholly or in part, of the animal model with a non-animal model.
___ is a non-animal test used to test for carcinogenicity-but is made from mouse liver cells.
____ & _____ are two methods used to reduce the numbers of animals used in experiments without compromising results and statistical integrity.
reduction, replacement
animal plant and health inspection services
___ is an experiment done within a whole living organism.
in vivo
___ is an experiment done in an artificial environment outside the living organism.
in vitro
ISLA stands for ____________, an amendment to AWA.
improved standards for lab animal act
who enforces the AWA?
when the AWA first became a law, which animals were its main concern?
cats & dogs
____ is the unit of APHIS that directly monitors animal care facilities through unannounced visits for compliance with the regulations.
what does REAC stand for?
Regulatory Enforcement of animal care
which animals are excluded in the AWA?
a. domestic farm animals
b. mice/ rats
c. birds
who determines the frequency, method, and duration of exercise required for dogs in research facilities, for dealers, and for exhibitors?
by vet, approval needed by IACUC
when shipping dogs and cats, water must be given at least every ___ hr.
when transporting animals, the accomplanying person must check on the animals at least every ___ hr to ensure proper air, temp., etc.
which three documents should farm animal facilities be familiar with in order to stay in compliance with standards for agricultural production, and thus partially qualify for accreditation?
the AWA, the NIH guide, the Ag guide
_____ is the major U.S government agency funding lab animal research.
____ is the branch of the NIH responsible for the monitoring of compliance to standards of humane treatment of research animals.
one-fourth of the animals under ___ grants involve field studies of free living wild animals.
in california, the regulation of research facilities falls under _____.
departments of health
1st kidney research was on ____.
% of animals used in product testing.
% of money spent on health care.
% of animals used for food.
% of animals used in biomedical research?
% of animals used in non biomedical research is:
hetertopic transplant?
moving things to a place it doesnt belong
bio artificial liver first came from a:
general or local insensibility, but not necessarily awake.
absense of sense of pain, without loss of consciousness (aka awake)
____ is the U.S Army neurosurgeon who researched head injuries in cats.
Dr. Michael Carey
The Pennsylvania Head Injury researchers were trying to mimic which type of common head injury?
which type of animal was used in the Head Injury Research?
HFI was a state referendum in ______.
____ is a loss of the sensory nerve fibers from a portion of the body.
heterograft is also called ______
what are armadillos used for?
middle ear infections
CNS repair
hip and joint replacement, heart transplants, hemophilia.
electric eels?
neurobiological studies
guinea pig?
vitamin C deficiencies and other nutritional ailments
gastro-intestinal disorders, endocrine diseases, influenze virus
male fertility
syphilis, parkinson's disease and huntington's choreas, all motor coordination diseases
auto-immune syster
embryonic development, esophagus and bacterial endocarditis
heart, lung skin, and kidney transplants
hormone levels, viral infections, behavioral studies
tissue damage from heart attack or stroke
drug addiction withdrawal
what is a salamander used for?
replacing dead heart muscle, regeneration (limbs, lens, organs)
___ is the humane killing of an animal accomplished by a method which produces rapid unconsciousness and subsequent death, without evidence of pain or distress.
___ is the philosophy in which the individual believes using animals for the betterment of people is acceptable, as long as the animal is treated with compassion.
utilitarian philosophy
____ means ones place or relative position, or one's rank in the community.
___ are people who believe that individuals can do whatever they want to animals, and that humans are the one species with any rights.
what does the animal welfare concept imply?
that human kind has dominion over animals, and as such has a responsibility for animal well-being.
____ sets standards including provisions for housing, feeding,watering,sanitation, ventilation, the use of anesthesia for painful procudures, and the availability of veterinary medical and post-operative care at the federal level.
the AWA
____ of 185 requires the national Institutes of health (NIH) to create guidelines for animal use and to develop a research plan for alternatives to the use of animals.
HREA stands for?
Health Research extension act
___ means butting into a live anima (o.g meant without aneathesia because it had not been developed yet).
___ is the % of rats and mice that are used in research
____ is the view that a person should pursue his or her own self interests, even at the expense of others.
___ philosophies teach that man dominates God's creation.
____ philosophies embrace the idea that people are equal to other life forms.
animas have been used in experiments for more than ____ yrs.
___ used animals in experiments, helpin g him to create the science of zoology and comparative anatomy.
___ used animal experimentation to demonstrate that veins carried blood.
the first known blood transfusions by Dr. Lower in 1665 were performed on ____.
____ was the first law in the modern day world to protect farm animals from cruel treatment.
The body of liberties
___ is the largest american animal rights org. boasting a $40 million a yr budget
the number of animal shelters supported by HSUS in the U.S.
number of companion animals euthanized annually in the U.S
11-13 million
the _______ is the legisation that included the humane handling of animals prior to and during sluaghter.
the humane slaughter act
what year was the AMerican Animal Transportation act passed?
the ____ prohibits the showing , sale, auction, exhibiton, or transport of sored horses.
The horse protection act.
____ was the year the animal welfare act first became law in the U. S
What is a DQP?
designated qualified person. person who inspects horses making sure no horses are sored.
____ act makes it a felony and imposes a fine of up to $10,000 and a jail sentence of up to a year for individuals who injure a person during an attack on animal enterprise.
The animal enterprise protection act
the ________ requires that animal shelters to hold and care for dogs and cats for at least five days before providing them to a dealer.
the federal register
The ____ was the first legislation in the world to regulate the use of animals in research.
cruelty to animals act
in 1959, ____, written by Russel and Burch, described a method of minimizing unneccary suffering and use of animal in laboratories.
The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique
___ means (whole-animal) research
in vivo
____ was the year the AWA was initially passed by congress.
in 1985, the U.S congress passed two law that required facilities conduction biomedical research on animals to establish IACUCs. These laws were:
what does ISLA?
improved standards for laboratory animals act
___ must prepare reports of animal facility inspection and submit them to the institutional official.
Humane methods of animal maintenance and experimentation would include the following:
a. basic needs of each species of animal
b. proper handling & care for various species of animals used by facility.
c. proper pre & post procedural care of animals.
d. aseptic surgical methods & procedures.
____ was prepared specifically toward farm animal research activities with special consideration given to current practices and issues in commercial agriculture.
Agri Guide
____ refers to substitution, either wholly or in part, of the animal model with a non- animal model.
____ is a non-animal test used to test for carcinogenicity- made from mouse liver cells.
____ & ____ are two methods used to reduce the numbers of animals used in experiments without compromising results and statistical integrity.
reduction and replacement.
___ is an experiment done within a whoole living organism
in vivo
___ is an experiment done in an artificial environment outside the living organism.
in vitro
HREA stands for?
health research extension act
isla stands for?
improved standard for lab animal act
who enforces the AWA?
when the AWA first became a law, which animals were its main concern?
cats and dogs
___ is the unit of APHIS that directly monitors animal care facilities thru unannounced visits for compliance witht he regulations
what does REAC stand for?
Regulatory enforment animal care act
which animals are excluded in the AWA?
domestic farm animals, mice/rats, and birds.
when shipping dogs and cats, water must be given at least every ___ hr.
when transporting animals, the accompanying person must check on the animals at least every ___ hr to ensure proper air, temp, etc.
which three documents should farm animal facilities be famliar with in order to stay in compliance with standards for agricultural production, and thus paritiall qualify for accreditation?
the awa, the NIH guide, the Ag guide.
___ is the major US gov agency funding lab animal research.
___ is branc of NIH responsible for the monitoring of compliance to standards for humane treatment of research animals.
one-fourth of the animals under ___ grants involve field studies of free living wild animals.
NSF stands for?
national science foundation
in Ca, the regulation of research facilities falls under ____.
Department of health.
what are armadillos used for?
middle ear infections
CNS repair
hip and joint replacement, heart transplants, hemophilia
electric eels?
neurobiological studies
guinea pig
vitamin C deficiencies and other nutritional ailments
gastro intestinal disorders, endocrine diseases, influenza virus
male fertility
syphilis, parkinson's disease and huntington's choreas, all motor coordination diseases.
auto-immune system
embryonic development, esophagus and bacterial endocarditis
heart, lung, skin, and kidney transplants
hormone levels, viral infections, behavioral studies
tissue damage from heart attack or stroke
drug addiction withdrawal
cancer resistance
lung function, kidney failure
hepatitis, human liver cancer
zebra fish
vertebrate development and genetics
the _____ legalized the sale of bodies for dissection in England, in an attempt to end the practice of stealing bodies form cemetaries.
Warburton Anatomy Act
____ animals are used in research and testing each year in the U.S.
17-23 million
___ % of these animals are rats, mice, and other rodents.
___ is responsible for almost half of the deaths in pets older than ten.
___ % of physicians in US support the use of animals in research.
once physician-based animal rights group that does not support the use of animals in research is ______.
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
In 1989, Gallup survey, ___ % of Americans believed that use of animals in research was necessary and should continue.
The ____ Administration regulates stockyards regarding the treatment of animals.
Packer & Stockyards
Federal law imposes a ___ hr transportation limit on cattle.
most stunning of animals to be slaughtered in the US is done with a ____
capitave bolt gun
list four areas where animal agriculture needs to improve its practice (according to leading animal behaviorists):
a. handling of non-ambulatory animals.
b. processing of live animals.
c. transporting of livestock
d. addressing psychological well-being of confinement.
___ animals are animals not able to stand due to calving problems, broken bones, or paralysis.
AAEP stands for?
American Associations of Equine Practicioners
modern day pork carcass contains __% fat
On a federal level the ____ monitors the processes of food production to assure a safe food supply.
Food and drug administration
NOEl stands for?
No observed effect level
ADI stands for?
acceptable daily intake
The ____ is the federal agency that sets specific regulations on the amount of residues of hormones and other additives that may be left in meat.
Food Safety & inspection service
ADI= _____ of a NOEL
a cup of coffee has how much carcinogens?
500 micrograms
carcinogen in a 3oz serving of beef?
carcinogen in a glass of cola?
2,000 micrograms
carcinogen in a slice of bread?
185 micrograms
estrogen levels in beef?
1.2-1.9 nanograms
estrogen levels in milk?
11 nanograms
estrogen levels in potatoes?
225 nanograms
estrogen levels in ice cream?
520 nanograms
estrogen levels in cabbage?
2,000 nanograms
estrogen levels in soybean oil
16,800,000 nanograms
the ____, passed by congress in 1958, stated that no carcinogens shall be added to the supply of food.
Delaney Clause
____ are vegetarians who eat animal products from milk and eggs but not meat.
In 1900, Great Britain passed the ____ , which outlawed the teasing, abusing, or infuriating of captive animals. This Act extended to wild animals in captivity protection which previous animals protection laws conferred on domestic animals.
Cruelty to Wild Animals In Captivity Act
AZA estimates only ____ Asian elephants remain in India and South East Asia due to loss of habitat and competition between people and elephants for limited resources.
35,000 - 40,000
another name for the bullhook is the ____.
Efforts of the ____, ensure that animals are protected from abuse during filming of movies and commericals.
American Humane Association
____ is a means by which animal keepers provide their animals with both mental and physical stimulation using natural and artificial objects.
behavioral enrichment
___ monkey are most commonly used to help quadriplegics and other people with severe spinal cord injuries or mobility- impairments.
Tom Regan
Animal rights activists. He wrote the book "The Case for Animal Rights".