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70 Cards in this Set

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Leadership is abt __


Leadership is about setting and not just reacting to __, identifying __, and initiating __ that makes for substantial __ rather than just __ __.




Managing change

Leadership theories that focus exclusively on the leader

Leader-centric theories

The __ approach was one of the first methods that systematically examined leadership


Defines a leader by describing the attributes or qualities of individuals who ascend to positions of authority

Trai theory

Centers on the leader's actions

Leader behavior theory

Many of the earlstudies presumed it to be a process to achieve organizational goals because it " implies activity, movement, getting work done"


1__: personal traits

2__: qualities of scholarship & knowledge

3__: traits of dependability, initiative, persistence, self confidence, desire to excel

4__: characteristics of activity, sociability, cooperation, adaptability, humor

5__: qualities of socioeconomic position and popularity

Stogdill 5 categories of traits






Persons don't become leaders simply by displaying a pattern of characteristics, the __ affects one's ability to lead others in the achievement of organizational goals


Follower's knowledge, social status, skills, interests and needs of followers, & objectives to be achieved

Possible situational characteristics that affect leadership

Intelligence and ability


Task related characteristics

Social characteristics

Traits likely associated with leader effectiveness

Scholars ought to focus exclusively on aspects of the __ in the study of leadership. Stogdill


Looking at __ of the leader is important in understanding how work units and organizations achieve goals



Leadership motivation

Honesty and integrity

Self confidence

Cognitive ability

Knowledge of task (business)

Kirckpatrick and locke: another set of th3 qualities common among leaders

The desire for power is motivated by 2 different types of dominance:

__ power motive

__ power motive



Seeks power as an end in and of itself, focuses on power solely for the sake of dominating others

Personalized power motive

More altruistic in that power is used to achieve desired goals or vision

Socialized power motive

__ refers to being truthful and non deceitful

__ is the connection between words and actions



Ability to gather, integrate, and interpret large amounts of information

Cognitive ability

__ __ is manifested as the capacity to think strategically and multidimensionally

Cognitive ability

Similar in some ways to "__ __" theories trait theory assumes that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership

Great man

__ __ often identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders

Trait theories

Personality traits generally compromise __ dimensions known as the "__ __"


Big five

The big five

1 __ & __ stability (n&e)

2 __&__ (e&i)

3 __ (o)

4 __ (a)

5 __ (c)

1 neuroticism & emotional

2 extroversion & intraversion

3 openness

4 agreeableness

5 conscientiousness

The big five are relatively independent of one another , research indicates they have important implications for __ __ & __

Organizational performance & leadership

__ was most strongly related to work tasks in all jobs


__ was the 2nd strongest correlation to job performance and especially important for managers and sales personnel


__ to __ was the 3rd most important predictor of job performance

Openess to experience

__ was the weakest predictor of job performance


"Leadership __" whether (or to what degree) an individual is perceived by others, who have limited information abt the individual's actual performance, as a leader


"Leadership __" a leader's performance in influencing activities of his unit in achieving its goals


__ was the most important correlate of big5 to both leadership emergence and effectiveness.

__ 2nd strongest

__ was related to both

__ limited relationship

__ was least relevent




Emotional stability


__ __= describes aspects of social and interpersonal intelligence. Largely has to do with the ability to understand one's own and others __ and how those affect social relationships

Emotional intelligence


Self awareness

Self regulation

Self motivation

Empathy for others

Interpersonal and social skills

Aspects of emotional intelligence

__ skills play a role in leadership emergence in self managing teams


1 developing a sense of collective goals and objectives 2 instilling in others the knowledge and appreciation of the importance of work3 generating excitement, enthusiasm, confidence, and trust4 encouraging flexibility in decision making and change processes

1 developing a sense of collective goals and objectives 2 instilling in others the knowledge and appreciation of the importance of work3 generating excitement, enthusiasm, confidence, and trust4 encouraging flexibility in decision making and change processes5 establishing and maintaining a meaningful identity for the organization

1 developing a sense of collective goals and objectives 2 instilling in others the knowledge and appreciation of the importance of work3 generating excitement, enthusiasm, confidence, and trust4 encouraging flexibility in decision making and change processes5 establishing and maintaining a meaningful identity for the organization

1 developing a sense of collective goals and objectives 2 instilling in others the knowledge and appreciation of the importance of work3 generating excitement, enthusiasm, confidence, and trust4 encouraging flexibility in decision making and change processes5 establishing and maintaining a meaningful identity for the organization

5 establishing and maintaining a meaningful identity for the organization

5 essential ways emotional intelligence is related to leadership

Leader behaviors: behaviors of effective leaders

Ohio st studies

Leadership was defined as " the behavior of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group toward a shared goal

Ohio st studies

Comprehensive survey of leader behaviors. Leader behavior typically aligned to 2 broad independent categories 1__ 2 __ __

Leader behavior description questionnaire

1 consideration

2 initiating structure

Behaviors that involve concern for people and interpersonal relationships


Behaviors that demonstrate a concern for task accomplishment

Initiating structure

Describes managers in terms of concern for people and concern for production, it bring together concern for production and concern for people at 2 intersecting axes

The managerial grid

1 Vertical axis represents concern for __

2 Horizontal for __

Scale from (__-__) low to high

5 general combinations of leader behavior 1 authority-obedience__,__ 2 country club mngmnt __,__ 3 impoverished mngmnt __,__ 4 Middle of the road mngmnt 5 team mngmnt __,__

Managerial grid

1 people

2 results


1 9,1

2 1,9

3 1,1

4 5,5

5 9,9

Looked at the relationship between leader behavior and group processes and also sought to measure group performance. Initial research was conducted via field studies.

Michigan studies

Task oriented, relations oriented, participative leadership

Michigan studies: 3 general categories of leader behavior

Exploitive authorative

Benevolent authorative



4 systems of organizational and performance characteristics

Leadership __ relies on leader's influencing leaders


__ refers to the change in the target agent's attitudes, values, beliefs or behaviors as a result of __ __


Influence tactics

__ __ : individual's actual behaviors aimed at changing another's attitudes, values, beliefs or behaviors

Influence tactics





Exchange for benefits

Upward appeal



8 dimensions of influence

Rational persuasion


Inspirational appeal




Personal appeals





11 proactive influence tactics

Involves the use of logical arguments and factual info with the aim of influencing the target. Tactic is used in all directions but more commonly used to influence targets upward in org.

Rational persuasion

Involves an emotional values based appeal aimed at arousing target enthusiasm, used regardless of direction in the organization. More commonly used in a downward direction

Inspirational appeal

Invites the target to participate and offer suggestions in carrying out an initiative or proposed change. Primary purpose is to foster target's support for a decision already made by the agent. More commonly used downward or lateral direction


Occurs when an agent uses threats, warnings, or other assertive behavior. May produce resistance more than compliance or commitment. Negatively related to commitment from reports or peers. Commonly used in a downward direction. Considered an ineffective influence tactic.


Involves the use of praise or flattery before a request. More commonly used downward or lateral, can result in a mix of compliance and commitment. Quality of manager-direct report relationship affects effectiveness of tactic.


Involves the implicit or explicit offering of some future benefits in return for carrying out request. Lateral and downward most common. Used less to influence in upward direction. Quality of manager-d. report relationship affects the effectiveness


Occurs when the agent of the influence attempt seeks help from other ppl to influence the target person. This style is successful if the target respects or likes the individuals. Most likely used to influence peers or superiors. Generally an ineffective tactic results more commonly in resistance or compliance rather than commitment. Usually only effective to enlist support for an org'al change


Seeks to establish an individual's authority or right to make a request, include an appeal to org'al hierarchy or norms or other org'al policies, downward or lateral direction, may result in compliance or resistance negatively related to target commitment, Q of relationship affects effectiveness, antagonism results in greater resistance


Ref3rs to asking someone to do a favor out of friendship or loyalty. More commonly lateral, moderately effective tactic

Personal appeal

The offering of necessary resources or assistance if the target will carry out the request. Impersonal benefits, involves joint effort to accomplish objective.


The agent explains how a request will benefit the target personally.


__ influence is outside of formal authority and based largely on follower perception of the "__ __"


Divine inspiration

Strong need for power, high self confidence, high need for social influence, and a strong conviction in their own beliefs

Traits of charismatic leaders

Role modeling, image building, goal articulation, and exhibiting of high expectations

Behaviors of charismatic leaders

Attribution of charismatic leadership depends on leader behavior that can be categorized based on __ stages of the __ __ __


Charismatic leadership process

1 evaluation of the status quo

2 formulate and articulate new organizational goals

3 communicate the means by which to achieve the new vision

Charismatic leadership process

1 assessment of strategic opportunities and constraints of the environment

2 articulation of an idealized vision

3 developing follower buy in to vision

4 accomplishing the vision

Stage model of charismatic leadership

1 strategic vision and articulation

2 sensitivity to the environment

3 sensitivity to member's needs

4 personal risk

5 unconventional behavior

5 dimensions of charismatic leadership

Charismatic leadership was related to leader __, employee __, and employee __ to the organization however was not related to employee __ __ or employee __




Job satisfaction or effort