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73 Cards in this Set

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One recommendation you can make to businesses in your city to improve infiltration to recharge local aquifers is:

Planting rain gardens in front of building

Out of all the water on earth ? Is usable by humans.

Less than 1%

What was the result of using drainage blocks to keep water in the field level during the growing season?

Less water and nutrients lost through drainage and larger yields in test plots.

Many species of trees found in the canopy and emergent layer of forests have seeds and saplings that are shade adapted. Why do you think that is ?

The seeds and saplings will be in the shade for much of their early life because the parent trees in upper layers of forest will block a portion of sunlight.

Gravity "powers" all of the following processes of the hydrological cycle except:


Why does forest conservation in countries that are more developed not make a significant difference in worldwide conservation efforts?

Both because nations that are more developed still demand wood, and also because multinational corporations move their businesses to less developed nations with fewer deforestation regulations.

The forest biome that you would expect to find in a cool location with mild precipitation and short growing season would be:


What is accurate about the active ingredient in roundup ?

Glyphosate has been linked to cancer in some studies

What is not available to combat vitamin A deficiency?

Fortifying well water to provide a continuous supplement.

What makes golden rice different than other GM crops?

Non-profit and poor farmers can save the seeds

What countries are most likely to grow golden rice in the future?

Philippines and Bangladesh

Approximately what percentage of ugandans have access to cell phones?

50 percent

In a country where many do not have electricity, what keeps cell phones charged ?

"Intelligent" lithium ion batteries

What percentage of ugandans over the age if 15 can read or write?

20 percent

Intercropping leguminous trees amongst crops of maize has what effect?

Increases yields

Why could agroforestry be considered a sustainable practice?

A method that provides fertilizer to sustain other crops and build soil.

How many of the nations captive honeybees are tucked in to pollinate almond crops ?


What is citrus greening ?

A bacterial disease

Why do we say waste is a human invention?

Humans produce some waste products that cannot be easily broken down.


Capable of being broken down by living organisms


Incapable of being broken down under normal conditions

What makes up 91-97% of waste?

Industrial, agricultural, and mining waste

Open dumps are

Places where hazardous and non hazardous trash is piled up


Water that carries dissolved substances that can percolate through soil.

Sanitary landfill

Buries trash in a way that prevents leachate from reaching groundwater

What is false about incinerators?

The burning of waste reduces the toxic and hazardous materials in the waste stream, as heat neutralizes toxins.

Trash transfer

Shuffling waste from state to state

What are negative consequences of solid waste pollution?

People and wildlife are exposed to hazardous chemicals, contamination of ocean waters, disruption of ecosystem services


Allows waste to biologically decompose in presence of oxygen and water, producing a soil-like mulch.


Choose not to buy a product if you can do without


Make choices that allow you to use less of a resource by purchasing durable goods


Use a product more than once for other purposes


Return items for reprocessing

Food security

Having physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food.

Malnouishment can result from

Not enough calories, being deficient in one or more nutrients, taking too many calories


When a person does not have enough to eat


Poor health that results from a nutritional imbalance

Over nutrition

Consumption of too many calories

Green revolution depended on

Traditional farming techniques, such as contour farming and crop rotation

Food self sufficiency

Ability of an individual nation to grow enough food to feed it's people

Food sovereignty

Ability of an individual nation to control it's own food system

Cash crops

Food and fiber crops grown to sell for profit rather than use by local families

What is a GMO?

An organism that has had its genetic info modified in some way

Superweeds are weeds that

Have acquired a gene for herbicide resistance from a genetically modified organism

Low tech solutions may be a better option than GMO agriculture in some places because these methods

Are more accessible to low income farmers

Organic agriculture

Farming that does not use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, GMOs, and chemical additives

What problems can arise when fertilizers are used to enhance crop growth?

Can deplete the soil and create a dependance on fertilizer


Protect the environment and meet the needs of local people


Farming method in which a mix of different species are grown together in one area.

IPM techniques fall into 4 categories:

Cultural control, biological control, mechanical control, and chemical control

Contour farming

Rows planted along slope following lay of land

Soil amendment

Addition of natural or synthetic fertilizers, organic matter to loosen soil, and substances to alter pH


Form of charcoal produced when organic matter is partially burned

Annual crops

Grow, produce seeds, and die in a single year

Perennial crops

Do not die at end of growing season

When trying to reduce carbon footprint of your food, which consumer choice is the best choice?

Choose organic food grown far away over industrially grown local food

What is the action plan of integrated pest management?

Controlling pests while minimizing toxins

What are characteristics of CAFOs?

Confined animal feeding Operations, in a small area, crowded and unable to roam free.

Waste management techniques least to most preferred:

Landfills, incineration, recycling and composting, source reduction and reusing

What practices does the green revolution use ?

Pesticides, irritations, and high yield in crops

What are three types of genetically engineered organisms?

Transgenic, cis-genic, intragenic

What genetically engineered organism is currently regulated as a GMO?



Adding one gene that is unrelated


Introducing two closely related species for a gene


Take away a gene

What is a disadvantage of planting Bt corn ?

You will have to use more pesticides

Advantages of micro fertilization

Less expensive and less runoff

Types of farming

Organic farming, terrace farming, monoculture farming, reduced tillage, strip cropping

Organic farming

Food healthier, no pesticide residue

Terrace farming

Lead to soil erosion

Monoculture farming

One crop is planted- high market demand

Reduced tillage

Minimizes soil disturbances

Strip cropping

Rows of crops