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163 Cards in this Set

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بسم الله

الرحمن الرحيم

ربي اشرح لي صدري

و يسر لي أمري

و احلل عقدة من لساني

يفقهوا قولي

Primary prevention

Weight loss, smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, eating better, vaccination

Secondary prevention

Screening( sensitive) and intervention ( lifestyle, medication)

Tertiary prevention


Colon screening

Age 50 or 10 years before the first diagnosis of your parent.

done by either colonoscopy ( every 10 years) or flexible sigmoidoscopy ( every 5 years with FOBT every 3 years ) or FOBT every year

Keep screening until 75

FOBT: focal occult blood test

Breast cancer screening

At 50 and repeat every 2 years by mammography until 75

Cervical cancer screening

At 21 by Pap smear until 65 with 3 consecutive normal Paps or with TAH

Cervical cancer screening

At 21 by Pap smear until 65 with 3 consecutive normal Paps or with TAH

Lung cancer screening

55-80 with 30 packs years history plus they quit < 15 years ago by low dose CT every year

The only time you screen for ovarian cancer if

The patient has BRCA positive

Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening

Men > 65 and they ever smoked by US of abdomen

Osteoporosis screening

Women with > 65 by DEXA scan

Osteoporosis screening

Women with > 65 by DEXA scan

Hepatitis C screening

Baby boomers ( 1946 to 1964) by antibodies hep C

HIV screening

Everyone once by ELISA

Hypertension screening

Everyone, every visit, the best way to screen is ambulatory BP monitor

Hypertension screening

Everyone, every visit, the best way to screen is ambulatory BP monitor

DM screening

Hypertension patients by A1C

Hypertension screening

Everyone, every visit, the best way to screen is ambulatory BP monitor

DM screening

Hypertension patients by A1C

Lipids screening

Men >35 or >25 with risk factors

Women > 45 or >30 with risks ..

By lipid panel

Depression screening


Mobility screening

Get up and walk

If the patient is allergic to eggs you may/ may not give them ??

Flu( IM)

Tdap vs DTap ?

DTap For kids ( not adults)

Tdap vs DTap ?

DTap For kids ( not adults)

Tdap recommendations

Every 10 years for 3 lifetime doses

In wounds:

> 3 doses: if clean and the last dose is given < 10 years don’t give , if > 10 years give Td

< 3 doses: if the last dose given < 5 years give Td, if > 5 years give Td and IVIg

Contraindications: anaphylaxis

Pneumococcal vaccines recommendations

Once <60( 13 pneumococcal) and once > 65( 23 pneumococcal)

Contraindications: never given at the same time

Pneumococcal vaccines recommendations

Once <60( 13 pneumococcal) and once > 65( 23 pneumococcal)

Contraindications: never given at the same time

Zoster recommendations

> 60

Contraindications: live attenuated ( HIV ...etc)

Influenza recommendations

Everybody every year

IM or Intranasal

HPV recommendations

10-26 which prevents cervical cancer

HPV recommendations

10-26 which prevents cervical cancer

Meningococcal recommendations

College or army

Hib vaccine prevents from ?


Hep A and hep B recommendations

Hep A : 2 doses if you have one at anytime you can get the other one ( no need to repeat)

Hep B : 3 doses

Hep A and hep B recommendations

Hep A : 2 doses if you have one at anytime you can get the other one ( no need to repeat)

Hep B : 3 doses

ربي ذكرني ما قرأت و كتبت

و أرشدني الى الاجابة الصحيحة في الامتحان يا الله

Front (Term)


Incidence vs prevalence

incidence: New diagnosed patient with the disease within a year

Prevalence: All the people who have the disease right now

Case series and cross sectional studies features

No comparison No intervention

Case series measures qualitative and narrative

Cross sectional measures prevalence

Longitudinal study

There is a comparison of same groups over time

Longitudinal study

There is a comparison of same groups over time

This study measures the change in prevalence

Cohort study

Find the people who had exposure and follow up to see if they will have the disease, and Find the people who didn’t have exposure and follow up to see if they will have the disease

This study represented by Relative risk ( RR)

Cohort study ( prospective )

Find the people who had exposure and follow up to see if they will have the disease, and Find the people who didn’t have exposure and follow up to see if they will have the disease

This study represented by Relative risk ( RR)

Case-control study ( retrospective)

Find people who have the disease and look back in their history if they got exposure, And find people who don’t have the disease and look back in their history if they got exposure

This study represented by odd ration( OR )

Experimental study ( intervention study)

If no ones is blinded the study called open label(elevated BIAS)

If the blinded ones are the patients the study called single blind stud( less BIAS)

If everyone is blinded (patient and researchers) it’s called double blinded study(least BIAS

Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

H0 vs Ha hypothesis

H0: group1= group2

Ha: group 1 doesn’t = group 2

If P is small( < alfa) the H0 is rejected

If P is large( > alfa) the H0 is failed to be rejected

Alfa(a) significance level= 0.05

Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

H0 vs Ha hypothesis

H0: group1= group2

Ha: group 1 doesn’t = group 2

If P is small( < alfa) the H0 is rejected

If P is large( > alfa) the H0 is failed to be rejected

Alfa(a) significance level= 0.05

Increased the sample or size of study make the statistical power?


Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

H0 vs Ha hypothesis

H0: group1= group2

Ha: group 1 doesn’t = group 2

If P is small( < alfa) the H0 is rejected

If P is large( > alfa) the H0 is failed to be rejected

Alfa(a) significance level= 0.05

Increased the sample or size of study make the statistical power?


Probability Vs Odds

Probability= event/ event + non-event.

Odds = event/ non-event

Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

H0 vs Ha hypothesis

H0: group1= group2

Ha: group 1 doesn’t = group 2

If P is small( < alfa) the H0 is rejected

If P is large( > alfa) the H0 is failed to be rejected

Alfa(a) significance level= 0.05

Increased the sample or size of study make the statistical power?


Probability Vs Odds

Probability= event/ event + non-event.

Odds = event/ non-event

Relative risk ( cohort study) =

Probability of having a disease in people who exposed / probability of having a disease in people who haven’t exposed

Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

H0 vs Ha hypothesis

H0: group1= group2

Ha: group 1 doesn’t = group 2

If P is small( < alfa) the H0 is rejected

If P is large( > alfa) the H0 is failed to be rejected

Alfa(a) significance level= 0.05

Increased the sample or size of study make the statistical power?


Probability Vs Odds

Probability= event/ event + non-event.

Odds = event/ non-event

Relative risk ( cohort study) =

Probability of having a disease in people who exposed / probability of having a disease in people who haven’t exposed شوف البوست التالي

Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

H0 vs Ha hypothesis

H0: group1= group2

Ha: group 1 doesn’t = group 2

If P is small( < alfa) the H0 is rejected

If P is large( > alfa) the H0 is failed to be rejected

Alfa(a) significance level= 0.05

Increased the sample or size of study make the statistical power?


Probability Vs Odds

Probability= event/ event + non-event.

Odds = event/ non-event

Relative risk ( cohort study) =

Probability of having a disease in people who exposed / probability of having a disease in people who haven’t exposed شوف البوست التالي

RR =

Back (Definition)

Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

H0 vs Ha hypothesis

H0: group1= group2

Ha: group 1 doesn’t = group 2

If P is small( < alfa) the H0 is rejected

If P is large( > alfa) the H0 is failed to be rejected

Alfa(a) significance level= 0.05

Increased the sample or size of study make the statistical power?


Probability Vs Odds

Probability= event/ event + non-event.

Odds = event/ non-event

Relative risk ( cohort study) =

Probability of having a disease in people who exposed / probability of having a disease in people who haven’t exposed شوف البوست التالي

RR =

Back (Definition)

Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

H0 vs Ha hypothesis

H0: group1= group2

Ha: group 1 doesn’t = group 2

If P is small( < alfa) the H0 is rejected

If P is large( > alfa) the H0 is failed to be rejected

Alfa(a) significance level= 0.05

Increased the sample or size of study make the statistical power?


Probability Vs Odds

Probability= event/ event + non-event.

Odds = event/ non-event

Relative risk ( cohort study) =

Probability of having a disease in people who exposed / probability of having a disease in people who haven’t exposed شوف البوست التالي

RR = Probability of having a disease in people who exposed / probability of having a disease in people who haven’t exposed

Back (Definition)

Bias features

1. subjects:

(Hawthorne effect: observation leads to change in behavior

Recall: sick patients remember more )

2. Researchers:

Selection:groups differ at the baseline ( separation of the groups) Rx by randomization and matching

Observer: affect the researchers evaluation, Rx: double blinding


Confounding: when there is a factor( related to both exposure and outcome) interferes between exposure and outcome leading to disturbing the relationship between exposure and outcome, Rx: randomization, matching.

Effect modification: same confounding but the factor isn’t associated with exposure which leads to enhance the relationship between exposure and outcome

H0 vs Ha hypothesis

H0: group1= group2

Ha: group 1 doesn’t = group 2

If P is small( < alfa) the H0 is rejected

If P is large( > alfa) the H0 is failed to be rejected

Alfa(a) significance level= 0.05

Increased the sample or size of study make the statistical power?


Probability Vs Odds

Probability= event/ event + non-event.

Odds = event/ non-event

Relative risk ( cohort study) =

Probability of having a disease in people who exposed / probability of having a disease in people who haven’t exposed شوف البوست التالي

RR = Probability of having a disease in people who exposed / probability of having a disease in people who haven’t exposed

Back (Definition)

Odd ratio (OR) in case control study

OR= odds of positive exposure in people who have the disease/ odds of positive exposure in people who don’t have the disease

Back (Definition)

Odd ratio (OR) in case control study

OR= odds of positive exposure in people who have the disease/ odds of positive exposure in people who don’t have the disease

Back (Definition)

RR or OR values and its meaning

>1 positive association

=1 no association

< 1 negative association

Never needed to treat( NNT) and never needed to harm( NNH) calculation

NNT= 1/ ARR ( ARR means absolute risk reduction)

NNH= 1/AR ( AR means attributable risk)

Relative risk redaction ( RRR)


الحمد لله ربي نجحني و ارزقني

و دلني على الاجابة الصحيحة يا الله

If the confidence interval contain the Null vale ( 1.0) the P will be

> 0.05

But if doesn’t contain the the null vale the P will be < 0.05

Risk =

The number of diseased subjects/ total number of objects

يا ربي أنقذني

و أرشدني الى الاختيار الاصح في الامتحان يا قدير

Baseline characteristics are similar in distribution ??

Randomization is successful

Baseline characteristics are similar in distribution ??

Randomization is successful

Cross sectional study measured at the

Same time for the risk factor and outcome simultaneously

Cross sectional study measured at the

Same time for the risk factor and outcome simultaneously

The best statistical method to compare the means of two groups??

Two sample t test

Cross sectional study measured at the

Same time for the risk factor and outcome simultaneously

The best statistical method to compare the means of two groups??

Two sample t test

The statistical method to Compare more than 2 means ?


Matching is the efficient method to control?


Randomization to different interventions with additional study of >2 variables

Uses of 3 different anti hypertension drugs with 2 deferent variable BP endpoint

The difference between the 2 risk estimates( for example at 3 months the relative risk and P value measured then after one year they measured again) best explained ?

Latency period

True positive rate and false positive rate representation?

True positive rate = sensitivity

False positive rate= 1- specificity

The most effective intervention to improve the quality of patient care ??

Pharmacist-direct intervention

The tighter the confidence interval the result is more ??


Being free of the disease ( انتبه على صيغة الجملة ) is

Negative predictive value(NPV)

patient with high probability of having a disease will have low NPV, while who have low probability of having a disease will have high NPV.

Cross sectional study measured at the

Same time for the risk factor and outcome simultaneously

ربي فهمني و علمني

و دلني على الاجابة الصحيحة يا ربي

The best statistical method to compare the means of two groups??

Two sample t test

The statistical method to Compare more than 2 means ?


Matching is the efficient method to control?


Randomization to different interventions with additional study of >2 variables

Uses of 3 different anti hypertension drugs with 2 deferent variable BP endpoint

True positive rate and false positive rate representation?

True positive rate = sensitivity

False positive rate= 1- specificity

True positive rate and false positive rate representation?

True positive rate = sensitivity

False positive rate= 1- specificity

The most effective intervention to improve the quality of patient care ??

Pharmacist-direct intervention

The tighter the confidence interval the result is more ??


Being free of the disease ( انتبه على صيغة الجملة ) is

Negative predictive value(NPV)

patient with high probability of having a disease will have low NPV, while who have low probability of having a disease will have high NPV.

Cross sectional study measured at the

Same time for the risk factor and outcome simultaneously

ربي فهمني و علمني

و دلني على الاجابة الصحيحة يا ربي

The best statistical method to compare the means of two groups??

Two sample t test

The statistical method to Compare more than 2 means ?


Matching is the efficient method to control?


Randomization to different interventions with additional study of >2 variables

Uses of 3 different anti hypertension drugs with 2 deferent variable BP endpoint

True positive rate and false positive rate representation?

True positive rate = sensitivity

False positive rate= 1- specificity

True positive rate and false positive rate representation?

True positive rate = sensitivity

False positive rate= 1- specificity

The most effective intervention to improve the quality of patient care ??

Pharmacist-direct intervention

The tighter the confidence interval the result is more ??


Being free of the disease ( انتبه على صيغة الجملة ) is

Negative predictive value(NPV)

patient with high probability of having a disease will have low NPV, while who have low probability of having a disease will have high NPV.

Correlation coefficient

Shows the strength and the direction of the association

If the confidence interval contain the null value(1.0) it means the study is

Not statistically significant and the P vale will be > 0.05

In contrast when the confidence interval doesn’t contain the null value ( 1.0) the study will be statistically significant and the P value will be < 0.05

If the confidence interval contain the null value(1.0) it means the study is

Not statistically significant and the P vale will be > 0.05

In contrast when the confidence interval doesn’t contain the null value ( 1.0) the study will be statistically significant and the P value will be < 0.05

احفظ هاد التشارت و استخدم قوانينك نفسها و بالعقل

Back (Definition)

If the test is negative the probability of having a disease is

1-negative predictive value

If the test is negative the probability of having a disease is

1-negative predictive value

Standard deviation

Back (Definition)

Cphort study compare ??

The disease incidence

Case control study compare ?

Risk factor frequency

Clinical trial compare ?

For outcome of interest

Cross sectional study compare

Disease prevalence

Scattered plots can demonstrate the type of association??

Linear, non linear..etc

Prevalence and PPV/NPV chart

Increased prevalence: increased PPV, decreased NPV

Decreased prevalence: decreased PPV, increased NPV

The test improves the prognosis of patient with the disease, what is the potential problem in this statement?

Lead-time bias

The test improves the prognosis of patient with the disease, what is the potential problem in this statement?

Lead-time bias

Some of the groups members are lost to follow up by the end of the study and weren’t included in the final result, bias??

Selection bias

In rare diseases ( like toxic shock syndrome) the odds ration is approximately equal??

To relative risk

The statistical method to assess proportions ( schedule 2*2 ) is

Chi-square test

The statistical method to assess proportions ( schedule 2*2 ) is

Chi-square test

Attributed risk percentage(ARP)

ARP= (RR-1)/RR

The statistical method to assess proportions ( schedule 2*2 ) is

Chi-square test

Attributed risk percentage(ARP)

ARP= (RR-1)/RR

الحمد لله ربي ذكرني ما كتبت و قرأت

و دلني على الاجابة الصحيحة في الامتحان يا الله

الحمد لله ربي ذكرني ما كتبت و قرأت

و دلني على الاجابة الصحيحة في الامتحان يا الله