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65 Cards in this Set

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banned but still present, accumulate inliver, associated with birth defects, livercancer
National Environmental Policy act of 1970
Requires Environmental impact statements(EIS)
FIFRA: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide andRodenticide Act, 1972
Provides EPA with authority over sale and use ofpesticides including registration and labeling• Producers of pesticides must register with EPA• EPA establishes “tolerances” for agricultural use ofpesticides
Toxic Substances Control Act 1976(responsible agency EPA)
Regulates chemicals currently in existencethat may be imminently hazardous• Prevents new chemicals that present "anunreasonable risk of injury to health or theenvironment" from entering the market• Requires manufacturers to report content,use, health and environmental effects ofchemicals
These are exempt from the Substance control Act?
Food, food additives,drugs, cosmetics, anddevices
criteria pollutants regulatedby the Clean Air Act include?
CO, Lead, NO2, Ozone,SO2, Particulate Matter (PM10, PM2.5)
Most common type of air pollution disaster?
What are the green house gases?
Carbon dioxide-CO2• Methane- CH4• Nitrous oxide -N2O• Fluorinated gases-hydrofluorocarbons,perfluorocarbons
some health effects of climate change?
Incr vector-borne infectious diseases, particulate matter and, in ‘ground-level ozone’ increasein asthma and chronic lung diseases
True or false. Clean Water Act of 1972 (EPA) applies to drinking water

For recreational waters only

What is the optimal concentration in floride in the public hwater
0.7 L
Top five deadliest foodborne illnesses
salmonella(nontyphoidal), toxoplasma gondii,listeria monocytogenes, norovirus,campylobacter spp.
USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service regulates which acts?
• Federal Meat Inspection Act• Poultry Products Inspection Act• Egg Products Inspection Act
Miller Amendment 1954 concerns?
Food Quality Protection Act (formerly Delaye Clause)
regulation of pesticides to standard of “no harm”to levels all pesticides used on foods, updatedregulation of carcinogens
High-temperature-short-time (HTST) pasteruization?
-Minimum temp- 72 C(162 F)for 15 seconds-performed with a continuous flow heat exchange
•Ultrapasteurization/ultra high temperature processing (UHT)
-137.8 degrees C (280 degrees F) for at least 2 seconds-UHT milk is packaged aseptically,has long shelf-life, no need to refrigerate before opening
NEPA of 1970
•Environmental impact statements•Requires review of short and long-termbenefits•Requires list of resources that would bedepleted
Marine Protection,Research and SanctuariesAct (EPA,1972)
Prevents ocean dumping if adverse effects(human or marine)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act-RCRA• (EPA,1976)
- controls hazardous waste- includes mixtures containing hazwaste,byproducts of hazwaste treatment- “Cradle to Grave” coverage from point ofgeneration to disposal- Includes requirements for transportation andtemporary storage of hazardous waste- Requires monitoring for 30 years after life oftemporary storage facility
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act-RCRA• (EPA,1976)
controls hazardous waste- includes mixtures containing hazwaste,byproducts of hazwaste treatment- “Cradle to Grave” coverage from point ofgeneration to disposal- Includes requirements for transportation andtemporary storage of hazardous waste- Requires monitoring for 30 years after life oftemporary storage facility
Comprehensive Environmental Response,Compensation, and Liabilities Act (CERCLA)EPA, 1980
“Superfund”Act -For management of uncontrolled disposal of hazardous waste -Superfund ensures funds for cleanup (via taxes)
Superfund Amendments andReauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)
Emergency Planning and CommunityRight-to Know Act • provides for EMS notification ofstorage sites for industrial areas

extends CERCLA scope toprovide cleanup of uncontrolled orabandoned hazwaste sites

principal mechanism EPA uses to place uncontrolled waste sites on the National Priorities List (NPL
Hazard Ranking System (do NOT = priority for funding)
What factors are included in the Hazard Ranking System
likelihood that a site has released or has the potential to release hazardous substances into the environment;characteristics of the waste (e.g. toxicity and waste quantity); andpeople or sensitive environments (targets) affected by the release.
Which act established the National Priority List -list based on HRS
True or false? The safe drinking water act covers well water.
True or false? Alpha participles are absorbed by the skin?
True or false? Alpha participles can be inhaled, and thus are dangerous
True or false? Beta participles are absorbed by the skin?
Amount of radiation present at one time inone sample of matter:
Becquerel (Bq) orCurie (Ci)
Dose of radiation absorbed in tissue:
Gray(Gy) or rad (1 Gy=100 rad)
Established the National response system
what are the health effects and cause of death for radition exposures between 0.7 and 10Gy
Hematopoietic syndrome


what are the health effects and cause of death for radition exposures dose greater than approximately 10 Gy
Gasterointestinal system, death usually occurs in two weeks from electrolyte/dehydrate/malaborption
what are the health effects and cause of death for radition exposuresdose > 50 Gy
Cardiovascular (CV)/ Central Nervous System (CNS)syndrome

Death occurs within 3 days due to collapse of the circulatorysystem and increased ICP

Energy Reorganization Act of 1974
gives DOE responsibility for nuclearweapons, nuclear power-establishes the Nuclear RegulatoryCommission (NRC) as regulatory agency(except defense nuclear facilities)
What are the ALARA--’as low as reasonably achievable’
Less than 2 mrem in any one hour from externalradiation sources in any unrestricted area.• Less than 100 mrem in a calendar year from bothexternal and internal sources of radiation
True or false? Radon 222 admits beta particles
False. It emits beta particles.
EPA's recommended action guideline level for radon 222
4picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L)-yearly average.
heat stressindex incorporating effects of humidity, wind,radiation and air temperature
WBGT-wet bulb globe temp
Core body temperate for heat stroke
105 degrees
core body temp for heat exhaution
102 degrees
core body temp for hypotherma
At risk groups for heat illess




What are the four criterion listed by the National Ambient Air Quality Standard?

*Particulate Matter (coarse particles [soil based materials], fine particles [from combustion]

* Sulfur dioxide (from coal burning, acid rain, worsens asthma)

*Nitrogen Oxides (biproduct of burning petroleum products and indoor stoves, cause upper and low airway irritation

*Carbon Monoxide (produced from various fuels; autos produce the most CO; can use carboxyhemoglobin as a marker of exposure dose)

*Lead (regulated at <10 mcg/dl

Zero levels in water are set for which microorganisms?

Crytosporidium, Giardia, Legionell, coliform bacteria, and enteric virus

Most common water toxicant?


Facts about Campylobacter

* Most common cause of diarrhea in industrialized nations

* Often precedes Guillin-Barre syndrome

* Abdominal pain and cramping may mimic appendicitis

Who should receive antibiotics when infected with Salmonella?

Carriers who have a positive culture one month after acute illness AND reason for eradication, e.g., day care workers, food handlers. family members with immunodeficiency.

Heat stroke

* core body temp 41 deg (105.8)

*LOC, confused, lacking sweat, dry skin

* Provide fluids, wet skin

Heat exhaustion

Presents w/ headache, nausea, vertigo, weakness, thirst, and giddiness

*remove from heat, rest, fluids

Heat cramps

Due to electrolyte imbalance in manual labors

Heat fatigue

Impaired performance of skilled sensorimotor, mental, or vilance jobs, usuallyu caused by lake of acclimatization

*Remove from heat and acclimate.

Stages of hypothermia

* Core body temp should not be allowed to drop lower than 35 deg C.


* Core body temp should not be allowed to drop lower than 35 deg C.

Determinist effect

Threshold or non-stochastic effects, e.g, cataract formation

Stochastic effect

All-or none response (probability of effect increases with radiation dose while the severity is independent of dose)

Threshold limit for non-ionizing radiation

Maximum unprotected workplace field strength or radiation field under which al workers can be repeatedly exposed without adverse health effects

Point source pollution

A single identifiable sources of air, water, thermal, noise, or light pollution.

Non-Point source pollution

*comes from many sources sources

*caused by rain fall or snow melt moving over and through the ground.

* Run-off deposits in lakes, wetlands, and underground sources of drinking water.

Which criteria pollutant is also a significigant source of indoor pollution?

Nitrogen dioxide.

*Sources: kerson stoves, gas furnances, gas cooking stoves

What is the least reliable tool to assess carbon monoxide poisoning?

Oxygen staturation:

(carboxyhemoglobin levels > 10% suggest carbomonoxide exposure)

22. A researcher administers 100 mg of a drug to a group of mice. Half of the mice are found dead 3 days later. The researcher concludes that the:


LOEL for this drug is 50 mg.


LD50 for this drug is 50 mg.

Correct answerC)

LD50 for this drug is 100 mg.


NOAEL for this drug is 100 mg.

Answer: C. The LD50 (lethal dose 50%) is defined as the dose causing death in 50% of test animals which occurred in this case with a dose of 100 mg. LOEL stands for “lowest observable effect level,” indicating the lowest dose at which a specified effect is first observed. NOAEL stands for “no observable adverse effect level,” indicating the highest dose at which no adverse effects are observed.

A group of workers are exposed to a radiation dose of 5 Sieverts (500 REM). The most likely health effects within the next 24 hours would be:


Coma and death



Missed correct answerC)

Nausea and vomiting

Incorrect answerD)

Cough and fever

Answer: C. A total body exposure to 5 Sieverts (Sv) would result in hematopoetic syndrome in those exposed; however, in the first 24 hours health effects would consist of nausea and vomiting. Bone marrow damage would follow from 1-6 weeks later, followed by a period of recovery.

What percent of disease has arise from human modification of the ecosystem?

24% and 1/3 in children