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73 Cards in this Set

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Millankovitch Orbit Variations

1. Orbital eccentricity with a periodicity of 100,000 years

2. Axial tilt or obliquity with a periodicity of 41,000 years

3. Precession of the equinoxes with a periodicity of about 21,000 years

Stratospheric Ozone layer

Capacity to absorb incoming solar ultraviolet radiation. (Warms stratosphere maintains steep inversion of temperature between 15&50km above surface, affecting connective processes & circulation in the troposphere below.


Compounds mainly responsible for stratospheric ozone depletions.

"most important" green house gasses

Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour & nitrous oxide. (Those occur naturally)

Radiative Forcing

A measure of how the energy balance in the earth-atmosphere system is influenced when factors that affect climate are changed. (The effectiveness of these gases in causing climate change)

Positive radiative forcing

Energy of the earth's atmosphere increases, leading to warming

Negative radiative forcing

Energy decrease = cooling

2 types of responses to climate change

Migration & adaptation

Migration (climate change)

The reduction of the rate of climatic change via the management of its drivers (the emission of GHGs from fossil fuel combustion, agriculture, land use changes, cement production etc.)

Adaptation (to climate change)

The process of adjustment to actual or expected climate & its effects, in order to moderate harm or exploit beneficial opportunities.


Highest "sphere" 50-85km.


Middle "sphere" 17-50km. Ozone depletion


Lowest "sphere" (0-9/17km)

Most exchange /w Earth's surface. Pollutants accumulated

Terrestrial radiation

Emitted from the surface of the earth. *Primarily due to warming of the Earth (excess). LONG WAVELENGTH

Solar radiation

Large amount produced from the sun, not all of it reaches the earth. SHORT WAVELENGTH


Reflection of solar radiation. (Ex. Snow! Stays cold high albedo)

Decrease of albedo (dirt) more absorption and more warming.


Absorb longwave radiation (terrestrial) absorbs energy = warms up.

Increased GHG levels = increased longwave absorbtion.

Sulphur dioxide

Not ghg. Reflects longwave radiation. Acid rain tho. Comes from volcanoes, can cool atmosphere

Tectonic plates

Have moved landforms around into different biomes (tropical forest in norway)

Nitrous oxide

Fertilizers, combustion

Classic water - greenhouse effect feedback

Higher atmospheric temperature > increased water evaporation > increased water vapour (GHG) absorbs more longwave radiation > rising temperatures = POSITIVE FEEDBACK

Cloud cover feedback

Increased atmospheric water vapour cools & condenses (condensation-occurs when temperature cools) > forms clouds (air rising & cooling = clouds) > increased cloud cover = can be positive or negative (depends on time and cloud type)

High Cirrus clouds

Minimal reflection of incoming short wave radiation (low albedo).

Absorbtion of outgoing longwave radiation (water vapour is a GHG) = warming effect POSITIVE FEEDBACK

Lower stratocumulus clouds

Much thicker (dark & cool under them)

Highly reflective of incoming shortwave radiation (high albedo)

Absorbtion of outgoing longwave = emission of longwave > neutral.

Overall cooling effect (NEGATIVE FEEDBACK)

Carbon dioxide feedback

Increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations>increased plant growth (more abundant biomass: terrestrial, marine: carbon sinks) > decreased atmospheric CO2 concentrations = NEGATIVE FEEDBACK (offsetting global warming)

Ice & snow albedo feedback

Increased temperature > increased melting of ice & snow>lowers albedo (less reflection) > warming = positive feedback

*Main reasons why polar regions are warming to a greater degree

Dark snow cycle

Increased pollution (dust), wildfires & soot can make snow surface darker > lower albedo > warming = positive feedback

Methane storage feedback

Thawing permafrost & deep sea ice releases methane stored in it (as temperature rises) as bubbles > increased absorbtion of longwave radiation in atmosphere = positive feedback


Mass of frozen ground as water freezes it expands. Dirt accumulates on it, decomposing **** rel were methane which gets trapped in the frozen soil. (Methane storage feedback)

Methane hydrate

Water molecules freeze around molecule of methane (water melts & freezes) sediments in permafrost + ocean sediments deeper than 450m.

Global dimming

Reduction in light getting through to earth (from polluted dark clouds)

Suspended particulate matter

Tiny particles that stay in the air. Ex. Smoky air from fires

Sulphur dioxide

Burning of fossil fuels & forests (organic material has lots of sulphur)


The variability among living organisms from all sources including interalia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part: this includes diversity within a species, between species and of ecosystems.

Genetic Diversity

Variation between individuals & between population of a species

Species Diversity

Different types of animals,plants & other life forms within a region

Ecosystem diversity

Variety of habitats found in an area

Biggest threat of species loss

Habitat loss/degradation

Direct drivers on biodiversity

Habitat loss & degradation

Climate change

Excessive nutrient load & other forms of pollution

Over-exploitation & unsustainable use

Invasive alien species

Endemic species

Species that occur in only one or few specialized locations

Extinction Debt

Time lag between cause & effect

High biodiversity areas

Tropical rain forests, coral reefs, wet lands & mangroves.

Keystone species

Species whose impact on its community is disproportionately large relative to its abundance. Hence, removal of a keystone species from its ecosystem can lead to a series of extinctions in that ecosystem.

Dead zones

Decomposing algae use up oxygen in the water, to leave large areas virtually devoid of marine life.

Conservation methods on biodiversity

Control or exterminate "pests"

Give spiritual or religious significance

Regulate trade in endangered species & their products

How much of earth's land and sea are protected?

Earth 13%

Sea 0.65%

Hot spots

25 biodiversity hotspots exist

44% of vascular plants

35% of all species in 4 vertebrate groups

Only 1.4% of earth's land surface

*Human population growth rate higher in these areas

Main human impacts on biodiversity

Domestication, dispersal, expansion, species' population decline

Domestication (impacts)

Selective breeding (people figured out how animals & plants reproduce and how to control it) > changes (enhances or suppresses) characteristics

Various drivers: attitudes, values, technology, economy

6 main obstacles of domesticating certain wild species

Diet not easily supplied by humans (anteaters)

Slow growth rate and long birth spacing (elephants & gorillas)

Nasty disposition (bear)

Reluctance to breed in captivity (panda)

Lack of follow-the-leader dominance hierarchies (antelope)

Tendency to panic in enclosures or when faced /w predators (gazelle)

**Undomesticated species often related with endangerment

Dispersal (species)

Improvement of transportation technology (bring new species all over the world)

Migration and globalization

Expansion (population increase and distribution)

Habitat changes may be favourable to particular species

Introduced species direct & indirect effects

Affects species already there

Species population decline

Refers to numbers & distribution of animals

May ultimately lead to extinction

Threated species

Abundant in some places (may not be declining everywhere)

Declined significantly

Extirpation (some places that used to home the species no longer do)

Endangered species

In imminent danger of extinction (conservation not attempted or not working)

Ex. Costa Rican golden frog

Greater risk of decline

Large body size

>Bigger=lower population


>Dependent on lower trophic levels


Narrow habitat tolerance

Valuable products

Hunted w/o effective management



Reproduce in few, large groups

Lower risk of decline

Small body size

Smaller=higher population

Scavenger, grazer, herbivores

>More flexible diet

Wide habitat tolerance

No valued products

Hunted in managed areas


Widely distributed

Reproduce in pairs, small groups

K selected species

Long gestation, small litter

Prolonged maternal care, late maturity

Reproduce once per year or longer

Usually close to carrying capacity

Low genetic diversity (=low fertility)

R selected species

Short gestation, 2+ per litter

Young become independent early

Rapid maturity, >1 breed per year

Can exploit many environments

High genetic diversity

Dams have been used for...(time)

5k years. For water & energy


Using reservoirs: allowing the impoundment & regulation of river flow

Large dam

Above 15m

Major dam

Above 150m

Top 5 dam building countries

China, USA, India, Spain & Japan

=80% of all large dams

China=50% of all major dams

How much of the world's irrigated cropland depends on dams?


Broad spatial regions associated with dams

The dam & its reservoir

Upstream area

Downstream area

Hydrological impacts of dams

Water quality, temperature, discharge volumes.

Deep down in reservoir = cold. Pressured water that goes through dam to downstream comes from the bottom so it's cold>impacts?

Water quality (dam effects)

Oxygen levels. Upstream/reservoir low in oxygen because it's very still. Higher temperatures = less oxygen

Water discharge (dam effects)

How much water in river.

Dams: electricity generated instantly as water runs through. > Peak frequency times, suddenly lots of water goes through.

Pedologic (soil) (dam effects)

Salinization, silt deprivation.

Stop a river from flooding. Old flood plain doesn't get fresh fuel deposit.

Soil erosion can occur.

Silt & sediment drops to bottom of reservoir>water going through is clear>doesn't deposit good soils.

**Environmental justice

Salinization (dam effects)

On rock that contains lots of salt. (Canadian prairies)

Dams built for irrigation. Reservoir sits on salt soil>soil erodes into water>farmers use salt irrigated water>hurts plants & soils.

Most widespread contamination of water

Pathogens from human waste (spreads disease)

Leading non-point source of pollutants in water

Agriculture: sediments, pesticides & nutrients especially nitrogen and phosphorus.