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50 Cards in this Set

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Ancient Greeks

Delayed age of marriage of men to 30


Recommended that men should not marry earlier than the age of 30, when sexual desires was less strong, in order to avoid too many children

Thomas Robert Malthus

Created Malthusian Theory of Population

Malthusian Theory of Population

- Essay on principle of human population

- Human populations grow exponentially while food production grows @ an arithmetic rate

Moral Restraint, Celibacy

Controls to population suggested by Thomas Malthus

Natural Selection

Foundation in Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution by ____

Garett Hardin

Tragedy of the Commons

Tragedy of Commons

- living on a lifeboat (article)

- freedom to breed is intolerable

- indiv users acting independently accdng to self interest behave contrary to common good of all users

- increase privatization of property and resources to limit access to free riders

China's One Child Policy

- 1979

- Parents who adhere were rewarded with benefits and subsidies

- Gov't employees have 20% cut in basic salary for 2nd child

Intrauterine Device


Julian Simon

Ultimate resource is population


- Promote view that the more the better

- rejects idea that earth has finite sources and carrying capacity

- combines Adam Smith's invisible hand market

Adam Smith's Invisible Hand

Self-regulation with belief that technology can overcome all human problems


Totality of organisms of the same species observed in a specific geographical region at a particular time

Gene flow

Refers to the movement of genetic material within a defined group


Number of individuals in a population

Population Density

Number of individuals per unit area

Minimal Viable Population

Smallest number of individuals which can exist without extinction due to random catastrophic variations in the environment, reproduction, and genetic diversity

- Uniform dispersion

- Random dispersion

- Clumped dispersion

Patterns of population distribution

Uniform Dispersion

More or less equally spaced apart

Random Dispersion

No predictable pattern

Clumped dispersion

Clustered in groups

Age-sex Structure

The composition of a population as determined by the number of proportion of males and females in each age category

Birth rate

Number of births per individual within the population per unit time

Death rate

Number of deaths per individual within the population per unit time

Life expectancy

Average survival time for an individual

Exponential Growth (J-curve)

Increasing very slow at first, but later growing at accelerating rates which show no sign of nearing carrying capacity

Logistic Growth (S-curve)

Population expansion decreases as it reaches carrying capacity

Lag Phase

- Low population density

- Adjusting to new environment

- Not reached sexual maturity

Exponential Phase

- Have adjusted

- Reproduction commences

- Increase in individuals

Stationary / Plateau Phase

- Competition for resources

- Birth rate = death rate

- Fluctuating due to resource availability

Carrying Capacity

Maximum number of individuals that can be supported by a particular ecosystem

Demographic transition model

1) Pre-transition

2) Early transition

3) Late transition

4) Post-transition

Expansive (Concave)



Patterns through time

Growth rate of population

- change in population size per member of the population per unit of time

- rate=birth rate - death rate

Doubling Time

- length of time it will take for a population to double in size


Limiting Factor

- Factors that prevent the further increase of the population

- abiotic and biotic


- small size

- many offspring produced

- early maturity

- short life expectancy

- each individual reproduces more

- type 3 survivorship pattern


- large size

- few offspring

- late maturity, after prolonged period of parental care

- long life expectancy

- type 1 or 2 pattern

Carrying Capacity


- movement of people from the countryside to towns and cities

- sinks for resources

Location of cities

Climate, topography, and waterways help determine urban growth

Urban sprawl

Expansion of human populations away from urban centers into a low-density, and usually car-dependent communities

- Sustainability

- Ecological footprint analysis

- Smart cities

Solutions: populations and sustainable growth

Ecological Footprint

- preliminary tool to asses sustainability

- amount of land area you will need to sustain your current lifestyle

Smart city

- efficient in public transportation

- intelligent use of land

- quality of life

- innovate governance

- make a bigger pie

- put fewer forks on table

- teach better manners

Contribute to ultimate solutions